OT second amendment

bill mart

Well-known Member
interesting view in regards to the second amendment

Its not only a view but the truth. And like always insane people and criminals don"t care how many laws you pass they always have guns the only ones they regulate guns away from are those law abiding citizens like that poor woman in the video that had to watch her parents die while they were defenseless.
Still think B.O. is going to cut taxes for 95% of the people? The last nnalert that called for tax cuts was JFK. Reagan did the same and gave us the most profitable years this country has ever seen. Too much power and influence comes from tax favors. I doubt ANY in Washington is going to give tax cuts to any of us.
Yes I believe he will cut taxes for the middle class.... After they are raised back to the pre-Bush tax cut levels.

Thus, net effect is we will all be paying more taxes.

Worst case... (and most likely..) "This un-presidented down turn in the economy requires that we all sacrifice for thoes who ...."
If you listened to Barry and his people (and only Barry and his people) you'd think he was the second coming of Reagan.

According to him he's going to cut taxes, cut spending, he's a constitution scholar that believes every American has the right to own firearms and he's apposed to abortion. He's a church going Christian and supportive of family values.

Anyone that even questions the above is a racist and subject to government investigation (ask Joe the Plumber).
couldnt watch the whole vidio (dial up, no high speed here yet) if so many people ase opposed to bo how is it that he got elected, nobody seems to be willing to admit that they voted for the man,our gun control laws are much worse here and we also have problems here as well, all gun controls do is take guns from law abiding people. criminals and nut cases still find a way to get them
When you hear the words "Common sense gun laws", be afraid. Look what happened to England and Austrailia. Oh, we just want you to register your guns, makes it safer for everybody. Then, hand then over, you have no need for them, we have the police for your protection. Obum and his friends are coming. Going to be an entertaining year, and not in a fun way either.
And, Mr. Bob, when we find out this financial crisis is worse than it already is, you'll blame external_link. Even though he didn't create it.

Get your guns, you hillbillies. Criminy. We've been though several Democratic administrations, and you still have them. I have no idea why you think you're going to lose them now.
Read all about ACORN and you will see how bo was elected. He is a wonderful example of a politician; tell the sheep what they want to hear, abandon your 20 year mentor when he is exposed as a bigot, etc.. Read ob's books and see how his rhetoric has changed, see if you can find his first PBS interview, when he was first elected in Illinois and see how different his campaign was.
Read up on the gun laws ob tried to get enacted in Illinois, and read his statements about guns and religion. He is an old time politico; "Say what the people you are talking to want to hear."
Get your guns, you hillbillies. Criminy. We've been though several Democratic administrations, and you still have them. I have no idea why you think you're going to lose them now.


Unless you live in California, Illinois, Washington DC, New York or Massachusetts, then you only get a weapon if the government decides you need one or only the "government approved" weapon.
The old argument of the gun control crowd is that the 2nd Amendment applies only to State militia. A new Supreme Court may decide to go that way. But the key word is "people". In every other amendment where the word PEOPLE appears, it is clearly understood and accepted that it is an individual right that is being protected. And remember that these amendments do not "grant" rights to the citizens, the amendments preserve rights that existed prior to the Constitution.
(quoted from post at 06:15:08 11/19/08) Is this what all of you are talking about?


OK I am going to give my two cents on this very touchy subject!
First of all I am a proud gun owner in IL.We have all been through
democratic presidents before,and at those given times i had alot more money in my pockets than now. Secondly if we have four more years of a nnalert we will not be able to afford ammunition for our guns. And last but not least what everyone seems to forget is THEY ARE ALL
In regards to Australia you don't know what you are talking about.
I have 5 guns in my cupboard but they must be registered.but I have them.
What caused all this ,was some Loose cannon loaded his rifle into his car, drove to Port Arthur in Tasmania then proceeded to slaughter 35 people. Public outcry was the catalyst.
As I said, Registration is just the start. Look what happened in England. Registration first, than confiscation. They got your name now, you are just another vote/bill away. Let another "nut" run wild, and you'll probably find out. That's all the excuse they'll need. You'll still have kooks running about, maybe then they'll use swords, like I read about happening in England. Jack

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