Spooky Find , no explanation found


Well-known Member
The post below about the 5 deer found triggered remembering a find a couple of years back.

My son was checking the page wire fence lines on our Bison ranch one day in high summer,he came across a frontleg that looked like off a limousin cow,cleanly cut of below the knee and still floppy like it was a fresh kill.No appearent teethmarks or chewing on it.The nearest neighbor is 5 mls as the crow flies.
Phoning around to all neighbors did not result in any having recently butchered a brown legged cow.
a week or so later i happen to find a similair frontleg like the first one along the fence,still fresh and floppy and no marks on it,clean cut as well.no bad smell either.Neither did the first one.
only this one was a black and white holstein leg. There is no dairy farm within 40 mls as the crow flies, and upon inquiry again no one in the entire neighbor hood owned or missed a holstein cow or a black and white legged cow or had butchered one like it.Neither did the distant single dairy farm.

How the heck did these legs showed up where they did.The spots where they where found where along a 2 ml stretch of fence that borders a huge forrest reserve with fairly big rivers surrounding it,and no residents either.
You go figure. It still baffles me to this day.
I dont think coyotes,wolves or bears would carry offal that far and dropping it just like that without gnawing it.
Like Teddy says. Someone butchered a cow or cows, left the legs in the back of their pickup & drove them around for a while.

Said person was driving past your fence and decided to get rid of the legs by tossing them into the ditch. The legs may have been moved a bit from there by critters of the 4 legged variety.

Cow/deer/elk lower legs don't have a lot of meat on them and don't get to smelling bad for a while. So once cut off from the animal, they can get left laying around for a while, before the cutter finally gets around to disposing of them.
Sorry folks, theres no road or trails at that fence or even close to it.The only acces to that area would be trough my land for many miles around,and that fence partially borders a river and the rest is muskeg.In my experience when disposing of a carcas or slaughter offal bones and such dont get scattered beyond 1/4 mile.
This is the stranged thing i have seen in my entire life.
Mebby I should call Fox Mulder (X files) eh
Eagle or hawk, maybe raven scavenging a butcher site carries off leg and lands on fence to peck, finds out not enough meat and drops it.
Well I'd give a detailed report to Linda Moulton Howe, but I'd also be careful about how many neighbors etc I told about it, especially when there doesn't seem to be an easy (or any) explanation that fits our experience.
Things that don't fit upset people, and the easiest thing to do is to somehow dismiss, ridicule or question the mental stability of the messenger...that way they don't have to wonder why whatever it was didn't "fit".
Not having been there, I can't say that there isn't some possible "normal" explanation, but, at the same time, it's not fair, or objective, to dismiss or ignore what an experienced person finds no explanation for and is seriously puzzled by.
Years ago someone dropped off a got wrapped in a blanket at the end of our neighbor's driveway. The head was missing.

People who belong to a certian religion (I can't remember which religion) will buy sheep and butcher them right on the spot I was told by a person in the next town west of us.

I would take your find to the local vet and let him or her examine it.
Yea, they'r gonna fly 10 mls or more with a leg that's as heavy or heavier than themselves right.
It's not really spooky, but I had something very unusual happen to me a couple of months ago. I was working on our old 1105 when a cardinal fell out of the sky (no trees around) and hit the hood. I've never seen a dead bird just fall like that.

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