Plant by the signs

I ALWAYS planted by the signs, i.e., when the danger of frost was over, soil was dry enough and warm enough for the crop in question, that was a sign to plant. Of course, this was for hundreds of acres; maybe planting a garden is different. :>))
often corn planting starts late April here but I feel alot better when the barn swallows return around May 1, I figure they are smarter about the weather than any of us and it usually straightens up when they return.
yep!thats what i learned so thats what i do,at least in the garden.seems to work for me,and my old grandad swore by it.ths year i followed the almanac,as far as planting times here,late feb-early march.have peas,radishes,spinach,carrots,lettuce up and just noticed potatoes are poking through the ground.i generally dont plant this early but i thought id try it once.we'll see generally have some cold weather around first of april.
I was always told not to plant taters until after St Patricks Day. It was almost 80 here today and I got my garden worked up ready to plant. Never know about the weather anymore. Sunday before last was 18 degrees and snowing. Last Sunday was 80 degrees. Have a good day DH
I've always planted by the signs....Grandpa did..Father did...I do...Always cut Hogs, Bullcalfs, Studhorses, whatever, when the signs are in the knees and goin' down....Plant when the signs are in scorpio, pices, taurus and cancer....We farmed cotton, one time up to 40 acres, and several acre truck patches....I doubt it can be done on the large acreage farmed today, probebly got to be planted as soon as ground is ready....Always had very good crops, sometimes We planted when the ground was too wet sometimes too dry (accordin' to the but We made good crops
I wait until the soil warms up because I have found that planting in cold soil can lead to seed loss due to it rotting instead of sprouting, and I have found that a garden planted when the soil is warm can easily beat an early planted garden.
If you plant by small signs you will be ok but if you plant by bigger signs then they will shade the garden out. I like my garden out in the open for full sun. hehehe
Normally i wouldn't plant this early either,but I wanted to see what would happen if I went exactly by Patrick's (or around there) normally works out good here too.probably wont gain any on yield,just on time to work on other stuff!
my Great Uncles and Dad were firm believers in the sign , andwould vary little from it and always had a good crop, I recallOnions can be planted in snow on Ash Wednesday , And early potatoes and peas planted on GOOd Friday here in beautiful Southern Indiana .. Always cut hoggs when sign was in leg and feet . and never lost a one and healed good too ,Never want todo that when in the heart , Nomatter how Much Willing Help Ya got .THAT BEING SAID ..........
It would stand to reason thatany human surgery need should follow the same practice for best results
Old wives tale in central MN was to plant potatoes on Good Friday. Last year you would have needed a shovel to move the snow, and a pick axe to open the ground. Here"s your sign!

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