O/T more fuel for bailout backlash

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Don"t you just love it?

WASHINGTON – At least 13 firms receiving billions of dollars in bailout money owe a total of more than $220 million in unpaid federal taxes, a key lawmaker said Thursday.

The House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight discovered the unpaid taxes in a review of tax records from 23 of the firms receiving the most money, Lewis said as he opened a hearing on the issue.

The committee said it could not legally release the names of the companies owing taxes. It said one recipient had almost $113 million in unpaid federal income taxes from 2005 and 2006. A second recipient owed almost $102 million dating to before 2004. Another was behind $1.1 million in federal income taxes and $223,000 in federal employment taxes.
yea and the morons on capital hill are grilling aig for bonuses paid out and the morons voted to let aig pay the bonus in the first place.
aig is in a bind as they had insured some companies that guaranteed loans for people that should not got loans as they didn't have the means to pay the loans. all this was done under the dimocraps.
Someone tell me this. How do you clean house when no one wants the job! i think its time for everyone to write their congress people and tell them they are all fired!!
Most of the bail out money went out of the country to help out our "friends" in europe. We won't see any help from the stimulus because it was not really intended to help us. Just another 'wag the dog' . I agree with firing everyone in Congress. Every single politician needs to find a new trade and the only ones who can accomplish this is us. Oh, wait, if we fire them all, then we will still have to support them as they have never held a real job... including the chosen one...
If I was asked to guess why these bonuses were allowed to "slip" thru:
(1) blackmail ( unpaid people able to both enrich themselves and sabotage a slow unwinding thru their inside knowledge, whether it destroyed the economy or not);
(2) hush money (from talking about how bad the situation really is, ie, impossible to correct and tax money only postponing the real crash, to talking about who in past admin, both D and P, enabled situation);
(3) pure and simple politics as usual: campaigns now are expensive, and Wall Street is where the money is--you don't bite the hand today and go ask them for $$$ when the next political campaign comes around.
What else is new..... from the average taxpayers view, we pay ours no questions asked, yet these companies are deferred, or just plain late 5+ years, well you know they wait til you dig a big hole before they send out their henchmen anyway.

Well guys, make it look good, go collect on those overdue taxes, then what..... cause our government is so great with money, just one big seemingly unstoppable wheel, one we need to dig a big pothole for....
Hmmm" When our computer operating systems become so corrupted that you cannot get anything meaningful done anymore you wipe the system and re-install everything... Too bad enough voters cannot vote intelligently enough to do this when it is needed.
They can legally release the names, it's a public record. Crain's Business Magazine used to list the businesses that were delinquent on tax deposits. It's no secret that AIG is on the list.
From what I"ve been able to dig up, AIG used the bailout funds to pay off foreign debt. So, yes the money went out of the US.
"cannot vote intelligently"
I think they did, they got rid of Bush and his like. He the one who cut the testes off the justice dept, if you can't rewrite a law for your use just take away over-site and enforcement.
When I was a day late paying 12.00 in sales tax they wanted to fine me 25 bucks fine.I told them to come and get my sales tax certificate off the wall and stick it where the sun dont shine tacks and all.They backed off.
Tlak can't let that untruth die, Bush fired a few U.S. attorneys, but his buddy clinton fired Em all, when he got in. Why can't what's good enough for clinton be good enough for Bush?
Don't forget, AIG insures congressional pensions.
If congress wasn't elitest and came under Social Security like the rest of us (1) the Social Security Trust Fund would be over funded, not broke,(2) AIG would be in Chapter 7 or 11 and (3) those tax dollars would be being squandered elsewhere.
