Rude People

John B.

Well-known Member
The other day I posted a memo and in that memo I had the word Crankshaft. This one person replied that if certian letters were dropped the word satan would be left and went on and on. I've seen this person comment on others' memos and had the same reply to them. I feel sorry for this person. For if this is the only word he or she is looking for they are passing up some pleasant words. If that is what you are looking for I am sure you will find it as you did.

I can also drop certian letters out of the word crankshaft and spell;


I'm suprised you missed this word!! But you see only what you want to see!!

Hope to hear others' comments!
That's not unlike my Neighbor and friend who, when I offered her a free Christmas tree declined it on the reason the that 2000 years ago Christmas was a pagan holiday. That's before Christ. One really has to wonder about people like this as they come up with silly reasons to not believe or to believe in something. Personally I just write them off as Kooks and go on.
John B, I"ve been on this earth over sixty years and one thing I"ve noticed is 99% of the people are for the most part polite and helpful it"s just that 1% that seems hellbent on messing up someones day or more people is better for them. Who knows why there can be a myriad of reasons bad childhood, bipolar or lack of the proper education. I figure it"s like the game of golf why is it we keeping picking up bad habits why can"t we come in one day and say d**n I hit that ball straight everytime or sorry honey I had too many bottles of water and had to have someone drive me home. ;-> I personally thing they do it to draw attention and they know it stirs people up kinda like the little one learning to talk picking up cuss words even though it riles the very fiber of your being I just ignor those comments and act like they don"t exsist eventually they move on because they get bored. Anyway Happy New Year to you and yours!! I wish you health and happiness.
I don't care if you go to the mall, a auction, or a red neck reunion, there are many different folks with even more views.

Some are offended, others laugh, many get very upset, few comment. I feel most ignore things that are out in left field. I no doubt offend folks, but our family grew up on laughter, and usualy at anothers expense. I always intend on joking, and never offending--but that is the intent, not always the way it is taken.

My second mother in law was from England, and all the son in laws told her she spoke funny. In fifteen plus years none of us knew if she was trying to be funny, or if she was ticked off. Don't recall getting it right very often either for that matter.

Kinda like ones political party can do no wrong, but another person from the other party makes any kind of ill coment, and everyone assumes... everyone on that side of the line thinks the same way.

I do find the ball bat attitudes on this board very disturbing, but wonder if they actualy are that type in public. My inlaw family get to gethers were always judged as the loudest one was the most correct. I was often disturbed, and the inlaws just decided it was only another day, no big deal.

Have a happy New Year
I kinda sometimes wonder if the poeple who print sarcastic and demeaning things on this board and others, Like to do things like that in writing where they don't have to tell someone to there face. In other words maybe chicken. Just wondered. Bernie Steffen
John, it's a sad fact that any decent board seems to attract a few trolls who get enjoyment out of causing hate and discontent among others. I have to feel sorry for these people, too.

I guess it's appropriate that if you go looking for Satan, you're going to find him. But for the majority of folks who come here only to offer their help to others, they all deserve a big round of "thanks"!
I've thought alot about the post's you refer to, especially the one about lying to your kids about Santa and figured out that it is none other than the old heatmiester himself. I won't quote scriptures here or defend my actions to him but when I thought about it - what better guise to post under than to question ones faith and how good or bad they feel about their sins both small and big. Just remember how he tempted JC himself. No true believer would do that to another. What a dung heap.

Have a Blessed and Prosperous New Year!
who could look at the word crankshaft and have satan come to mind? Maybe your post should have been titled "nutty people".
John B;
I remember the post you are talking about.
I do not feel any harm was meant if you look at the entire story.

Last week someone (we will call poster A) posted that if you changed the letters around Santa was Satan. Some big hob la about how we ought not lie to our kids about who Santa is. Lying is the work of Satan.

Fast forward to your post about a crankshaft.
If you read the post it says poster A is busy or has computer problems so he would help out because of this. It was more meant as a put down or get back on poster A.

