New Footage of Airbus Water Landing

My system wouldn"t play the video, but did see part of one showing the jet coming down with the tail dragging the water to slow the aircraft...masterful flying, truly masterful.
Red, Chelsey Sullenberger lives in California, in fact, the same place I do. So please, tell us more of your ideas about the environmental-nut, abundant, homosexuals that live in the San Francisco Bay Area that you always rant about. The fact is you are a ignorant fool with a big mouth ! The two good parts about Bushs' going away speach 1. that he is going away and 2.he said there were no WMDs in Iraq, settling that issue forever! You should go away also.
LOL, I'm glad I got to you so much with the California Fruitcake stuff. Due to your hostile reaction, there must be some truth to it! Just the fact that you get on here, look to see if I've posted anyting, then respond further proves it. You never respond to anything else, just troll around looking for me. lol Get a lofe you loser!

Off the to man club with you!!

I and 99% of the people on this site could care less what you think, you abundant kook. You, tlak, and trucker40 are all of the same ilk. Man, I'd hate to be in that company, you seem to relish it! lol
It was as, you say, a "California Fruitcake" that landed that Airbus in the Hudson. I do know this, your van is going to die soon, either the crank or cam is gonna give it up because of that super heavy oil you, like a fool, used. You have nothing else in your live. No job, no marketable skills, no pension, no family, no eduction, no tractors, no farm, no clue! I suspect you live in that van, or with your mom. I am glad my future is not yours. Next I will tell the truth about Indiana Christians.
Please do tell us all about Indiana Christians. Or just your feelings about Christians in general. We'd all like to hear that from you.

And my van is very fine now. But thanks for your concern. Made two weekend deliveries today, netted $300 for less than 2 hours work, was a good day. Our business seems to be doing very well. You see, a lot of our customers that have some of their own drivers have found it better for them to let their guys go and use us more, that way they aren't paying someone who's not busy all the time and making them money. Greedy capitalists that they are. I feel for the guys they had to let go, but traditionally transportation stays strong in down times, so they should be ok.

And not that it is any of your business, but we all, my family, decided at CHRISTmas that we were going to put 50 acres to apple, pear, and peach trees, and 10 acres to grapes out at the farm. I'll be moving back in April to start. That's the farm where I keep my 1942 H, a 1948 C, a 1950 Super H, and 1950 M, another H, a 706, and an 826. Lots of tractors, that men, like me, enjoy restoring and using to plow, disc, plant, and hay with. And since your so interested we also have a Hesston Swather, a John Deere combine, an International planter, a Caterpillar Bulldozer, 2 grain trucks, a Monster Haywagon, a John Deere square baler, a Hesston big round baler, 200 head of cattle and 5 horses. And you live in the city, right? Double-dipping as a civil servant, if memory serves me right?

I begin classes at Missouri State University in two weeks, taking classes in Viticulture and Vineyard Establishment. You see, their is a burgeoning wine market here in the Midwest, unlike the very down market you have out there in the Valley. Vineyard are popping up all over the Midwest and doing very, very well.

And, of course, you have now resorted to commenting about my mother. Can't handle debating me man to man, so you start with that kind of stuff. You have no shame. But we all knew that already. After all, you live in San Fransicko!

I thought you were headed out to the Blue Flame for the night, what are you still doing here? Oh ya, defending your manhood and talking about my mother. That's right. Big man that you are.
Red, OK I had to check out the Missouri State University Viticulture program. You should check your enrolment, as classes have already started. I see they brought in a guy from Santa Rosa (Napa Valley, although I like Sonoma, it is where I hunt pigs)California to teach the classes. I have to wonder how much wine we can drink ! There are commercial wineries in every single state, all doing well, or so they say. Seems like everyone every where is planting grapes and going to make wine and much $$$. Lots of luck with it anyway. What kind of grapes will you be planting ? I think you will find that equipment you have is ill suited to growing grapes and a fruit orchard. It does require though, lots of cheep unskilled manual labor, something I think that you, with your experience and education are well suited for. I do want to place a order for the first bottle of Indiana Red Reserve.

Best wishes,

My classes begin Feruary 2nd. Course 111, I think, Introduction to Vineyard Establishment.