Well DIY once again,real slow,George Bush left us in a depression with more debt than any country ever has had in history,in a war like Vietnam,which has no exit strategy,blowing billions a month,and its even in the wrong country.Bush only fired attorneys that wouldnt falsify the vote for him,(thats easy to look up)and Clinton had a budget surplus,Bush had a 12 trillion debt.Should I go on,or are you convinced yet?Its not hard to see who was a better President,and neither one was worth much.Bush is at the bottom of all Presidents except for a couple that died before they did anything.Clinton is up around 15th place.Even Carter is ranked way higher than G.W.Bush.Now as far as politicians are concerned all of them are crooks.The trouble is with crooks like Bush is,he wont do anything for working people.As a matter of fact politicians like him take stuff away from working people and give it to the rich,then act all cold hearted about it,like he deserves to be able to do stuff like that,King George in other words.People like Clinton care mostly about their self,but if they think it will further their career they might throw working people a bone now and then,Southern nnalert Governor is for the most part a nnalert with a heart,kind of.In the higher forms of Presidents you get men that are rich,but help working people.That makes them chisel them out in rock and since people like them,they get to be remembered.The sooner Bush and the rest of them traitors are forgotten the better off the country will be.Yes and external_link,no matter what he does,is going to look better than Bush,even if he screws up.The reason?George Bush screwed things up so bad he will still be being blamed for it 100 years from now.His name will be a cuss word for 200 years from now.You may be rich and it doesnt bother you,I dont care,but nobody in their right mind likes Bush,unless you are trying to stir up trouble,or really are that dumb.Even nnalert are mad at him,He11 even that worthless Cheney is mad at him.Its a sad thing that our country is dragged through He11 over a dummy like that being President.All you get accomplished every time you attack tlak,you and the rest of your little group,is show what ignorance you have.So now we all come to the tractor board so we can hear you and the dummies go after a smart person?I very rarely see a post of yours about a tractor.Seems like if you do post about a tractor you know what you are talking about,so why do you think its smart to be a nnalert?Why are you so proud of this that you try and belittle others that dont agree with you?You nor anybody else can say that nnalert are right about this stuff.They are a bunch of corrupt clowns,bought off by foreign countries and every crooked lobbyist in the book,and lots of nnalert are too.For the 25% maybe that are good,there are very few,if any,nnalert in that group.If we just threw all of the nnalert out of Washington DC we would be much better off.Maybe even do a check on who it is that votes for nnalert and make them go get their head examined before they get to vote again.If we cant get that done,all of them need to be thrown out of Washington DC,and no more nnalert or nnalert at all if they dont want to represent the people.Ive heard special interest crap from both sides I never agree with and nothing necessary ever gets done until Im fed up with all of them.You dont make it better by saying how well Bush did all the time.Yeah right!I guess if you keep telling yourself Bush was good you believe it after a while.I didnt need to see a piece of trash like him as President in my old age.Plus there went your retirement if you work for a living.What Bush didnt squander of it,external_link probably will,and look good doing it,thanks to Bush.
Yeah,well,old DIY will come up with some insult Im sure.If not him one of the half dozen or so other geniouses will.Then they will get all self righteous,and it kind of gets comical,if it werent so seriously warped.All day,every day,talk radio is trying to make this external_links fault,because any nnalert running for office in 2 years is going to most likely loose because of their big old buddy Bush,and they deserve to loose.I hope it lasts 40 years,nnalert are forgotten,including Lincoln,and all those talk radio people have to get a job digging a ditch somewhere in cow manure up to their neck.A bunch of traitorous scum that distort every thing in politics to where either you hate it,or are dumb enough to believe them.Neither side is very good,the truth is bad enough,but when talk radio slants it to the crooks side all the time,it gets old.Talk radio cries that they might get censored,but when they lie all day long thats alright?People are too dumb to read both sides,and the truth gets trashed more every day.One day it will finally come back and bite those people that think like that,if it didnt already happen.
I did that in about 1990,you see how much good it did.Actually it did get a little better for a while in there.I agree,this bunch is fired!
T-40, what is it that you want Goverment to ""get done"", as you put it? What do you think the Federal goverment is going to do for you that you can"t or won"t do for yourself? At the present time the Congress and President of the United States are trampling the Constitution with zero checks and balances. Many of these people have no higher goal than enslaving the working people of this country in order to buy votes from the non productive class to stay in power.
Hmm.I dont quite get what you are talking about.If you mean by over ruling the crap Bush did and restoring the constitution,and in your bizzaro world you think thats trampling the constitution?I guess if you think Bush is so good,and external_link is so bad,not much I can say will change that.Its real simple,if you work for a living,you got screwed every time a nnalert was in the White House.What part of that do you not understand?