While it was not nice to drag you or your post into their personal squabble I do not think any of this was directed at you.
Why would this Minority be Allowed to Break Gods first Commandment? This was In the web pages for a local TV station today.
updated 12:41 p.m. EST, Wed December 31, 2008

Lawsuit seeks to take 'so help me God' out of inaugural

* Story Highlights
* Atheists want references to religion removed from inaugural ceremony
* Groups object to "so help me God" at end of oath, benediction by pastor
* "I have no doubt I'll lose," says California lawyer who filed lawsuit
* Next Article in Politics »

By Carol Cratty
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A number of atheists and non-religious organizations want Barack external_link's inauguration ceremony to leave out all references to God and religion.
President-elect Barack external_link will use the Bible Abraham Lincoln used for his inauguration.

President-elect Barack external_link will use the Bible Abraham Lincoln used for his inauguration.

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, the plaintiffs demand that the words "so help me God" not be added to the end of the president's oath of office.

In addition, the lawsuit objects to plans for ministers to deliver an invocation and a benediction in which they may discuss God and religion.

An advance copy of the lawsuit was posted online by Michael Newdow, a California doctor and lawyer who has filed similar and unsuccessful suits over inauguration ceremonies in 2001 and 2005.

Joining Newdow in the suit are groups advocating religious freedom or atheism, including the American Humanist Association, the Freedom from Religion Foundation and atheist groups from Minnesota; Seattle, Washington; and Florida.

The new lawsuit says in part, "There can be no purpose for placing 'so help me God' in an oath or sponsoring prayers to God, other than promoting the particular point of view that God exists."

Newdow said references to God during inauguration ceremonies violate the Constitution's ban on the establishment of religion.

Newdow and other plaintiffs say they want to watch the inaugural either in person or on television. As atheists, they contend, having to watch a ceremony with religious components will make them feel excluded and stigmatized.

"Plaintiffs are placed in the untenable position of having to choose between not watching the presidential inauguration or being forced to countenance endorsements of purely religious notions that they expressly deny," according to the lawsuit.
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Among those named in the lawsuit are Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, who is expected to swear in the new president; the Presidential Inauguration Committee; the Joint Congressional Committee on Inauguration Ceremonies and its chairwoman, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California; and the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee and its commander, Maj. Gen. Richard Rowe Jr.

The two ministers scheduled to participate in the ceremony also are named: the Rev. Rick Warren and the Rev. Joseph Lowery. The document includes a quotation from Warren on atheists: "I could not vote for an atheist because an atheist says, 'I don't need God.' "

Newdow told CNN that he didn't name President-elect Barack external_link in the suit because in addition to participating as a government official at the ceremony, he possesses rights as an individual that allow him to express religious beliefs.

"If he chooses to ask for God's help, I'm not going to challenge him," Newdow said. "I think it's unwise."

Newdow said that as a member of a racial minority, external_link should have respect for atheists, who also are members of a minority.

Newdow said religious references in the inauguration ceremony send a message to non-believers.

"The message here is, we who believe in God are the righteous, the real Americans," he said.

Newdow said it's unconstitutional to imply that atheists and others are not as good.

He acknowledged that his suit is unlikely to be successful.

"I have no doubt I'll lose," he said, adding that he hoped to eventually succeed through appeals and hoped future inauguration ceremonies would exclude religious references.
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All About Barack external_link • U.S. Presidential Inauguration • Rick Warren
There is a lot of entertainment value in irritating people. You folks make it real easy for the guy you're talking about. Think about it.... He takes a couple of seconds to type something like Santa is really satan (4 words), and he's got at least 3 days of entertainment while everyone jumps in and tries to outdo each other by dusting off the Bible, making a quote or two and calling him an idiot. If some are honest, the only time they really look for something in the Bible is when this guy posts something. The rest of the time they flock into the Church (IF they even go in the first place) set and stand when the preacher tells them, turn to the page he tells them, and read/sing what he tells them. Some poor folks are even fleeced enough that they let the Preacher babysit their little boys and girls so he can see if they have Satan hiding anywhere on them.
Wouldn't be afraid to bet that if this guy were to set down and be put up against a real live Thumper that carries a shiny Bible around everywhere he/she goes, he'd probably outtalk them when it comes to the content of the Bible. Just my .02. Not saying that I agree with him in the least, just my observation.

Just wanted you to know the line about the baby setter was the first think I have read on here in a long time that made me laugh out loud.

Thats funny there I don't care who you are!


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