farm subisities


Well-known Member

It looks like our new president elect has his eye on reducing the cost of the program.

Cut and paste the top to tell what your neighbor is getting.
I'm afriad it's gonna be open season on Osama voters before long. I'm just glad they were good enough to put up sign in their yards to let us know where they are.
rrlund.....I'm OK with the people with external_link yard signs...I respect a person who at least makes their views known.....and I really respect those who can also defend their positions with reasoned argument of facts. What I do have a problem with is people who don't put up signs for either position and hide and wiffle/waffle whenever a discussion is held. And I really have a problem with those that stay silent but are the first to denigrate people who do like robust discussion of issues.
I usually don't discuss politics on here but I will respond to this one.

He may reduce farm subsidies but will increase wellfare handouts. And remember the food stamps are part of the ag budget.

But there may be no food to hand out.

Simple , THE MEDIA ! That ,and acorn . People dragging mental paitients from halfway homes , and convincing them to Vote for BHO . People who have never voted before , hoping the promise of $$ in their pocket comes true . You name it , but fact is anyone could have run against George Bush and won this election . Thats what people looked at .
You've got a skewed sample here- most of us are farmers and landowners, who as a group are overwhelmingly conservative nnalert (its our assets that the nnalert are trying to "spread around", and we're not very happy about that). So naturally, you'll get a majority here that don't like the messianic Barack. And BTW, I'm still waiting to see if there's anything there, beyond the flash and sizzle. He's still "not getting into specific numbers".
Ask these brain dead magots why they supported him though and you get one word...CHANGE. They didn't know who this guy is. hells bells,Tom Brokaw was on Charlie Rose's program a week before the election and they both said THEY didn't know who this guy was or what he stood for. EXCUSE ME,wasn't it their JOB to find out and let these "SUPORTERS" of Osama know?

All I can say is,I hope they all used a c0nd0m because they have no idea who they've gotten into bed with.
What would we have gotten voting for McCain & Palin???? You guys think you are nnalert, but, how much of that bail out money did you get?? Yea, that"s what I thought. Not as rich as the rich rich on wall street. I was raised in a nnalert family, but when Mom & Dad told me to go to town & get a job, no farming for you, I did. Did"nt take long to see things as they really are. You guy"s better feel lucky you are still on the farm with your independent life style. I have never and will never vote for a nnalert.
George Bush didnt run in this election.It was PaCain.

Now one of the things about this I dont see is how anybody could say things were fine since the nnalert were running things?I dont care who you are,Farmer,Landowner,Hourly Wage Earner,Soldier,Hospital Worker whatever,if you work for a living you took a beating under Bush.Those too dumb to figure it out would be better off silent than embarrassing themselves with their stupidity.Only speculater stock traders,people that were rich,and oil company people were better off with Bush.Everybody else lost.Somebody put a graph up on here the other day that showed how good of "Economists"the nnalert have been.This Bush has us at a level of debt we have not had since 1954 and lots of post WW2 debt.nnalert paid it down,nnalert(except Eisenhower)raised it,and this nnalert Bush raised it further than his daddy and Reagan.So that shows us that nnalert are not "Conservatives",not "Economists",and if their mouth is moving they are lying.Thats why external_link got elected.Plus,all he has to do now is be better than Bush and be a great hero.Should not be too hard for him to do since Bushes approval rating is lower than Nixons,and hes too dumb to resign.With the mess Bush left external_link nnalert should be ashamed of it,instead of trying to say everything is fine.I dont see how anybody can call their self a nnalert when that sleazy Dick Cheney is one.Even his own family wont put up with him.Thats who the real "President"is Cheney,and he has a 9% approval rating,maybe less.

Before you blow a gasket rrlund,you need to look around at whats going on,4 dollar a gallon gas in May,now its down to 1.60.There is no excuse for this kind of stuff except thievery.While neither side is very good,your nnalert have never been good for the country,with the possible exception of Eisenhower,but I dont think he was all that great and we have him to thank for Nixon.
Fellow Business Executives:

As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have
resigned myself to the fact that Barrack external_link will be our next
President, and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Clients
will have to see an increase in our fees to them of about 8% but since
we cannot increase our fees right now due to the dismal state of our
economy, we will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has
really been eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here
and I didn't know how to choose who will have to go.

So, this is what I did. I strolled thru our parking lot and
found 8 external_link bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided
these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more
fair way to approach this problem. These folks wanted change; I gave it
to them.

If you have a better idea, let me know.

Just curious because I honestly haven't checked on it and I'm sure it isn't to hard to do but which party has been in control of Cogress the last 4 yrs and who is now? Because think about it, The President can do several things but most of this bailout and other things that have hurt the economy were approved by Congress.

Right after the first bailout money was given out I hear A Democratic Senator on the radio say " we messed up, we had all the experts and advisors telling us not to approve the sub rate loans and all but we didn't listen. " Then turned right around after saying it was the democratic majority that made this stuff pass and said however it is Bush's fault.