Now you see neither side is going to do everything right.Like Bush in the final days finding a heart instead of a gizzard in his chest and helping the auto companies,which was probably wrong,but more like somebody that actually cared if people had jobs.Too bad he didnt do that for the other 8 years he was President.If you want division all the time,all I can say is this is how it is-nnalert run the country.nnalert are the minority,but they have lots of money.nnalert are corrupt,they manipulate things that the people would never allow,to help their crook friends.What I want to see"get done"is a different opposition party kick the nnalert out of power.The nnalert have been a thorn in the side of the United States ever since they began.In my lifetime I have not seen nnalert do anything to help working people at all.I have rarely seen them tell the truth about anything.They talk a lot,but say nothing.They divide,divide,divide so real issues cant get any attention.They drag down the whole government with lies,obstruction,corruption.Now the nnalert are acting like old time nnalert did,so they degrade our government as well as all the rest of the stuff they do to it.This has got to the point that what needs to be done,is not getting done,because of the rotting away of the government by the corruption.If you want things to get better,because of the past corruption,you have to quit supporting the corrupt side.Its clearly the nnalert that are corrupt.Now the nnalert have their problems too,but they wont get fixed because the problems never get fixed.The nnalert lie about the good things to where the public thinks they are right(health care by Newt Gingrich for example)to where we have a much worse mess than if we had done something about it years ago.Fighting a war in the wrong country is another nnalert snow job.Looking back they lied about any subject they talked about.Im done with nnalert.They are traitors as far as I think about them.nnalert are slightly better,but maybe we can hold their feet to the fire and fix some things for a change.Some of it has to be where companies can make it here without being harrased out of business by the government with nit picking regulations,stupid laws from California idiots,and lots of other things.A big bunch of problems for companies is the deregulation done by nnalert,and nit picking caused by nnalert to force small business out of the picture.This is the worst thing done by nnalert with their bigger is better idea of everything to where it has ruined the country.This is not even a recognizeable country to what it was when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s.Almost nobody lives in the country because nobody can afford to drive.Its ridiculous.I dont know what it takes to bring it back,but the way things are going now,it wont stand.Its about gone now,and whats there to look forward to?A life like poor people in China and other countrys like a slave?Yeah vote for some more nnalert!About the dumbest thing a country ever did to itsself.
I have to say LAA,nnalert run the country when somebody is running the country.The nnalert are the non working class thats in charge.They are the blood suckers.Why dont you understand that?Poor non working people live a short miserable life that usually ends up in a mental hospital or prison.The way I see it we could do without lots of people that make a living calling you on the phone,trying to sell you something,trying to scam you,or steal your identity,as well as a bunch of crooks lieing to you in the "government".The Government is you and me.If you dont like what the elected people are doing,and I dont,you can write your congressman and tell him you dont.I dont see any future in voting for nnalert since they dont represent me or anybody that works for a living,that is including small business people.The few dollars you think you save on your tax bill will be eaten way up worse by inflation under nnalert.Thats if you can stay in business when they run the show.Record bankrupcies under Bush.I dont know what is so hard for you to understand?Every socialist idea is not the end of the world.What does it hurt you to make some poor peoples life better if you can?Would you rather have slavery like China?Like anything else,the nnalert can go too far,but at least they do things for working people.All the nnalert would let them do in the past couple decades is raise taxes.Clinton had a nnalert Congress.To pay for his few programs he got through,he had higher taxes,because the nnalert wanted it to appear he was a tax and spend abundant.Yeah taxes were high but people made money.The best thing was the country climbed out of debt for about a minute.To really fix the country you have to try.
What you didnt learn from this read below.nnalert are no less patriots than nnalert.nnalert do not want to destroy the country.They dont want to tax you to death or make you a slave.Why would they?They are going to do some things for working people,maybe turn the economy around,and hopefully get the country back on its feet.If not,you can thank the other side for making your fears come true.Just like the other side,some of the nnalert are idiots.The difference is,we expect more out of them,and mad as everybody is at them they better perform as we the people or the"government"wants them to.
Bonuses and unpaid taxes were found out in this bailout fiasco, I wonder how many congress people have got incentives/compensation from maybe Oct-2008 to date from banks. This would be influence money leading up to the bailout and payoffs from the bailout after-wards.
