Slaughter Houses

Does anyone know of any slaughter houses in southwest ohio....or surrounding areas??? We use Camden locker, in Camden ohio, but they are booking jan of 2010 now....and I got 4 beef that need to go in about a month....Talked to Stehlins in colrain, near cincinati...they said that package weight would be about 25% of hoof....they also sell "choice cuts" in their store....I dont like the sound of this.....Any ideas????
Sorry can't help you with your Ohio situation.

But I have noticed our local locker was booked at least twice as heavy this year compared to last year. Lots of beef getting slaughtered lately.
Bill in Il, the main reason our local locker, Camden Locker is so busy is that the other local locker closed down a while back. This has sent all local buisness to Camden, and Made for problems....I currently have calves booked that are not born yet....and they will be sold....but that is kinda hard to dates that far out....
"they said that package weight would be about 25% of hoof....they also sell "choice cuts" in their store....I dont like the sound of this.....Any ideas????"

I don't like the sound of that either.
In my experiences of having very good condition holstein dairy cows butchered for our own use and to sell by the quarter or half, I get about a 35% of live weight as packaged weight. Beef type steers should yield better than dairy cows . Sounds like something funny going on with that butcher.
That is kinda what I was thinking...We might take 1 steer to them...and see how it goes...but I am skeptical from the get go....
I`m in S.E. Indiana and it takes awhile around here too but not that long . Took 6 into Wayne`s meats in Milan In. Thursday , took a couple months but I`m a long time customer , that might get me in alittle faster , I dont know . Always get better than 40% . There`s one in Ceder grove In. and another called Rhim`s Meats in New Castle In. , I`m thinking there`s one around Richmond somewhere . I`ve only delt with Wayne`s Meats . Ya can google them up , there all behind . If you want a no. I`ll look for them .

Sounds like a little skimming to me too............

Local farmers here have a butcher room set up. There are butchers that come to them with needed equipment and do as much as they want. Everything is checked by a veterinarian so the meat can either go in a private freezer or supermarket. Guess there are too many lawyers for something like that in the States these days. My friend's DAD was a butcher in SE OH when we were kids. He'd go to the farm and butcher on the spot then haul the carcass home to process and be picked up. He was one of several that started when a local meat processing plant closed. Maybe it caught on???

Good Luck,

It's not hard to cut up an animal. And what you save on proccessing will more than pay for any waste.

25% eh?
I'm guessing they sell YOUR choice cuts in their store...
I've always understood that beef type animals, particularly british breeds will dress out in the high 50's. 57, 58, 59% of live weight.
Once you cut them, you get some waste. I'm no meat cutter, but I think that would take you down into the mid 40's percentage range.
Mabey if the carcass was completly boned out you'd get down to 25%... but I'd even be skeptical about that. Seems low to me. Keep an eye on it... or hang it up yourself. It's not that hard to do. The biggest thing is having a clean cold place to hang the carcass for 2-3 weeks to age it some.

I buy may beef from Schaefer's Meats on
Jacksonburg Road, Trenton, Ohio. They slaughter
their own beef. I don't know if they will slaughter other peoples beef, but you could call them Their phone number is 513-726-5307.
They are very nice peopl.
If you do decide to take one in, do some research on how much of each cut of meat you should expect. If they're dishonest they'll substitute lower quality too.
We had a couple butchered in Cedar Grove, I don't remember any problems except they wouldn't unload. Isn't there a place in Napoleon too?
My Aunt and Uncle used to have several head slaughtered and processed each year.. Uncle was an expert on meat and yields. He said they always got shorted some prime steaks, and for some reasn, they always switched the livers..
I get 35% yield on a corn fed steer and 26% on a choice/prime beef heifer. The leaner the animal the higher the percentage yield will be. The fatter or more finished animal will yield more meat overall but at a lower percentage of meat yield of carcass weight. A dairy cow will have a higher percentage yield then a choice steer but she will yield less meat. Because there are set number of ribs on each side of beef there is a set number of steaks per side give or take one or so. For example 7 or 8 TBone and porterhouse per side and about a dozen rib steaks per side, so it is easy to see if you are getting ripped off. My experience has been that everyone thinks they are getting ripped off becaue they think their beef is better yielding then what it really is.
When I was a kid we'd schedule our 5 or so beefs to be cut up on a saturday morning. Dad and I would go down to the little butcher shop with the cutting instructions for all the customers, and would watch and tell them exactly what we wanted. The guys that worked there were friends (I ended up dating one of the meat cutters daughters years later), and there was a good bit of BS'n that went along with it. I have alot of fond memories of those days. After a while Dad got to busy to do it so we'd just send the instructions in. Well, we ended up having serious complaints from long time customers that their meat was TERRIBLE. We figured out they were probably selling our nice homegrown grass fed steers at their counter and were buying some old wore out range cow and giving that meat to our customers. Can't very well accuse someone you've been doing business with for 20 years of something like that, so we switched butchers. Never had the problem again. The shop that we had been using went out of business the next year, turns out they were doing the same thing to alot of people.
Cedar Grove does a good job,but they are about an hour drive from Camden.They're usually booked up for six to eight,sometimes ten or more weeks.
Its hard to find a slaughter house that dosent skim.I used to have a beef cut into 6 pieces and wrapped my own for many years.Its a hard job that took my wife and I two days to do.I had a cow that was trying to prolapse even though she had not been bred for 2 years.The butcher I used for many years had passed on so I had to use another shop.My son paid half the costs.I have cut and wrapped a lot of beef liver over the years.I gave my son what I thought was half the liver.When I started putting the meat away I found there was no more liver.The first beef we put in the freezer had no sirloin steaks.I have found 2 honest butchers in 40 years and 6 crooks.There is a lot of waste when you cut and wrap your own,I used to get 2 trash cans full of bones and fat from a big animal.I gave the bones to friends for their dogs.Getting rid of waste got to be a problem for butchers here,so slaughter costs went way up.

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