OT: Dec. 23 Chrysler ad

Mike M

Well-known Member
I didn't see it brought up here ? I can usually count on getting the latest news updates here.

I guess on Dec. 23 Chrysler ran a FULL page ad in 1 major newspaper ( maybe more )thanking everyone for bail out money. Story I saw said these ads can cost from $50,000 to $100,000 ?
Just another example of how these companies waste money and they will keep on doing so as long as they keep getting more.
If you think about it Xsler is in the worst shape, Gm is not far behind but......Xsler has almost no cars to speak of and only the Jeep brands is worth anything. The only Xsler car that I know of is the 300M, nice car but it is still a Xsler. I would like to see Ford or Gm pick up the jeep brand and have Xsler tanked into history.
The whole thing is a scam let them go , years ago if you wanted a new car you went down and ordered one 3 weeks later they called and said it was in. Around here the dealers have 3-4 acres of new cars end to end, let them go.
We dumped a Pontiac mini van and bought a Chrysler Town and Country because I got sick and tired of trying to keep ahead of never ending coolant leaks in that no-account 3.4 engine in the Pontiac.

By comparison, the Chrysler has been totally trouble free from day one.

I'd hate to see either one go under. But--when the whole mess came to light, I emailed Senator Ben Nelson (D Nebraska) and told him as far as I was concerned, the Big 3 needed to be saved but their management needed to experience a considerable amount of pain in the process.
We also had a Durango. Traded it for a chevy Equinox basically for the improved fuel mileage. We should have kept the Durango.
Until they control their expenses and get payroll in line, they have no hope. The average employee for the big 3 makes $69 an hour with benefits included. Working for nnalert doesn't get that good. They will fail, its not of a question of why, its how soon.
I"d like to see Ford liquidated and the proceeds given to bail out Chrysler.

I"d rather walk in the rain under a Chrysler hubcab as ride in a damned Ford.
wodering the same thing? wages and such toped with the FREE use of a state owned car and FREE gas.....

the state has no money for road salt but we do have money to waste on letting state cops use state owned cars for unlimited persoal use.

and just for the record I am a Indiana tax payer
What would YOU have them do? If they took the money and said nothing, surely someone somewhere would criticize Chrysler for being ungrateful.

No doubt Chrysler and GM have a lot of work to do to get their costs under control. But these companies are still in the business of building and selling cars, and you don't sell cars to customers without a certain amount of good will. Chrysler bailed out of their sponsorship of the Motor City Bowl to cut costs; sponsorships are nothing but a form of advertising. They made a decision to spend some of their advertising budget on a big thank-you note to their potential customers rather than sponsor a bowl game that nobody cares about anyway.
From what I can find on the net, probationary troopers start @ $20 per hour, plus bennies. After 10 or 15 years, step increases up to $34 per hour plus OT, and bennies. Can also purchase retirement time? Full retirement after 20 or 25 years? Medical bennies after retirement are worth a lot. Good union contract!!
One thing alot of people dont see about unions and its the main reason every CEO who does not have a union shop wants them dead.
its the upwards pressure the unions put on other industries and companies to raise wages.

Wages are not the problem caused by unions. its such a small peice of the pie. Its the fact that they can not get rid of the unproductive slobs. Thats the problem. that takes down the productivity of every member who works.

They were using the example of the Auto plants in Tenn and what they pay thier workers. They said that they should lower the wages for the UAW to match.
How many of you actually think the workers in Tenn would be makeing what they make with out the UAW in the background?
They would be making $9 and crappy bennies.

Unions do need fixing but in no way need to be destroyed.
I'm an Indiana tax payer, also. While I agree that road salt has been lacking this winter, I don't have a problem with the Troopers getting the use of that car, or getting the gas it uses. Having the car on the road acts as a deterrent to risky driving by those who see it. Whatever Indiana Troopers make, it isn't too much.
some one driving down the road and sees that car with the cops wife and kids is really going to change his driving style? you really believe a cop i going to pull someone over with the car full of him family?

get real!!
I have better things to accomplish today than to argue this point with you. I've already stated my beliefs, and they include feeling Troopers should have the use of the car - with gas, and that they are not overpaid for what we expect them to do.
Your mileage may vary. If you think it's a cushy, overpaid job with too many benefits, that's your privilege.
I'd rather have seen them keep the cash and forgo the "thank you". It's like WE had a choice in bailing them out in the first place.
Ford is the only one worth saving anyway.
You are apparently concerned with that and don't seemed a bit phased by the 700 billion in taxpayer money being GIVEN to the poorly run banks like AIG. The banks kept using their private jets and handed out hugh year end bonuses and nobody was to concerned with that either. I don't get all the hostility towards the car companies. Maybe you don't like your neighbors being employed or want to see America brought to it's knees for some sadistic reason.
OK I"m a day late and a dollar short on this topic, but just out of curiosity how much is Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc kickin into this bailout? We"ve been told for years that they were multinational companies and could"nt build exactly the vehicle we wanted because they had to build for a world market, now that they"re goin belly up they"re American companies? I don"t know about you but I"m a bit tired of playin John fricken Wayne for these industries. By the way for those of you who think the union is to blame, every single manager and supervisor of comparable longevity is making more than the line workers.
Nobody ever mentions that chrysler is owned by a private company {cerberus capital managment} That has billions of dollars available on its balance sheets, i believe so anyway
Kelly C, you are right about saying that without the unions, the workers at the transplant auto factories would be payed peanuts. It may end up that way for them anyway if the big three no longer exist. I do believe that the unions have went overboard in their demands such as the job banks etc and need to pull back in order to save the companies. The auto workers and the related industries were paying in a huge amount of Social Security, State and Federal taxes. The people making the low wages and the high rollers with the tax loop holes are not contributing as much to the system. So my question is who is going to step up and pay the future taxes which are going to be sorely needed?
Dosent matter, in ten years, all of these companies will be gone, with the exception of the financing branch, which will last until the next market crash.

Right now, two things are happening, the us CEO's are spending lots of money hiring lawyers to get them out of the union contracts, and the import companies are spending money deciding how to become more efficient.

Best way out of this current bind is to buy the cars from the import companies, and put a Ford/Chev/Xler emblem on them. Then the CEO's get their union busted, and a less expensive higher profit automobile. The CEO's dont care what they sell, as long as it is immensely profitable to themselves.
Starting $27,000. After the first year you goto $32,000. Once you get to Master Trooper rank you max out around $46,000. I only know of 2 that are above $50,000 and both served as as command rank. Some have take home cars, I don't and save the room for my Deere!
I have done that in my personal car. I call ahead and have a marked unit make the stop, then I walk up with the ticket book and introduce myself. At that time, I am the one that presents the traffic award. My office doesn't have room for people to ride, and I don't empty the car out other than the laptop when its parked.
They get about $25 to $27 per hour. The bennies (mainly Health coverage) runs it up to about $51 per hour not $69 with bennies. If you added up your per hour wage with your retirement and medical I'd bet you'd be at least $51 per hour. Also I think I read somewhere that the new UAW hires starting last spring get $14 per hour and less bennies than older hires.

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