Local Boy (True Humor)


Well-known Member
We have a young fellow in our community I sometimes use to work on my farm equipment. He is really a good fellow but there are a few down side things. He is a senior in high school and makes good grades.He works on cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors and most everything else mechanical. He goes dirty and it appears he does not brush is teeth. Most of the boys at school like him because he helps them with their cars. His teachers seem to like him and he seems to have some ambition to be a mechanic.

Last week he was working on a fellow student's car on the parking lot and one of the vollley ball players who is a snobbish but cute thing came out and started to leave. Her car started and soon died and when she tried to start again the starter just ckicked. he walked over to give assistance but she would not even look at him. He asked her to pop the hood and he would try to get it going. Again she ignored him. Then he told her that he could clean the battery cables or boost the battery and again she ignored him. To be of help he once more told her he wanted to help and she said, " I do not have my phone, You may call me a tow truck."
He walked back to his work and answered, "You are a tow truck" I told him she got what she deserves.
Sounds like a good young man someone he respects should explain the importance of personal hygenie.
Do the young man a favor and politely let him know that he may have better luck with the ladies if he cleaned himself up a bit. Sometimes there are kids that don't have anyone to give them friendly advice on things like that.
The kid is trying to be a gentleman and she looks down her nose at him? He will do just fine in this world. She on the other hand has some serious challenges ahead in her life.
It is sad that just because you look one way you get a cold shoulder as if your bad. To bad looks never tell the truth. Seen a good many person who have little or nothing willing to give a person there coat etc. even if it is the only one they have. To bad the world does not have more of the people that want to help and do there best and to bad so many that asked for help then come back and bite you on the but. I even see it here way to often
Hobby farm
Naw, if the snob is really good looking, she will have an endless string of men after her. Some of them more than willing to buy her whatever.
Theres nothing colder or meaner than a teen age drama queen. Thats how I was treated in high school, but know that I look like george cluney they still don't talk too me. Glad I'v got some tractors.
Would they bother if he didn't fix their cars?
I think the second finger of the right hand pointing in an upwards manner with the palm facing him with other fingers lowered and resting thereon would have been an appropriate gesture.
She did him a favor. Women like that ain't worth a second glance. There's LOTS of NICE gals in this world, or as the song sez, "There's More Pretty Girls Than One".

Beauty Queen in my class wonderful lookin thought she had the world by the tail, ended up with a bad reputation and never married let herself go to the point, 30 years later, looked like she was run over by a truck load of ugly sticks. got what she deserved also. Sad but true.
You ah ah ah forgot to mention her phone number? Those are the ones I always liked! or should I say I got stuck with. Salemanship is indeed the needed skill. Yea that was years ago, and the older I get the better I used to be.

And speaking of b, I would guess she was the big B. As my wife once said, if ya got it so much the better.

Often times younger folks get feeling they are not as good as the others if they get shut down, and that can be a real bad thing for a young gentelman.

Often those gals soften up and become nice when they grow up also.
LOL sounds like my sr year in tech school. The queen of the cosmotology class brought her car to school one day and asked the instructer of our auto shop class if he would get her car serviced and a tune up. The instructer sent one of the guys out to get the car. He walked back in the shop and told the instructer he wouldn't touch that car. The instucter got real POed and announced that if that car was not in the shop in 5 minutes the afternoon would be spent in the class room not in the shop. Everyone looked out the door and saw who's car it was, proceeded to pick up their tools and clean up their area. After lunch break the instructer had to teach for the afternoon.
(quoted from post at 22:46:52 01/21/09) LOL sounds like my sr year in tech school. The queen of the cosmotology class .

I love it.................. You must have went to the same one I did. Been gone a long time, but have a classmate that I keep in contact with that gossips now and then. He ended up marrying a girl in our Auto Mech class and I ended up with one of the cosmetic prizes. FF 26 years and his girl still looks the same as in school. The one I had has long been replaced. She looks like about 9 miles of bad road.
Moral for the young guys??

Don't date a girl that wears makeup.

Thanks for the memory (half of it anyway).

Yeah they usually find a nice guy to marry the second time around to help raise her kids from the first marriage.

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