Now maybe I am just too logical but if you in one breath say my party messed up and caused this then how can you say that the President who is in the other party caused it?? maybe it goes with getting older as I am confused......
Thought you were discussing the saudis and arabs that participated in the farm subsidy payments. Supposed to be over a million issued, and some of them not even americans or farmers. Ag. dept says they don't have enough people to check this out. Today's detroit news.
The Repugs were in control since 1996 of the congresses. In 2006 the following happened;
the Terri Schiavo controversy in March 2005 were highly unpopular. A series of congressional scandals also rocked Washington D.C., most notably the ongoing Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal as well as the Mark Foley scandal and the Cunningham scandal, both in October 2006. Additionally, the congress had a smaller than average list of major accomplishments and was not in session for a larger than average amount of days, allowing nnalert and others to characterize it as a “Do-Nothing” congress and blame the nnalert leadership for the lack of progress.

Throughout 2006, sectarian violence was ongoing in Baghdad and other areas of Iraq; many claimed that the conflict was evolving into a civil war. Perceptions of congress and nnalert in general remained highly negative. President Bush’s job approval rarely rose above 40%. In the months and weeks before the election, most political analysts claimed that the political environment was the worst for nnalert since the early 1930s, when another unpopular president's (Herbert Hoover) party lost control of Congress.

[edit] Summary of results
The Democratic Party won a majority of the state governorships[3] and the U.S. House and Senate seats each for the first time since 1994, an election-year commonly known as the "nnalert Revolution." For the first time in the history of the United States, no nnalert captured any House, Senate, or Gubernatorial seat previously held by a nnalert.[4]

nnalert took a 233-202 advantage in the House of Representatives, and achieved a 49-49 tie in the United States Senate. The Senate figure is sometimes quoted in the media as 51-49, which includes two members who ran as independent candidates: one who pledged to align with nnalert and another who lost the Democratic primary but won the general election as an independent promising to caucus with the nnalert.[5] The final Senate result was decided when nnalert James Webb was declared the winner in Virginia against incumbent George Allen by the Associated Press.[6] On November 9, 2006, Allen and fellow nnalert incumbent Sen. Conrad Burns (Mont.) both conceded defeat

So as you can see there are just more Demos not a majority. So what happened to the Repug testis? Are there so many bathroom dancers that they just roll over?
And the math is 8 years Bush, 6 years Repug and 2 Demo. So your play igonarance with your implied questions obviously doesn't cut it because you know who you're trying to point a finger at.
You're better off keeping to tractors... I enjoy your posts and pictures.

Please don't become another one of the know-it-all fanatics on this board.
farm subsities are another entitlement program that should be done away with as well as every program that does not support free enterprise.
Now I am a farmer and recieve these payments but as a younger farmer in the community I was always at a disavantage to the larger older land-owner guys that had already recieved millions in farm payments. I believe that some production guarantee should be out there for the farmer. but I dont believe any money should ever be paid directly or indirectly to someone just because they own a piece of land .Paul
And that's reason nuff for tobacco farmers to be very worried. When inputs were low some could take a 40% cut in the market 2 years in a row. With the margins being so much closer I don't know if any one who could last.

(If the tobacco market dries up totaly I would have no use for my one and only pre 1960 tractor, yes it's tractor related)

RRLUND Always enjoy your writing.

I had an uncle that lived in Butternut--he had a large boat and camper dealership there. He had almost all of the buildings in that small berg.,
He sold out probably 20 years ago maybe longer
Is that anywhere near you?????
Lets see if I read this correctly, he thinks layoff's are needed, even before he gets any tax increases in writing, he lays off a select few because of their perceived political view's. And you wonder why people join a union?? An employer with a knee jerk reaction to something that has not happened yet. With management like that, how long did they ever make it in the real world to begin with?
Hey Bud,

Too bad McCain didn't win. That way you could have laid off the 132 employees who didn't vote for external_link.

Somehow I don't believe that you're CFO of anything.
I agree 100%. I know a guy near me that farms and works the system to get over a million in subisities every year. Uses that money to gain political power to wack the little guys trying to get a start. He will out bid anyone on rent to keep the competition away. He inherited the money & all of the land he owns.
nnalert have had partial control of congress for 2 years. Since 2006. They will not have a majority in the senate until January.
When will Dimwitacrats learn, politicians are not concerned with their individual plight. No politician is going to rescue people from their own laziness, stupidity and sloth. The best you will get from OBammy is a handout,paid for by the sweat and sacrifice of some fellow citizen.
You've never voted in an election where the nnalert was so bad that he had to be replaced? Or is it you just blindly vote a straight ticket?

In our county McCain won easily. Gov. Daniels won easily. Most county offices didn't even have a nnalert running. But a nnalert won a County Council race. Why? The incumbent was widely seen as in the pocket of developers. A lot of nnalert had to vote for the nnalert for him to win. I did. Not because I wanted a nnalert, but because that candidate was the better one for the county.
(quoted from post at 18:20:26 11/25/08) Just an outsider looking in here,but if so many people hate this guy,how in the heck did he get elected?

Easy - the guy disdains working people and adores those who won't work. Over the last 20 years respect for work has gone down in this country as more and more peole find ways to raid the bank accounts of those of us who work.