Wow, I really scored that time, all I have to do is push the right button, and t-40 barfs out a sonata of nonsense. Lets see if I can go for the bifecta. t-40 means well, he is just uneducated about economic(and political) matters, here is a brief education from someone who could teach t-40:
teacher for t 40, poke here
Clinton fired at the beginning of his term as he had a right to do, while Bush fired to manipulate the law.
Without poking whatever you linked, your little tirade reeks of troll and childish name calling.
Kinda hard to shoot anybody down without ammo.
Heh,heh,heh,you think you are smart dont you?Are you saying that Madeoff is good for stealing 50 billion,or that he got what he deserved,or your attention span is so short you actually were taught something about the scam,or just what are you saying DIY?Or do you think Madeoff is a nnalert?Whatever Madeoff is he is in He11 now?Lights on 24 hours a day,no rest,and far worse,for the rest of his miserable life.Yeah right,as soon as the smoke clears they will claim hes dead and he will be in another country drinking champaign,living it up.Rich guys like him dont spend their life in jail.He spent the last couple of months buying an island or someplace to retire to,or even hiring somebody that looks like him to go to jail for him.What did you teach me DIY,I got sidetracked.
I don't do tirades, I leave that to you and t-39, his IQ drops by the minute, I believe that the soul of wit is brevity, and neither of you possess it! Anyway, I'm still smilin, and your still mad, how long can you keep it up?
I never said that I could teach you, I was making a useful suggestion, thinking, of course that you can be taught, however, I could be wrong...
Since all U.S. attorneys serve at the will of the president, he can fire them at any time he chooses, look it up.
Nah,Im not mad at you.For your education Jim Kirwin-Demystifying the Meltdown on the Jeff Rense website.Says it much better than me.One thing though,once you get some wisdom you have to apply it to making the country better for the kids in the future.Its headed for He11 now.Some day maybe when they are changing your diaper in an old folks home you might be as smart as me,but I doubt it.
Theres a saying about it being hard to teach an old dog new tricks,its possible,but its hard to do.I will admit when Im wrong,if you can prove that Im wrong.Heck Ive been wrong lots of times,it doesnt bother me to be wrong.You have to seperate the truth from the lies first,because if you dont you are wasting your time arguing about it.Kind of like going to a gun fight armed with a knife.You might even win,but Im betting on the gun winning.I couldnt ever get interested the Muppets or Sesame Street,when they came out I was working hard trying to support a wife and kid.If you want to get through its the Roadrunner and Coyote,Sylvester and Tweety,Yosemetie Sam,Foghorn Leghorn,those ones.I might even recognize a few other ones like Popeye,and those ones you could hear on the radio like Brer Rabbit and some others,Superman,the Lone Ranger,Sky King,and other stuff you used to hear on the radio,and Im not even one day older than dirt,but I might be able to see the guy that is one day older than dirt from here.I dont think they even had a radio when he was a kid.
True.The President can fire anybody like that he wants to.There is just one big huge problem,we live in the United States not Russia.If a president wants to fire appointed judges,its done at the beginning of his term,just like Clinton did it,most all Presidents do.Bush however fired them after a couple of years in their district,the only thing they did wrong was not go along with Carl Roves plans to screw up the election,and all but a couple of them were high rated.I have not looked it up recently,but I think Bush actually broke some law by firing them when he did.Not that something like that bothered King George,he just got caught,or more precisely,Rove got caught manipulating the election.You really have to come up with something better than Bush can be a dictator if he wants to,but that crowd was real good about not following the law.Bush was as close as we ever need to be at having a dictator.Too bad things went like they did,and neither side is very good any more.Pointing to an obvious time when scandalous proceedures were used to manipulate the election,then cryin about people not liking it is well,a waste of time.Just like the 8 years we wasted with the last bunch running our country.
T-40, I was not referring, specifically to anger , directed at me, I couldn't care less about that, when I called you mad. You want something better for kids of the future, well so do I, however, I don't see how obumerkle's mad spending plan is going to help them. All of the crap that he is throwing up has been tried before, and failed, its called socialism. I am sure he cares for you, as much as he cares for the special Olympics kids he mentioned in his stupid president sketch on Leno!

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