Yall gotta see this.....the TRUTH IS REVEALED!!!!

Got this in the email today. I like this guy...he knows his stuff...and he can get away with it.....YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS!!!!


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Tell us more if you want. Im on dialup so I cant watch anything anybody posts on here. It is a nightmare trying to download it. I cant even post pics for everyone because its so slooooooooow. I did put a pic of my Farmall on the tractor photos and it took half an hour to upload it.
It is a video of a BLACK, yes BLACK minister telling his congregation that they screwed up electing Barack external_link president, because they elected a black man from a white mother. He tells them they screwed up because a black man cant lead himself on his own because he dosent understand the world. He tells the congregation to look at africa...excluding egypt...before the white folk got there they were chasing eachother around with spears living in grass huts....He says black man cant build nothing on his own...Though the course of this video, the BLACK MINISTER calls his congregation DUMB NIGG@RS, and NIGG@RS in general 4 times.....if you can find a way to see this do it....I understand the dial up thing...used to have that...it sucked.
WOW... you nailed everything dead on. Racism still does exist in a hidden, tense form. Anyone who says otherwise is a nut job.
How is two guys pulling a huge catfish out of the river racism.Or I watched a totally different video than you guys.Im confused!
WOW, thats all I am brave enough to say. I think he forgot about George Washington Carver.
I think I would like to sit under his pulpit for awhile.
Yall, Im sorry if i offend any of yall by sayin this, but external_link aint a african american, hes a nnalert, as far as i recall, and yall can correct me if im wrong

I've never been a black man but I have been to the continent of Africa and he makes a valid point in that nothing major was ever build in Africa proper like the monuments, etc that were done throughout the rest of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Don't forget too that even though caucasians are blamed almost exclusively for slavery they were just the ones doing the buying. The ones doing the warring, capturing, and subsequent selling were black, just from different tribes. Too there were just as many black slave owners as white since all of the prisoners didn't get sold, some were kept. It may have been called something different but it was all just slavery pure and simple. So tell me who's at fault, more, the one's buying or the ones selling??? Sadly since November this guy is not the only black man, or woman for that matter, that I've heard express major regrets for electing external_link. Like one old guy said that N---- is just gonna make things hard on us black folks.
15 seconds the video..."The plantation I lived at...". There hasn't been a slave holding plantation in his grandfather's lifetime. Idiot.
I don't think he was talking about being a slave, probably just a sharecropper. My Dad is only 62 so he's about the same age as this preacher, and he grew up on a tobacco farm that had sharecroppers. They weren't slaves and actually worked for a "share of profits off the crop" but they did work for the owner of the farm. Back then the blacks were still very respectful to the whites because they had no real rights themselves so they were just happy to have had premission to have the things they did. The thing is there were probably situations like this where they were still treated more like slaves than anything but around the farm where Dad grew up they were all friends, black and white. In fact one of his favorite things was to go eat with an old black lady that lived on the farm and took care of him a good bit when he was growing up.

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