OT , Twin calves


Well-known Member
I cant remember which way it go`es that they wont breed . Neighbor bought a heifer that was a twin and it`s twin was a bull calf . Will his heifer breed or not ? I`ve never kept a heifer for a replacment but have heard one way or the other it dont work .
If the heifer is a twin to a bull more than likely it's a freemartin and won't breed.If both twins are heifers they should be fine.If it's a heifer you really wanted to keep,your vet should be able to check things out and tell you if she will breed.
He bought it with plans to feed it out and eat it then thought about breeding it . I told him to eat it to be sure .
Google "Free Martinism " in cattle, explains the process that embryotic fluid from the bull calf destroys the reproductive organ(ovaries) of the female..in most cases
they say one in ten will actually breed,but I haven't seen a good one yet.Like the others already said,if he has a vet out from time to time anyways,it won't cost him much to have her checked,if there is a slight chance that the calf beds never actually touched during the entire gestation,than it should breed.
Sometimes they don't show the symptoms of being a freemartin until they're older- I had a Holstein heifer I bought as a calf at the auction sale, looked like a regular heifer and eventually, I thought she was bred, then suddenly started looking like a bull at age of 2. Made good eatin'.
they should be around 700#'s or more to check,need to be big enough to palpate and see if they are missing anything.You're right,often the heiffer will look bulllish,but it may take quite awhile,i never buy young grades at an auction,or any grades now for that matter.About 10 years ago we were trading 2 bulls for 1 heiffer with our regular buyer,he guarenteed them.Well,guess what,he bought most of them back a few years later.He could have told us where to go,but he honoured his guarantee.
Growing up I always heard about Free Martines but in my later years I sorta concluded it is nonsence. It is a bit different but twins run in my mothers family. All my twin Aunts and female cousins that had male twins had babies. Some had twins. If I remember my college biology class the empryotic fluid belongs to the mother, not the off spring. Also the male off spring would produce almost no male hormones in utro, while female hormones are flooding the place. Anyway, if I had heifer that was a twin I would keep her to see what happens.

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