Friday the 13th


Well-known Member
What a day..... Had pick up a bale of hay, set up a time with the folks storing it and got there about 20 minutes early. Noone there and a tractor blocking the door I needed to go through, so decided to go to the gas station (diesel) and fill up first. 50 meters from the station, ran out of fuel. Got a can and 5 liters, wouldn't start. Another 5 liters (was setting on a hill) and the battery went dead. Garage next to the gas station loaned me a jumper pack. Not enough to get the system bled. Ran out of fuel several times over the last 8 years with this tractor and put in fuel/ took off again. Figured the injector pump was shot because nothing was happening. Got it pulled up and into a parking place, called the wife to come pick me up and take me to the dealer/garage a few miles away. Instead of bringing my car like I told her, she jumped on her menstrual cycle (without a helmet) and here she came.... NAG,NAG,NAG, NAG..... All the way to the shop to get someone to come pick the tractor up and back home. Got back to the tractor, the guy showed up (overtime of course because Fridays are short days here). Loosened the bleeder screw filled the tank completely, then used a big stopper with an air hose and pressurized the tank. Cranked a few times, tightened everything up and back in business. What a relief... The pump would have cost more than the tractor is worth.
What did I learn???? Never call the wife to pick me up after a breakdown, and I got on ebay that evening and got a 200 liter double walled diesel tank and pump that I'll be filling shortly. Always when you're on a schedule.......

I'm done ventin' now..........

And when ,in the cold light of day, you sit down and think whose fault it was,...?[Friday the 13th of course.]
What did I Learn.. check the bloody fuel before racing off.. don't try to farm out the blame to the innocent.
I had a buddy one time that bought a bike. He had a real loud pipe put on it. You could hear him come'n miles away. I asked him one time why he wanted to put such a gawd-aw-full loud pipe on a bike. He said some times his wife likes to ride with him and he needs the loud pipe when she's on there.

Glad it worked out.

last tuesday i ran the s-10 out of gas for the umpteenth time. gauge works and is right there in front of me good neighbor had to drive 15 miles to rescue me.jim
Ran out of fuel a few times when I was young. Always sucked. Now I always top off the tank of any tractor every time I use it so it is ready to roll. My trucks I always fill before they are down to 1/2 tank and I always have 12 gallons of gas in each truck bed. Ussually that gas ends up in some one elses tank that I find sitting on the side of the road.
That the fuel guage was easily seen but aparantly not easily interpreted at a glance. Several times when driving long distances i would get the low fuel chime and light and not even have realized i was close to empty. The needle seemed to move the wrong direction as it traveled from full to empty.
Well, I got laid off of work for atleast a week, and I got the call on Friday. Things have been touch & go for the last month, but according tio the big wigs we were supposed to be comeing out of it now. For the time being they're only keeping 7 guys on the shop floor.

I'll gladly go back if/when they call me, just sick of going through jobs every couple of months. Came at a bad time too- My car is dead so I'm driving my truck around, which has Farm plates on it.

Donovan from Wisconsin
YANMURRAY , finally Gave it up that nite, for quite some time its Been a rascal to start, and an oilburner too, a realfuel guzzler , but powerful Must a over-ethered it to start it, Noticed the power was way down and seemed to stall easier than before ,, got back to the shed and it was really pumping oil out the breather,, guesss therings are laying in the oil pan ,,, well I know it needed to be fixedsooner or later
WOW,glad I didn't have your luck. Mama wanted to go to the casino. Figured being Friday the 13th,I'd either become a millionaire or end up ruined. Neither. We found a couple of hot slots side by side,sat there and played til our backsides were sore and our eyes were going blurry and it only cost me $15. I think she spent $25 on a night's fun. Less than the $40 each that we usually figure to give to the Indians.
total division reorg....lost 75% of my units, got a bunch of new ones that are financial l-o-s-e-r-s!
could be worse- at least I am still employed!
I had a black cat show up on the porch that I never saw around here before. Not superstisious, but figured I would be better off on the couch that fight the mud outside anyway. Don't need anymore bad luck.

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