pat sublett

Well-known Member
Anybody had experience with a hernia. I have an Umbilical Hernia and an Inguinal Hernia. I think they were brought about by prostrate surgery 10 months ago. I am scheduled for surgery Friday. Anybody know anything about recovery time. Excuse my intrusion but this is kind of tractor related, I have 4 that I probably won't be able to run for awhile. I know I should ask my doctor those things but I also know that people who have experience knows better.
There used to be a place in Canada (Scholdice Hospital near Toronto) that could repair hernias by weaving the muscles. Assembly line, you got your repair this morning, walked downstairs for supper; went home like tomorrow; 3 or 4 days later you mowed hay or whatever. My dad went there when he was 81-no problem yet at 98. worth checking out. Surgery is a LAST resort.
yes, i have had two and i thank they were brought on by gall bladder surgery. have had one repaired, a walk in the park. walked from recovery room to my room spent the night in hospital and went home the next day, not supposed to lift over about 10 pounds for 6 weeks.
Well, For me, very painful. 2-3 months before I could do much. Full year getting back to normal, however, I never worked like I did before, and when I over worked myself I could feel the pain coming back. Mine was very bad before I had anything done. My advice would be don't wait until it's killing you before getting treatment
I had a Inguinal fixed about 10 years ago at age 36. I'm not overweight and pretty active. They used mesh. I puposely waited until late fall and used the time off to go south for a week or so. I was better by spring. But, the darndest thing the scar line was very sensitive for years and if pressed just right it still smarts. I have a small one on the other side now and will wait as long as possible for that one.
I don't know about which kind but I had double. If it was single insurance would pay only for conventional surgery but since it was double they paid for arthroscopic. They put mesh in and I was home that afternoon and back to work the next morning, and throwing hay bales 8 weeks later. Get arthroscopic if you can.
I"ve had both types. The belly-button hernia I was told is the most dangerous as it could get twisted and really cause problems. Had"um both fixed same time and went home same day. If the umbilical hernia is really pooching out i recommend fixing it soon.
Mine was like LEH hurt very very much for a week then very painful for next month.I even cried trying to get into the bed first or second night then a year getting back to normal.Even then too much exertion would hurt. Its been about 12 years they used the knife on me must have cut many muscles that were slow to heal.Don,t mean to scare you thats how mine was ..Good Luck keep us informed....R.M. IN AL
I had a very large Inguinal Hernia. Had sugery in October of 2006. Doctor used both the plug and wire mess. For me it done as outpatient surgery, about 2 to 3 hours in recovery, and then on home. The walk to car and the next 2 to 3 days sucked, no two ways about it. Slept for a day on pain pills, then laid in the bed. Then slowly started getting better.If I remember right, I was off work 4 or 5 weeks. Then went back on light duty for another 3 or 4 weeks. Complete recovery, no problems since. Other than what somebody else has already mention, the 6 inch scar where they cut can be a real booger sometimes...sometimes if I hit or rub it the wrong way, it hurts just like the day I had the surgery. Seems to be a common after the surgery.
Had one fixed about 12 years ago. Don.t remember much pain. It was in and out in one day and did not do much for 3 or 4 days. Doc then said the other side was getting weak. Well now need it on the other side. Been putting it off for a year so need to get it fixed.
Been shot, burned, cut and a heart attack. But, that inguinal hernia operation was the most painful thing of all. And like the others have said, it lasted a long time and is still tender 6 years later.

Best of luck to you.

I've had both, he first few days you'll wonder, why did I do this? In three weeks you'll wonder, why did I wait so long? Good luck to you!
I had one fixed last year fix the problem but I am still tender sometimes. You should be able to go home the same day but you wont be lifting anything for awhile and build up slow like the doc says so you don"t have to have it done twice.
Had exactly the same thing last year. You'll be back on the job in a week--uh office job. No lifting, it does take time to heal.
Using the tractors? Sure -- just no lifting to hook up. And don't break any speed limits, bouncing around requies muscles in your gut.
About 6 months then you can start building strenght back into your gut.
When the doc says your good to go--don't--you'll get another. Ask me how I know.

I'm supposed to get a belly rupture repaired after coughing due to some flue bug. I'm getting too scared of doctors to go however.
I had a dual Ingiunal repaired 3 years ago when I was 53. Out patient surgery on Friday, returned to work on Monday (desk job). Very little pain and started walking a few days later. Had the surgery the end of August so I could bow hunt 10-1. Back to full activity by bow season.
Guess I should have mentioned that I just turned 31 on March I"m a youngin" compared to some. And now that I think about it, I was off work 3 to 4 weeks, then light duty 4 or 5. My surgery was on Oct. 25, and I went back to work full duty on Dec. 11. I don"t have a desk job either, I climb poles for a livin".
I had one in my groin repared when I was 28,that's 7 years ago now.Was under the knife at 12 noon and back in the barn milking by 5:30.I had local annicetic at the time.The doctor would probabbly have shot me if he knew,and I deffinately wouldn't ever suggest you go back to work the same day,take as much time within a week or two that you can,or what ever your doc says.pd.

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