Kid in PA??


Well-known Member
Just caught a piece of something on German news about a 10 yr old in PA killing his dad's GF and going to be handled as an adult?

Anything to it? or more to the story? If it's true, the kid should get some counseling and the dad (or whoever let the kid have unsupervised access to the gun) the Chair....

According to the news stories I heard the boy used his 20 gauge shotgun to kill his fathers' pregant girlfriend then took the empty shell outside and threw it on to the side of the road. My feelings it was premediated[sp] otherwise why try to hide the shell. Try him as a adult, I don't know for sure, without some serious mental evaluation to determine his capacity.
The kid is now being held in the Lawrence County jail and it was premeditated. It was a case of jealousy in where the 11 year old boy was jealous of the two daughters his dad"s girlfriend had living with him. She was also pregnant when the boy shot her in the back of the head with a 20 ga. shotgun while she was sleeping. He then put the gun away and got on the school bus like nothing ever happened. The boy made statements prior to murdering her that would "pop" them. That"s one kid that society should not support any longer. He should be tried as an adult and dealt with accordingly.
Oh yes lets be sure to blame the parent.
Little BA$tARD could not be responsible in any way, parent had to have raised him wrong.
He should be tried as an adult
The news is just outraged that a 11 year old boy would get a gun from his father as a present. I got my first gun when I was 4. And gave my little girl her first gun last year when she was six. The whole family goes shotting and it's just fun.I was raised by a gun collector and am one myself. GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE--MESSED UP PEOPLE DO. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE 18 TO BE A SCREWED UP.
So am I wrong in giving my kid a firearm? if he is 15 and responsible. Remember that guns protect a lot of people in this country buddy!!!

I know that I can neutralize "any" loser that busts down my door looking to rip me off.

Let me guess if a bad guy busts down your door you would yell "MOMMY---HELP" Then hide under your bed.
Sad indeed!

Unfortunately a tragedy like this is yet another feather in the cap of the "anti-gun" crowd............

As for who's responsible.......well, the kid certainly needs to answer for his actions but one needs to remember there are be 2 people who are ulitmately responsible for this young man and perhaps if they had done their job this may never have happened..................
"He should be tried as an adult"

You're absolutely right BUT the percentage of kids that commit crimes such as this one who had a proper up-bringing is fairly slim.............
Let him get by with it now? What will he be like in 10 years from now.

My son was in 1st grade when he had a classmate over. I could tell this boy was nothing but trouble just by the way he talked and the way he looked around. Two years later he threatened a girl on the school bus and then the next day he brought one of his dad's knives on the bus to follow thru with his threat. Luckily nothing happened. He has since moved away and is in 8th grade and been in and out of jouvenile custody numerouis times since this is what he has told old friends in this town. They moved because his parents blamed the schools here for his behavior. All the mothers here who knew him said and felt the same way about him. They all said they will have 911 on speed dial on all their phones.

His dad has a good number of guns, my son has seen them. I hate (I know) what's going to happen in the next couple of years.

He calls our son from time to time and I pray that he won't turn on our son for some reason.
I was never given a gun, but I was 10 when I bought my first one. Hope my kids do the same some day.

It is legal to shoot an intruder in YOUR own house.
Especially when the guy is going to do serious bodily harm to you or a family member.

Nuff said. You are a buffoon.
you have ,no doubt,taught your child the same, " I can neutralize them when they break down the door " " It is legal to kill" ,[more or less] what a society you are creating or has it been created, not dissimilar to the Hamas marches in Palestine where the 9 ..10 year olds in uniform march with ak47's.
With that kind of thinking you won't assess whether the intruder is going to do harm, a case of blast and questions later.
usually dont take sides. i own guns and both of my sons know how to handle them safely. i dont believe either will just walk outside and shoot you ifn you drive up. intruder was the word that was used. intruder should not be in your house, what are they doing there. probably harm of some kind or another. why wouldnt shootin them be a reasonable thing to do? let them load your stuff in their truck and then harm you and/or yours, not here. shoot em.
larry cook
(quoted from post at 20:59:48 02/24/09) It is legal to shoot an intruder in YOUR own house.
Especially when the guy is going to do serious bodily harm to you or a family member.

Nuff said. You are a buffoon.

That all depends on where you live. Wisconsin has a law stating that the amount of force you use can not be greater than the amount being shown you. Translation, someone breaks into your home at night, if you are not in life threatening danger (with good reason, ie weapon, aggression etc) you cannot use lethal force. Lives are worth much more than stuff.

I know you will never believe this but I own weapons, use them and plan to teach my child to as well. To me though the use of a weapon to take a human life is the last resort, not an option to protect property. Take a life to protect a life, not your stuff.
(quoted from post at 22:03:24 02/24/09)
(quoted from post at 20:59:48 02/24/09) Lives are worth much more than stuff.

Take a life to protect a life, not your stuff.

And, it's the intruders 2nd offense and you live in CA (3rd strike) and he don't want a witness????????? I'd rather someone else cry over their loss than me.

Your dead wrong! I was given my first gun when I was 10. My dad took the time to teach me the responsibility of owning one and the punishment if I used it in an unsafe manor. Every father who raises a kid around guns owes it to everyone to teach him to do right. This kid knowingly made a decision to murder in cold blood. 11 years old or not, he should be executed. This action falls on the kid.
MN Joe, I respect your right to your beliefs (although the name-calling somewhat somewhat dilutes anyone's argument). The issue of guns is a lot more complex than any of us are willing to admit. Where you live and how you were raised (and how you raise your kids) has more to do with the issue than just statistics.

As to the issue of "intruders", I have always felt that the issue is NOT whether I value my "stuff" more than a human life. The issue is do I value my way of life over the thief's way of life. Every thing you do in life is a wager. You wager your survival against the rewards of your actions. I don't skydive because the thrill reward versus the life risk is not a good wager for me. If the thief has chosen to wager his potential loss of life versus the gain of my possessions, he is the one that made the bet - not me.

Most of us have certain things in life that we would value enough to risk death. Just choose wisely!

(Yes, there is more than one way to stop an intruder - 500 Mossberg, .44 Magnum, .223 AR, .357 SIG)
If they're old enough to do the crime, they're old enough to do the time! Most kids know right from wrong by the time they're 8 years old. This one knew exactly what he was doing and should pay the price for it.

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