Goose lover kills dog


Well-known Member
There was a local story about a man who killed a dog because he said it was killing his geese. These are Canada geese that have stayed in the area year round. The man shot this neigbor's pet even though it was not on his property. The dog's owners admit they made a mistake by letting the lab loose but are planning to file charges.Many area lakes are being overrun by these birds. Do you think this man is a little crazy for shooting a dog that is killing "his" geese.
No, he enjoys seeing the geese. Here in Vermont you have the right to shoot a dog that is killing wildlife.
A guy that could find anything to like about those flying poop machines has to be crazy. If I knew of a dog that chased those things away I'd be giving him doggy treats.
OH BOY,there would be a war! Those useless overgrown flying rats! Anybody takes aim at my dog had better be wearing armour,for whatever reason. But for a damn*d goose? There wouldn't be any place safe for that SOB to hide.
Sounds like both sides are at fault. There's no excuse for letting a dog run loose and kill wildlife. But there are better ways to deal with the situation.
here in Texas, I've never walked down to the ponds where thousands of them are gathered on the grass, but I'd bet it stinks big time goose poop. I wouldn't like it if someone shot my dog over a damn goose, he'd pay the price over and over and regret doing it.
Depends what the laws are there, I don"t know them, but sounds like there"s lots of stupidity on both sides.

Here you can shoot a dog that"s running deer... not sure about other wildlife.
In the early sixties a neighbor's german shepherd was visiting us at night and killing chickens, so dad talked to the neighbor, and the neighbor said he would lock it up. Next early morning the dog was back and killed three tame mallard ducks so dad chased the dog down the road a bit and shot it. Then he went to the neighbor and told him what he did and the reason why. The neighbor sued dad an won! Dad had to pay for their nice puppy dog, and he had to pay the legal fees to boot! Shooting the dog on a public road opened the door for the lawsuit. He couldn't have sued if the dog was shot on our propery. Jim
Anything that runs those filthy geese out is a good thing.
Once again it's a case of SSS. If you complain or speak to anybody, even your spouse, family or friends before or after the problem animal "disappears". You will eventually become the prime suspect.
They are actually Holland geese introduced to this continent from europe[big mistake].They make one big mess.
Your dad made the BIG mistake of saying anything in advance of, and after the shooting. When you want to shoot a dog, do it. Dont run your big mouth before or after the event. SSS - Shoot Shovel and Shut-up. Once you say a thing to the neighbor you are asking for big trouble and hard feelings. Folks around here shoot dogs all the time. Owners should learn to keep the dogs home.
Gotta love those Labs. Here's one that got bushwhacked for "killin" geese, and mine is too lazy to keep the sparrows out of my garage. I love her anyway, and my condolances go out to the folks that lost their "Lovable Lab"
It depends on the laws where you live but not having it on your property when it is shot will probably be a big problem.
Sorta sounds like the story in Saturaday's Evansville, Indiana newspaper, the dog was a Newfoundland named Bruno which cost $1000 in Christmas 2007.
in the area if somebody took it upon himself to shoot a good dog when he was just being a dog, he would most likly end up shot himself, wouldn't be the first around these parts either,
When I was a small boy, one of my dad's friends from the city was visiting. They were outside talking and heard dogs barking about 1/4 mile away. Our dog was home and nobody lived in that direction for at least a mile. My dad grabbed the .22 and we walked over to investigate. There were 5 dogs running down a big buck. They had him surrounded in the creek and it was pretty much dead from exhaustion. The old man didn't hesitate on the trigger. When he got done shooting the deer ran up the far bank and out of sight. My dad's friend thought he was shooting at the deer and asked "Did you hit him?". "Yeah, I got at least three." dad said.

Pretty horrific thing to see as a kid. I'm not sure I could do what he did. Luckily there aren't too many stray dogs running around these days.
Well, here in Indiana there is a "little known" law called a "Leash Law" it states that all dogs must be kept under the owners controll at all times. I know those geese can be a totall pain in the as s, but this town is overrun with loose dogs also. A lot of them have collars, but some are just dumped here too. With the "leash law", the dogs owners don't have a pot to pee in and won't win the case, BUT if the person violated any gun laws like firing a weapon in city limits he may face a problem of his own.

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