Where is Al Gore when you need him

OK enough is enough. This is the deep south and we are not suppose to get this winter weather.

7" of snow 10 days ago and now this mess is headed our way. At least it is suppose to get back up to 67 tomarrow and 77 by Wednesday.
I do not see how you guys put up with this mess year after year.


weatherman cant reliably predict weather 3 days out , says it will snow and it doesnt ect,ect.. and people readily believe gore predicting global warming.. they show the ice melting up north. but i learned in school the ice has been melting since the end of last ice age.. all this stuff is just guessing..
While weatherman may not be able to reliably predict weather 3 days out; Radar and pictures of the snow we had a while back do not lie.

While I may or may not believe in global warming and Al is doing nothing but predicting or guessing the future; I sure wish he would do some good guessing for us so we could have some of this so called warming.

I do not know about your area; but it sure seems to me this is setting up to be the coldest winter we have had in years. We usually get a light snow or some ice once every 5 or so years and this is the second batch in 2 weeks.
You'd really pucker if you had to feed the cows in the weather I did this A.M.- 24 below zero fahrenheit, cows dont seem to mind but that tractor seat sure is chilly. Took ten minutes to thaw the snotsickles from my mustache. lol
For what it's worth, I once wrote a thesis on global warming.

If past patterns follow through, right now the Earth is nearing the end of a 10,000 year warming trend and within 2,000 years will plunge into another ice age.

Also, at least once in the past the Earth has had an average temperature of some 14 degrees warmer than it is now. And these loonies like Al Gore think they can make a rock solid prediction based on a 50 or 100 year sample.
Exactly right!!! Does anyone think the earth MIGHT have been warmer when we can find tropical fossils in Wyoming, Montana and Canada??

i may be older than you,but i remember cold long winters in ky in the 50's 60's 70's and 80,s. i too welcome warmer winters.the old timers told me of warmer winters in their lives. i was reading europe had a little ice age some 500 years ago.. to me,all this predicting is just a way to scare people to control them and get more money from us. i was allways taught the ice caps have been melting since the big ice age... now theres talk too about the axis of the earth shifting giving the u.s less daylight..it just goes on and on.its all to big to predict correctly.
When you said "get our money" it reminded me of a paper I had to write for my english class last year at college. I found a fact that said the amount of CO2 emissions caused by humans is the equivalent of 12 cents in $100 aka miniscule. So is it really worth the expense the EPA requires us to go to cut CO2 emissions.
I supppose it's a trade off. Yeah we get winter but.......
No hurricanes
No poisonous snakes
No fire ants
No killer bees
No Kudzu
and probably more.
The last one didn't take 2000 years to set in. They claim that in a matter of about a decade,it was here and stayed for about 300 years.
To answer the original question,sitting in his mansion counting the millions he's making from trading his carbon credit scam. God I want to see the brain dead fat as$ go down for fraud on that racket!
Al is sitting in his mansion hot tub, with all the lights on, thermostat set at 85* in all 56 rooms. His 6 full size cars all plugged in while inside the heated garage so they are warm when he goes out and one solar collector on the roof and thinking "I'm doing my part to reduce CO emissions"
We are still coming out of an ice age and it is suppose to get warmer! "Ice Age" is when the polar caps are frozen!
Greenland was once green!
Lets not panic and acually think about things before jumping on this stupid band wagon (Global Warming).
He is making money with his carbon emissions and global warming scam. Books and lectures are his thing so he has to keep the myth going.
Hey, don"t pick on AL - he"s been so successful that this global warming thing is licked... Just ask anyone from here in MIchigan. Can"t remember a more miserable cold start to winter than we"ve had here. Got 15inches in one storm last week. Temps in the single digits all weeek......

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