Linn Co. Iowa to ban outdoor wood burners


Well-known Member
Seems that Linn co public health wants to ban outdoor wood stoves now. Too much emissions ! Whats next ? They made us get permits for waste oil burners in shops, only county in the state. I think they are just looking at generating $$$
A local man complained to health dept that they were harming his air quality . This guy is from Mt.Vernon . Now not knowing for sure , but given that MT.Vernon has a college ,I am assuming that this is a yuppie that moved out in the country too close to a farm . Complained enough till health dept listend . Liin Co supervisors will have final say in the matter, but given their past performance , don't look good .
YOu;'d think so ,but NO . County says NO grandfather clause . I think the people need to start making some phone calls and get this shot down.
They do put out a mess of smoke especially with most people around here burning wet wood and garbage in them and also buying the biggest one and letting it smolder all day with the damper closed.

There are some low emission models you might want to try and get an exemption for. The EPA is testing some now.
These people are morons if they listen to these complaints about wood burning. If they research they will find that burning wood is a carbon neutral new carbon is released into the environment,but burning fossil fuels releases "new" carbon into the environment. Trees take in carbon to grow and when they tree is burned it releases that carbon, but has not added any new carbon ,thus carbon neutral..environmentalists are idiots, on one hand carbon nuetral appeals to them , on the other"smoke" from a stove must be awful! They are such idiots. A "Carbon Neutral" argument could go a long way if presented to the right people.
Our township just added zoning for outdoor wood burners can run them from November til May. Can't burn slab wood, it is concerned trash. Stack height must be 5ft. higher than neighbors house and so on.
But resourceful people will find a work around and put them in a build or garage and then they a are not outdoors and not restricted by zoning till they catch up with that. You are right make more noise than the opposition and they'll pay attention to your views.
Is it just me, or does this country still have it's head up it's ash??? Some of these guys need to get real. They take for granted everyone can afford to just turn up the thermostat. Or, that they have a thermostat!'s for your health....remember, we've all stated that regardless of our political leanings, that we want the government to make us healthy and then keep us healthy. Funny how we all want stuff....until we start getting what we said we wanted. Something along the lines of "unintended consequences". Everyone is silent when movements begin because we're all too busy "gitting er done" but we squeel like little pigs when WE have to change our lifestyle. This is all very predictable.
Bryan..I'm up in Wisconsin and have burned wood to heat our house for the last 30 years. I have an indoor 160,000 btu wood furnace tied into our normal forced air electric (off peak) system and always burn dry hardwood that has been seasoned for at least a year. Our masonry chimney is about 30 feet in the air and the smoke is not a problem. Now, our closest neighbors are about a 1/4 mile away so we've never had a complaint. But...many folks in our area have outdoor wood furnaces and are burning wet poplar and all other kinds of wood. I have to admit that the amount of smoke they emit and the "unpleasantness" of the odor could be a problem if you're a close neighbor down wind. Most of them have a chimney height of 10 to 15 feet so the smoke hangs close to the ground and can "fog up" the near by roads early in the morning. They need to install a fan to dissipate the smoke after it's cooled a bit. Just my thoughts on the subject.
I have one of these outdoor stoves and I will be the first to say that if you have someone else living nearby, you should not get one. They really put out smoke because of the way they are designed to work. When the water is up to temperature, air is cut off and the fuel smolders. This produces a lot more smoke than a normal stove. When it's near your home, it's not a problem since the prevailing wind usually takes it away. If someone lived less than 1000 feet downwind from me it would not be fair to them since they would have to deal with poor air quality. Around here these types of stoves are banned in most towns and subdivisions, but never on the county level.

There are also some newer types of "Gasification" outdoor stoves that greatly reduce the smoke output. They have an EPA certification that allows them to be used in many places where a traditional outdoor stove is banned.
Gasification Outdoor Stoves
Though it is often far cheaper and free if available, burning wood is far from an ideal solution. If we say we have the right to do it, it pretty much makes it OK for all others to do it as well. From The front range of Colorado, to Las Vegas, NV, the concentrated effects of wood burning has provided two effects. The air polution has gotten so bad that warnings and allerts are more common than not, and the fuel use has driven the price higher and higher. It is responsible to act in ways that respect our dramatically over populated earth. We cannot all do wood. Some third world countries depend on "organic" fuel and have stripped the entire eco system to bare earth in the search for enough to cook a meal. We shall not be them. Concentrated smoke is real bad, diffused smoke is someone elses issue----Not really!!. It just adds to the total atmospheric load. See pictures of Arctic air polution from wood burning. I am an environmental realist. The URL below is for an EPA document on smoke. JimN
Wood Smoke Health Link
Wait until the EPA gets through with us.... The dust rules they are preposing for farming activities are just the tip of the iceberg. No more outdoor burning, no more nothing.

When I was 12 I lived in a town with a Train shop and largest round table in the country. It was terrible because of the large coal burning engines. Cinders an black all over the place nothing was clean you couldn't hang your clothes outside to dry.
PS some new laws are not all that bad.
My Neighbor has one and He loves it. It doesn't seem to smoke that much as I never notice it. He does burn dry wood in it all the time that's aged couple years. I do know it eats lots of wood though.
You can't have one of those, The government, state or fed, does'nt get ANY revenue from it. The local power Co. here in Md., BG&E have been running comercials here lately. Talking about the "Smart Thermostat" Oh yeah they got some slick talking about how much money you can save in a year by letting the power Co. install these wonderful new thermostats. In the summer time, he!!, year round, the power Co. can adjust your "Smart Thermostat" to save you money. They of course don't tell you that you may be a little colder in the winter. And a little hotter in the summer. But who cares, you'll be saving money, and as an added plus..... You'll of course be helping to save the environment. This is all voluntary right now, but you just know it will become mandatory in probably the not too distant future. They, state and Fed. governments are going to regulate every thing we do. Oh, but of course, it will be for our own good.
Won't be long before the square footage size and interior volume of your home will be goverment mandated in accordance with the number of people who live there.
Maybe external_link will give you some money to change over to sumpin else?They say we gotta spend that 748 billion in a hurry for it to do any good! Hoss
I find it interesting that people still think this issue is about FURNACES....almost everyone wants to talk about their furnace. It's like hunters, whenever gun control/restrictions/taxes are mentioned, there's always this "it'll be the other guy syndrome or I'm OK I'm a hunter", get your head out of your ????. This IS about government control of your life. I still have had no one respond about making a deal with the devil....we all want free health's the deal....we'll give it to you if you give us control of your furnace, your thermostat, your beer, your cheeseburger, your vehicle, etc. etc. NO....I'm not interested.
Bryan isn"t that just for inside city limits in linn county?

If they had a higher chimmey to begin with there would be no problem. Smoke was going across to the neighbors house at about head height.

They do tend to smoke more than a wood stove inside the house. And the stack is much higher on a wood stove inside a house.

What a bunch of HOGWASH. I suppose when you look at the Artic Circle you can tell the damage is from wood smoke. Try making up a story that is even remotely believable next time.
I think the outcome is CO2. There is a scientific report which says there is too much in the atmosphere and it is turning the Oceans asidic as a result the shells of the crustacians are not forming correctly.
That can be either hogwash or Ostrich-ish but I'm inclined to think the World has a problem.

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