Way ahead of you, though. You see, we don't just run into things blindly. I, and my family, have been discussing and pondering this for about 3 years. We have, or will be purchasing, everything we need. We have small and large tractors for the vineyard, and will probably get an old IH O6 or O9 for the orchard, because we like using vintage equipment. We have 2 seperate sprayers. A small plow and disc for the vine rows. We'll rent a post driver for the trellis construction, which we will do ourselves, as well as the irrigation system. We have all the money and engineering knowledge required to do it right. The main reason I wanted to do this is to bring the family back to the farm more and keep everyone close, physically and otherwise. It's been my idea, but everyone has certain talents they will be adding to the team. As far as labor goes, once construction is compete, it will be mostly me and my sister, as 2 people can easily handle 10 acres. At harvest time, the entire family and some friends will descend upon the farm and have a big week-long harvest party/festival. We have a very large family, more than enough hands.

As the grape growing industry is still in it's infancy and very small in KS, our 10 acres will make us a fairly large player in the state. If all goes well, we want to double that in the next 5 years.

We haven't decided on the cultivars we will be growing yet. I've been talking to the head of the KS Wine and Grape Growers Association, and some of the other vineyard owners in the area, some have offered to donate vines if we will agree to sell the grapes back to them for X number of years. A common practice I've heard, since most of the wineries have demand for wine that they cannot grow enough grapes to meet. So it's very likely that we will take them up on their offer to help keep start-up costs down. But we already know we will be very near the 6 figure range to get started and make it to first harvest. Most of that cost is in trellis and irrigation construction.

I and my sister are in leading the way in the vineyard, an aunt and uncle in the orchard. Although there will be many days when all are needed in one or the other.

I envision this moving toward a complete winery in the future, but you never know. That requires a substantially higher investment. Our farm is in the rolling Flint Hills area of KS with a large creek running through it and lots of tress, (for KS), and has a nice setting to it, so it could be a place people would enjoy visiting. But first things first. Growing grapes isn't easy, and many say it takes 6 years, not just 3, to get commercial quality grapes. But if we make it to a full on winery, I will send you a bottle, that is if you can stop the Bush bashing, conservative bashing, and Christian bashing. I disagree with the positions on the lesf, but I don't call them evil, or crooks, or any of the other names that get thrown our way. I disliked and disagreed with Clinton on just about every issue, but I didn't hate him, not call him an evil person. Serious, sober, and responsible people can disagree with the issue without descending into name calling. Now I know that I have retaliated when I've had stuff thrown at me, but I never start that stuff. It seems to me that those on the Left take personal offense when others disagree with their viewpoints. I'm not that way.

And to that point, I'm including a link to a completely impartial website that has a list of 650 well known and respected scientists who are voicing doubt about man-made global warming. Many of them tell stories of how they are threatened and ostricized for havng done so, which seems very unscientific to me. After all, isn't science about be able to prove facts, and so shouldn't challenges that help to prove the theory be welcome? Take a look and tell me what you think. And if you can, show me a list of scientists that have signed on to the GW theory. I'm starting to hear a lot from scientists who actually think we are heading into another Ice Age.
Senate Commitee on Environment and Public Works
Thanks for posting that!! Looks like both engines left the plane when the birds hit them...can't see them on the plane as it glides into the water!! Quite a job of flying it!! Charles
Hi RED I'm not a native ,but I have been in the great state of CALIFORNIA since 1951, when I was sent out herewith a group of marines[USMC]. found a beautiful girl that I watched grow into a very successful Mother and career Woman. we celebrated our 56th wedding anniversary last year.I have a 300 farmall, a Hough 50 payloader, a Model"D" AC road grader,an AC ABD3 road grader,1941 Olds, 1948 packard and various and sundry other vehicles that one day I plan to resurrect. I guess my point is life is too short to Snipe and cast aspersions.You profess to being a Christain but do not exhibit any of their charity.. CC
Amazing, absolutley amazing!!!

In light of all the disasters that have occurred and are occuring right now, we have one recent incident that shines a ray of light/hope out to the people AND you "gentlemen" even manage to take that and turn it into a pi$$ing contest...........

Congratulations, my hat goes to you!

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