OT Glen beck


Well-known Member
Been wondering ,what happened with Glen Beck? he's been off the tube for a while allready.
Just a guess,but when you lie every day,and try to stir up people to go against their own best interests,after a while people catch on,and quit listening.
Glenn has moved from CNN to Fox. I just heard that this AM. I never watch CNN as I can't stomack their anti american attitude.
That's close, but. . . well, actually, its not even close. Beck's numbers were fine, but he was irritating the folks at CNN because he wouldn't buy into their leftist pap. I never could figure out why he was on CNN, and not FOX. Apparently, FOX was wondering the same thing- so he starts with his own show on FOX in January.
Kinda agree with some of what you say,but as for the original question,I think somebody said he had a new show coming on Fox after the first of the year.

I had to quit listening this spring. He used to have the most fun to listen to talk show on all of AM radio,but he just kept slipping further and further off the deep end. Seems when he got the TV show,it was all over for him. He started taking himself WAY to serious. But,yea,he went from doing comedy and just having 3 hours of fun,to starting the day with gloom and doom about some book that he had just read or something. Didn't matter who wrote it,he just lapped it up and regurgitated it. He just got to be impossible to listen to. Darned shame,it was a great show 5-6 years ago.
I always found him pretty much middle of the road and has some common sense. That doesn't play well with some folks.
Interesting that people only want "happy talk". What's that old movie line...."you don't want the truth....you can't handle the truth". I find that Glen Beck is actually a breath of fresh air on his radio show and TV show. Yes, he's more serious than when he started on radio but unless you've had your head in the sand...we are facing some fairly serious times. We have seen that many of the things we believed in or trusted in were simply shames, illusions and houses of cards.
I like his perspective and enjoy his viewpoint as a PART of the info that I seek out every day.
Usta watch him but he started sounding like a broken record. I actually wrote into his show a couple times, didn't get any answer but over the next couple days he started talking about the points I made. I watch Fox sometimes in the morning but the rest of the time they're catering to the paranoid Repug agenda.
How will the HD digital TV change affect you? Here at the farm I am on antenna, I'm in the fringe of trying to pull signals 80 miles or a bit more, worked ok with analog I can handle a little snowy view, but the digital stuff either is on or off, and seems to be off a lot whenever the weather isn't real good. No more watching things through a snowy picture period.

Kind of a bummer. Could probably live better without TV, but don't know that I want to. Hope you have better options.

I have gotten to the point that I cannot stand his sarcasm and doom and gloom prophecy. He is now predicting collapse of the monetary system. Given the way the current administration is giving away $$$ it is more possible but we still have the strongest economy in the world. For a former alcoholic with almost no education it is hard to listen to his view of the economy.
I think you can get really basic satelite for about 25 bucks a month. Those in your situation (fringe reception, stormy weather)report that the converter box is about useless- for the reasons you cited. Maybe get one (on the guvment), see how it works, then bail out and get dish if necessary.
Heck, I even have a little cheapie USB TV reciver that will pick up analog & digital signals & put them on my TV, got that a year ago to find I could at least part time get HD signals. I'm into gadgets. :)

When they come in, the picture is unbelievable.

When the weather is crummy or even between 10:00am & 3:00pm, a lot of them go away or break up so bad ya can't watch.

Kind of a bummer to be so close, yet so far away. You know what I mean?

The strongest HD signal I get is a channel 11, which says they are broadcasting HD on ch 37 actually. Now thay say they will be going back to actual ch 11 for the HD in Feburary. That really messes me up for antennea choice, as I was lead to believe all the nearby channels were going to the upper numbers; now this one at least is coming back to the lower numbers. Sigh.

Too many trees to do any satellite try in winter, need to see how it goes in middle of summer. Don't want to be on the roof up here in deep winter either, that's not fun. So, Feb is kind of a bad time. Someone from the South musta decided on that timing.....

Then add in that a few channels come in from a UHF re-broadcast tower, and they have permission to wait at least 2 more years to cut the analog signal, so we have to deal with pass-through, etc. They are swapping over to HD on a much slower pace, just to keep it interesting.

Gets real complicated, I don't know much about it, and when you ask some 'expert' locally you learn you already know more than them - which isn't much.

Seems everyone in the metro areas is on cable, when they would have a lot of boradcast stuff available to them. Out in the country where we can't get cable and have enough to occupy us that all we want are a few local news programs - that is going to get more difficult with HD.

Took my little computer reciever with me to the Twin Cities, wow there were 50 or so stations coming in on the 2 foot tall antenna beside me. I know not cable stations, but a lot of offerings - for free. Out here in the country, pretty happy if I get 6 stations. And those are fringe.

Nice picture tho if you can get it, I know it is a step up in quality for sure. Just a step down in availability, often to those who woulda used it most.

I bought an HD TV well over a year ago, and with my conventional antenna I pick up programs on HD channels 3-1 (NBC), 3-2 (weather), 11-1 (ABC), 15-1, 15-2, 15-3, 15-4 (PBS affiliate), 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 21-4 (PAX, ION, other religious-type programming), 32-1 (CBS), 41-1 (FOX), 58-1 (MY-Network), and 68-1 (same as 15-2).

These channels aren't going to change when the analog signals get shut off in February.
Beck "kept slipping further and further off the deep end".. he's been predicting the financial collapse for a couple years. This fall he said "if you still have money in the stock market, GET OUT!" I went to my broker's office and told him my hunch that it's time to get out. Broker didn't agree, talked me out of it. Lost a lot of money, market dropped at least 3000 points. Should have listened to the guy "who went off the deep end". If he's right again it's going to get worse before getting better. Contrast that to Rush who's been saying (until the bottom fell out) "the fundamentals of our economy are sound".
I no longer get Glenn Beck. His radio show was taken off the local radio station back a couple of months ago, and he switched to a TV station that I can't get without paying extra for. No more Glenn Beck at my house or automobile.
He also was predicting a "bird flu pandemic" that would stop the world in it's tracks,mass starvation all over the world because of ethanol production....give me time,and I could come up with enough of his false prophecies to write a book. The guy has turned into a panic monger and I don't need the agrivation first thing in the morning.
He's still on the radio, and he's moving to FOX NEWS channel around the 16th of January.

He predicted the stock market collapse, sold all his stock 10 months ago. He was right.

He has brought attention to the fact that the Federal Reserve will not allow anyone to audit them, and they will not tell us how much gold they have in reserve. That is a new development. They used to report that information, now they are hiding it.

He also brought to our attention the fact that the US government used to regularly report the the amount of currency being printed. No more. Why?

9 trillion dollars has been thrown at this finanacial crisis, not 800 billion. With the amount of dollars being printed there is no way we can avoid serious hyper-inflation.

He also reported that he spoke to the head of a foreign country, one that asked him not to reveal his name, and this person said that President Bush told him that we, "The US government will be there to stand by you, if we survive this crisis". Do you understand the enormity of that statement? "If we survive this crisis".

He also was the first to report that the US Army has activated a division to be on duty inside the United States. This is completely contrary to the Constitution. The Federal government cannot have the Army working within our borders. Why would the president do this? He fears chaos, rioting, and civil unrest that is coming with food shortages, unemplyment, and worse.

Stand by for heavy rolls.

Listen to Glenn, and be in the know.
Yea what a nut he said the Stock Market and the US Monetary System was going to crash and we all know that didn't happen. Right?

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