YT Mag long time users.

Chances R

Its hard to believe I have been messing around here for over 10 years now. Aint that special. Heres to YT Mag and all its users. Lets do another 10 years.
Cheers!!! :-D

only a year and 3 quarters here. A very interesting year and three quarters. Thanks everyone!!
Yeah, it's been longer than that for me. Picked up on a lot of good technical knowledge ( thanks Bob M, tractor vet & many others ) learned about different areas of the country, Watched Matt grow into a decent young man, read some descriptions of skunk sausage, ( Augie ), observed punfests, found out a little bit about sheep ( thanks 14 ) and a lot of other cool people & stuff. Also learned about the darkside ( 14 in a frock...) Saw a bunch of weird things ( thanks lefty & 14 - the cross dressing thing again!! ) Been a good ride & hope for many more.
Spook out!!!
Man, I hope I don't get stuck in a rut like that. Imagine, 10 years on YT!!!

(probably closer to 14 years for me)

You know, I thinks its about 10 yrs for me also. read daily-don't post a whole lot. sure do work the archives figuring out tractor problems+ asking for advice--great site--paul

I think I started posting in 97 or 98. And come to think of it, the very first person I ever met off the Internet was you Charlie, back in 2000. Time flys.

I have met a lot over the years since then and lost a few good friends a long the way.
I found yt when I was 42 and I ll turn 53 in a couple weeks . I m here every day , there s alot to learn here and the OT s are a very good sourse of entertainment !!

I sure have thought about it, just always seems to be something else going on. Now our show has a pull that weekend.
I've lost track. It says 2003 but I was here before that under different names. I was a real turd at first and had to clean up my act & start over
When I first came, there was only 20 or so posts total on the Farmall board, so its been a long time. Only 2 or 3 still here. Ive lost a couple of good buddies on here that I have never met face to face. Miss all those guys!
Been about 10 years or so for me, too. Try to keep things light, maybe bring a smile or two once in awhile. Have to bite my tongue on some of the political stuff, but occasionally, even though I try to contain myself, I escape. Pretty much good clean fun here, wish some of the trolls would find something else to keep themselves occupied.
This is my first year. Been on here before but never posted. Ive had real good advice from Tim S, Bob, Glen D Anderson, msb, John Heine, and others but I cant remember. Real good place for advice. Have a good one.
Wish I'da learnt to count. I have no ider how many years I been checking and posting on YT. Mostly on Tales. Gotta be morn 10.
Over the five or six years I've been reading this forum I've gained a lot of respect for so many of you guys and gals. There's people here who can fix anything from a broken wheel to a broken heart and everything in between. Keep up the good work. Jim
Guess its been about 4 years for me,and sure glad I found this place,great bunch of people that take care of it,and all the other people.You all make my winters shorter! Thank you
I was thinking the same thing. I joined in April of 1998, I was 12 years old. I'm now working on 23. I can't believe it. I check here AT LEAST once a day. Alot of good people with alot of patience honestly wanting to help one another. It's been great so far, and look forward to many more years.

Iowa Farmer
Site says jan of 99 when I registered and that was the first month they were registering and I was on here for a 1-2 years before that.
Been a few years for me, maybe 6-8, don't know for sure. Learned an awful lot, been able to help a few, and lost some great friends over the years. Sure hope we can all keep it goung.
Thanks for the hint - Been wondering how long I've been lookin and learnin!

PS: My memory is about as good as rrlund.
This site is my reality check (& how).
Haven't been around here too long, but when I first asked a question (very first post), I was pretty grateful to those who replied. Later- Mark.
So True, Agreed on So many points , And I certainly enjoy other points of View even if I do not agree ,Wonderful site ,Great wisdom and Fun , I have monitored for a year or so before I began posting sometime in 2005 ............
I forgot about that. I use to go by my real name before the Chances R handle. I found a post I did in 1998 :)
I have had a few different handles over the years. The most recent is "I need a handle", which I just recently reserved. Now I am wishing I had reserved some of my better handles way back insead of being forced to change my handle everytime someone would reserve it.

I have been here since way back, I am thinking probably since around 1999 or so. I have learned a lot and given a lot back in return. I don't see myself totally going away, even though I currently have little to do with farming now.
I've been around 6-7 years I think, with a couple different names.
Doesn't seem like that long...

Not sure if it was 96 or 97 for me. No photo ads, just classified and they were only updated once a week. There weren't that many users back then.
(quoted from post at 13:18:25 03/03/09) Its hard to believe I have been messing around here for over 10 years now.

Yup, it's marchin' on, been here since late 98 or least it was soon after we went on line.
I have been on since around 1998 or so. Just before I got my rough 10-20 to restore. I needed a lot of help with that trainwreck and got it! I have met a lot of good people on here and also met them at shows. Nice to see them in person sometimes.

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