I enjoyed last seasons episodes of The History Channels show. Even if it was a bit of a soap opera. I'm glad to see it is making a return for this year. Maybe it'll help this country realize that the healthy use of our natural resources is the reason we became the strongest nation on earth, and if we don't do something to re-establish that connection to resources, we WILL lose that position of power.

Watched apocolypse on the History Channel just tonight. Hate to say it but if only a little of that comes to pass. Things won"t be so good.
The big problem with building here is you can't use stone or brick or mud or anything that might come apart in a 10 earthquake as though we will ever have one.

I live right near where the Ax-Men was filmed most of the loggers around here said they would have fired most of those guys the first day.
Personally I think that they were just the regular run of the mill loggers.

I liked the show it let people know a lot about the industry but they should have showed how we replant every area that is logged to maintain a Constance supplies of wood.
A guy spends much time listening to talk radio, or watching the Nostradamus shows on tv, you just wanna climb a in a hole w/ a bottle and watch it all burn...
(quoted from post at 22:30:16 03/01/09) but they should have showed how we replant every area that is logged to maintain a Constance supplies of wood.
Wouldn't hurt, but it wouldn't sell TV and the tree huggers wouldn't allow it (bad for their agenda) either. I never saw the show before but got to see it and ice road truckers a few times in the last couple of months. All I got out of ax men was rape it and move on. Like the folks that wiped out everything in clearcutting for pulp wood when I was a kid. Some of that land is still just brush and whatever pushed it's way up.

I have several relatives in Vernonia and Seaside. Very beautiful area . Stopped at Camp 18 everytime we get out that way . Pretty cool stuff .
I saw some of it and I think the producers try to emphasize risk taking and mistakes. Seems to me if those guys did things the way they show on a regular basis, they soon be dead. Another thing, the program they showed filmed in Maine, they had to get out something like 20 loads a day to break even. For Pete's sake, they couldn't make their rate on any day. I questioned why do this if you're always losing money? I think their break even point was mis-represented to add drama.
I don't know about the "Filmed in Maine" part but the one I watched was filmed in the Coast range Northwest of my little farm in Monmouth, OR. Vernonia is the little town that was flooded we watched that on TV. I would have taken a load of Xmas trees up there to give out for free but my health isn't that good and my partner was already in Calif.
Yep, it's a soap opera, but that's what these TV producers seem to think they need to sell a program anymore....Ever watch "Haulin House" on HGTV? A program about house movers. I'm currently getting a house moved about 35 miles here in N Central Nebr and originally thought about seeing if the show would want to film the move(ya know, maybe pay a bit to do it-haha)...well, after watching several episodes, I decided no way in heck would I want that. That show makes every fence post, tree limb, bridge, etc. seem to become a "major obstacle" in the move...can they overcome these tremendous odds and get the house to it's location on time???? You'd think nobody bothered to check out the route before the move occured! And of course when each "obstacle" is encountered there's footage of the nervous homeowners watching the move talking about how they didn't know if it was gonna work or not... Each "obstacle" is overcome right after a commercial break, strangely enough....

Sorry to go off topic here...but all these "reality" type shows anymore seem to be lacking for the most part in actual "reality".
Thats a good show,but its not going to make anybody see a connection to healthy resources.As far as the position of power is concerned its slipping away and nobody is stopping it.Most of what anybody is doing is making the position of power slip away faster.When everybody especially farmers,truckers,loggers,construction,can barely make a living,doesnt that tell you where our position is?Slavery.People are making a fortune off of working peoples labor,but not working people.That has to change or we will be a third world country,almost are now.
Now they have "Extreme Loggers" as well. Just saw the one about the guy logging the swamp in NC or SC, talk about trying to turn the public against loggers, nothing like showing the before and after shots of what they did to that swamp.

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