since its been mentioned a few times already.

I was a fabricator at a auto parts manufacturing plant.

One nite the machine that transfers the parts in the dies malfunctioned and the parts kept stacking up in one spot in the million dollar dies. After about 10 sheet metal parts in one stack the pressure became so great in the 1000 ton press that the die exploded. Lucky nobody was close when it let loose.

To fix the die we took turns welding on the die to rebuild it cause once we started welding we could not let the die cool till we were all done welding. 4 guys took turns welding 24 hours straight. 125 lbs of rod were used.

It took 48 hours to reshape and polish the die.

The second biggest mechanical malfunction would be when seeing final drives of a combine explode.

saw one of our silo unloaders crash this fall,fell about 30' into a soft silage pile,no one was hurt,luckily,was pretty scary to say the leat.
When I was a mechanic in a Chevy dealer, we had a customer's new pickup fall off the lift once (by the way, it wasn't me!). It was one of those twin post, above ground units. It wasn't correctly set up on the arms and one of them slipped out and the truck fell from about 6 feet and landed sideways between the posts. Fortunately, nobody was under it! It was sure fun to get it out of there, too.
Good Luck and God Bless.
Missed seeing it but loading bay still has the patches in the reinforced concrete floor.
They were craning a 400ton main generator rotor from 591" elv to 639".
There was some discussion about the slings being plenty short but the "gun ho" foreman insisted all was ok, shut up, quit goofing off and lift.
Needless to say the rotor slipped a sling, one end feel free and the rotor dropped to the floor.
The women in the adjoining offices thought the adjacent nuclear unit had blown up. Some had lost control of their bladders so the entire office staff was sent home.
The gantry crane when suddenly unloaded, sprang up enough to make the steel wheels bounce on the track rails.
When I was Asst. Service Manager for a GM store, a fellow dropped his car off for brake work. As our service area was parked full, he parked it across the alley in front of a pizza parlor. The City electric office was on the other side of the pizza parlor.

Before I had a chance to move the car needing brake work, a delivery semi tried to get into the alley to make a delivery of supplies to the pizza place, but couldn't make the turn because the car was in the way. One of the City Electric employees saw the situation, thought he'd be helpful and went to move the car. He had no way of knowing it had no brakes and drove it through the front wall of the pizza parlor.

The poor guy said, "I was just trying to be helpful". Thankfully, no one was hurt.

The City's insurance ultimately got stuck with the bill for putting a new wall in the pizza place because the City employee WAS on duty at the time.
I saw a twin roter helicopter,Chinook, beat itself to death once during runnup after it had been overhauled.Someone didnt time the roters right or at all.Messy,parts and shards of sheetmetal flying everywhere. Hoss
I was at the coop unloading grain. They had a semi truck up on a truck lift when one of the cylinders came loose with the truck all the way up. When it came down it blew out 8 tires on the truck, drove the trailer dollies through the floor and one of the clinders went through the side of a grain bin. After that they took out the lift and only unloaded hoppers or dumps.
Tractor related, probably when custom combining in the UK. The farm was carting grain from the combines with 120 hp MF tractors on 12 and 14 ton grain trailers. It was a wet years and one trailer sank in. They arrived with an FW30/Steiger to pull it out. The guy hooked a chain to the front of the MF, and took a good run at the slack chain. He got quite a distance down the field before looking behind and findin only half the MF still attached to the chain.
Was waiting on a load of concrete. Live on a hill, Guy came over the hill a little fast. Tried to gear-down, Couldn't get it back in gear. Knocked down a liveoak tree, laid the truck on it's side with the back end of the mixer on the front porch of the local Methodist Church down the street. Dumped the whole load in the front door.
Lived near a curve just off post in NC. Heard two head on car collisions one summer. The sound of two cars hitting each other head on at 70 mph makes a very distinct sound. One that I will never forget. When I heard the second one, I knew exactly what happened again. Think of collapsing tin and then speed it until it is one sound. Not a solid sound like a hammer hitting an anvil.
Missed seeing this by just seconds but about 20 yrs ago in a small town near us, somebody was (for some reason) driving a big articulated pan scraper thru the older retail biz section of town (smaller streets). Those pans can get some speed up, if you"ve ever watched "em close. The operator was into the throttle pretty good when he came up to a traffic light and swung hard - and drifted wide - for a right turn. Ended up in the oncoming lane and LF wheel went squarely into the front end of some small import car sitting at the light. Went right over the grille, radiator, hood, engine, and he finally got it stopped as it hit and blew out the windshield. Splayed both front wheels of the compact out like a cartoon car hit with a mallet. Car driver was unscratched but probably had to empty his drawers. After everyone realized the driver was ok, there was lots of laughing and pointing before the cops got there.

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