Back to business- Hows harvest coming?

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
It is what it is, hope for the best, pray for the right. How are you all doing with your harvest. No injuries I hope. This year beans were dismal for me, glad I took the revenue insurance. Corn yields were average for the soil, if price bottoms out maybe I"ll have a claim. I have to now figure out how to get my yield averages up the next 2 years. Need poop and rain. Have the poop, need a lot off that scarce rain.
Not good , been a bad year with breakdowns with all my buddys . Had big problems with the chopper , problems with wheels breaking on the silage wagons now it is problems with the combines . Radiator split at the seam on John Boys 55 Deere sunday and he got her really hot as the gauge did not show hot till he started to smeel it then when he looked at the gauge it all of a sudden jumped into the red . So that one is down .We went over to help and other friend to help get his corn off so he could switch back to the bean head that is on it's last legsand come back and do Johns last beans and yesterday morning as i was checking out the one tractor while Wade was shelling i found that one of the axle clamp bolts had broken on the 966 So that tractor was out of the game plan for the day and back to just one tractor haulen wagons to the elevator . Managed to get done with corn by noon and went and switched head but had to do more patchen on the old bean head . Got that fixed and we did get about 6 acres done before the head broke some place else . Just waiting on Wade to get back with parts so we and patch it up for the last if it can make it 15 acres. I have spent vary little time in the field and more time twisten wrenches and burning rod.
Lets see,first combine ate a hedge post,ended up replacing the rotor on 2366 Case/IH,few minor welding jobs,broke a driveshaft in one of the trucks,one wheel on the cart sank in a wash on the edge of a field,had to hook a dozer on the tractor to pull it out,combine caught on fire but didnt burn too bad before putting it out with fire extinguisher,field caught on fire from gas burning truck something fell off of exhaust and started burning stalks.Blown tire,oil leaks,lots of other stuff already forgot about.
Beans were dismal as they were last year. Beans are always kinda dismal in this local area, for the last 15 years they've only had one good year. Guess that is wht we are near 2/3 corn, 1/3 beans right around here.

Corn got a hail storm, plus 2 other wind storms that snapped off 10% of my plants at the ground when about knee high. Was mostly too wet this year, and too cool, tho for one month it was rather dry. Wouldn't dry down, was middle of Oct before it dropped to 30% moisture.

Never had so much corn in my life. Still hauling it all away, got 15 acres left out there. So tired I'm not sure what I'm typing.

i didn't do any beans this year with the price of fertilizer. my oats turned out to fill a feed delivery truck to the top ofa 'bout 12 acres but my corn is still too wet to combine. combined enough to grind fer now.
DF in WI

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