Merry Christmas everyone. No happy holiday here

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Remember the reason for the season. I also hope everyone out there remembers some one that is alone or at the bottom of the barrel in life. No matter how bad we have it, some one out there has it worse. I found that out again in three instances this past week. We all need to insist that Merry Christmas isn't taken out of society just so we don't offend a few people, all of whom shouldn't be offended, but yell the loudest, if it's a happy holiday store not a merry Christmas store, just stroll in and let them know you will not be shopping in that store for that reason. Merry Christmas everyone!
Yes Dave and Merry Christmas to you and all Our forum friends.

These people that want to take Christ out of Christmas are of the same breed as those that tried to make a selling place of the temple.

All we can do is pray for their forgiveness before Jesus upsets their table again.
Dave,how about all those poeple that lived in that apartment complex in Burnsville lost everything to that fire and have to spend Christmas in the high school gymnasium.I just thank God it`s not me.
Thanks for the reminder Dave. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope they are all doing well!
Jim --- I have a news flash for you ----
You Can't take Christ out of christmass if He was NEVER in christmass ----
unless your catholic, that has been invented by the catholics, if your catholic -- enjoy what you have.

using the 80/20/2 rule, 80% will follow the Worldly Traditions, only because they think it makes them feel good, it's Not about feeling good, it's about following the Bible, and christmass is (( NOT )) in the Bible.

so enjoy what you have, cause that's all you have ....
OK Since you know exactly when his birthday occurred, Tell us all time and exact date he was born. so we can change it.

The other thing is though all religions can be somewhat different, What makes you think yours is the correct one.--It was invented by a bunch of Monks, Giving their interpretation of the word the same as mine.

The only unforgivable sin is not to believe in him
and If we as mortal man don't show a belief that He ever existed, He will, and only then. Leave us to burn in Hell.

So Yes this is a day that was chosen to break up the boredom of the winter months and to remember things we should be thinking such as Christs Birth .

By the was I'm Baptized Presbyterian.
Marry Christmas.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. That's in a Bible that I know is about 50 years old. I believe the story of Christ is in the first 4 books of the New Testament how He could be found in the City of David wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger.
One has only to read...
Brian, you sure don't know what the Bible is telling you, and for sure you don't know the age of the Bible from what you said.
The New Testament is over 2000 years old, and if Jesus wanted us to know His Birth Date, He would have told us. and It SURE was not christmass, that was invented by the catholics about 400 years ago.
why don't you go to this site and read for yourself.
Jim, you have a LOT to learn about the Bible,
IF Jesus wanted us to know His Birth Date, He would have told us in the Bible,
and to add to that --- It SURE was NOT in December, when Jesus was born, the Shepherds where in the feilds - See Luke 2: 8
so it could have been in the Fall of the year.

Now I don't know your birthday, but lets just pick a date and celebrate, lets make it April 1st. ( April Fools Day ) would that make you happy ? -- now do you know how Jesus feels ??

If you have Boredom, study the Bible, that should keep you busy -- now isn't it odd for a Presbyterian to follow the ways of a Catholic ?
It's like the Blind leading the Blind. see Matt. 15: 14

see my reply above yours and go to that web site and read about chrismass... and Learn ....
"Whatever day a man esteemeth to be holy, let that day be holy" No, we don't know when Jesus was born; we choose to celebrate his birthday on Dec. 25. Marry a Tractor - Please lighten up and let those who wish celebrate his birth on the day they choose.
John 6:65 [Jesus] said, For this reason I have told you that no one is able to come to Me unless it is granted him by the Father. [Modern Language translation]

M.A.T., unless God brings them to Jesus, they won't come. They will instead follow the ways of man, rather than the ways of the Son of Man. You can show them the way, but unless God touches their heart, your words to them fall upon deaf ears, and your works upon blind eyes.

I believe in the birth, death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But "...the demons believe, too, and they shudder." [James 2:19] So not being appointed judge over another man, I say let them believe as they choose to believe, and the Lord will sort them out in His appointed day and time, as is spoken of in James 4:12, and James 4:17.

May Peace be upon you.
You say lighten up ---

Jesus said,,, I know your works, you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, because you are lukewarm , I will spue you out of my mouth.. Rev. 3: 15 & 16

I Preach the Truth, being HOT for the Lord,
looks to me we need to celeberate your birthday on April 1st. (( April Fools Day ))
Sounds like you have a personal axe to grind with the Roman Catholic Church. I think that you will be shocked when you die and go to heaven, and find people of several Christian denominations there. You like to quote scripture, but remember "where 2 or 3 are gathered in My Name, there I will be also."
May the Peace of the Christ Child be with you this Christmas, and in the New Year.

Matt Stroemel

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