The so-called tipping point has been reached where the parasites now outnumber the hosts - at least in numbers such as will actually go vote. Or close enough so that when you throw in all the fraud from the acorn dirt bags, they had more than we did.

So the guy who promised to give everything to those who don't produce won. Actually a stunningly simple way to go about it - and those of us who should have seen it coming and sat on our hands and watched over the years are guilty of allowing it.

Question now is how to reverse it without taking to the streets like the original founders of this country had to do. I, for one, am locked and loaded and ready to roll.
• 66 percent of all farmers and ranchers do not collect government subsidy payments in Michigan, according to USDA.
• Among subsidy recipients, ten percent collected 70 percent of all subsidies amounting to $2.09 billion over 12 years.
• Recipients in the top 10% averaged $28,451 in annual payments between 1995 and 2006. The bottom 80 percent of the recipients saw only $728 on average per year.
I doubt that will come to be. Both parties are about handing out money, & redistributing wealth. There is no way a Democratic run govt will lower handouts.

The ag subsidies are set up mostly as 3 programs. One is a check per acre - they could get rid of that portion, I feel it does no good but raises rent/land value. It does not help out a farmer at all.

The LDP program has some value as putting a floor under crop prices, but it is a bit strange. I see it has some value tho.

The counter cyclical portion also puts a floor under crop prices, and uses a full year of average prices to create that floor. It is the least used portion of the ag program, and probably makes the most sense. It is like a minumum wage or unemployment checks or something like for the rest of you folks. If you are getting something out of it, then things are really, really bad & if you are eating you might be happy this portion of the program is keeping farmers in business to grow next year's food - or else you will be getting all your food from China in 12 months or going hungry in 12 months.

There certainly is room for change & improvement in the farm program, but not sure you would like the results if it were thrown out completely.

I believe that 1st portion of the farm program s just used to control & get us to sign up & adhere to all the regulations placed upon farmers. It is not likely the govt will ever give up that control they are buying, and the program will continue on for a long time.

Just my opinion, there is room for others.

OK, I voted for one for a county seat twice. He was a good man. I was in high school when he was born, held him as an infant, watched him grow into a fine man. He died of brain cancer at the age of 35 in office. OK, you got it out of me.
Back before the "Freedom to Farm Act" there was a "Dirty Fingernail' Policy. Kept investors and non farmers out of the programs. The Congress removed that policy in the mid 1990's. Sure there were loopholes but Congress instead of closing them threw the whole thing out and let the chips fall where they may. Newt and his gang was behind that.
Is that a threat? You want directions to my house smarta$$? Put up or shut up. Exactly 3 mi. West of Oslo MN right on HWY 30 North side. You had better be prepared.
your logic sucks when you don't even know who controlled Congress 4 years ago. BTW who broke the record for most filibusters in a session? The let's bring it to a vote crowd. Yes the no filibuster repugs. Open big mouth and insert foot.
I think all farm subsidies should be handed out and regulated the same way sugar is in this country.

Sugar subsidies cost the tax payer NOTHING because it is regulated not subsidies.

The way it works is all sugar coming into this country has a tariff put on it so that the American farmer can not be under cut by imports.
Then every ounce of sugar grown in this country is regulated with a allotment.

This system allows for a good price to our farmers and cost the taxpayers nothing. The biggest thing it does is it keeps now farmers from buying larger chunks of land and being paid not to grow crops.
Let's keep the subject on tractors. Everybody has two things, an opinion and an --------. Sometimes they smell the same. Any by the way it is subsidies. Please learn to spell.
Yes,I'm about 8 miles west of there. I know the guy who bought your uncles buildings. I bought a brush hog and a plow from him a few years ago. Knew a guy who worked there when the topper business was going in fact.
Not threat at all,just an observation. Even his supporters who were convinced he was going to end the war in 90 days must want his head on a platter today. Reapointing the Secretary of Defense to his administration! It's classic.Hilarious! Really a uniter isn't he? You must be so proud.

Thats the way tobacco was untill about 5 years ago. It was good system that did not cost the taxpayer a dime. The goverment made a killing off it. Some one figured it did not work any more because it had worked for 75 years, had to be broke. Now we have a free market system, I hope it works as long as the quotas did.

I think this bunch are a bunch of jealous people. Everyone that isn't a repub is no good. I suppose you would vote for nutty newt, even after his own party kicked him out. Must be terrible to be that political minded.
I know of no one personally that expected external_link to clean up W's mess in 90 days. He says around 16 months. That's what he said before I voted for him. So far I am proud of my vote. There was talk of keeping Gates for a year, that was before the election. No surprise there. What would be really hilarious is if you are still actually proud of your vote for.......let me guess.........Bushie in 00 and 04. That would be the sign of an idiot. You an idiot?
The reason this system is broke and has to be changed is because there is no room for friends to make mega bucks for doing nothing.
If the government is handing out money there is always a way to hide shady or unethical deals so your friends can take part in the handouts.

With the quota or allotment system you have to grow the crop and that is to much like work for unethical deals to be made.
every body needs to read this and find out where this mess started exactly where my dad said it would

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