In case of Emergency

Seems very odd now ,but in those times,very real. Sorta reminds me of year 2000 scare ,many people went a little crazy,stocking up canned food and generators ect.
geez, i remember in grade school having to do the duck and cover in case of nuclear attact. looking back, prolly wouldnt a done much good.
Having standby power, emergency shelter and weeks of food plus water is not crazy.
We all have seen after a disaster,the hopeless/helpless dependent types crying for the government. To come right quick and take care of them.
Our ancestors didn't survive without planning and stock piling ahead.
I remeber in 1970 we were hit by toronado,dads house was hit and not livable.We lived nearby but not so serious damage but no electric power ,thus no water from well,gas meter broken off so no gas.Fields full of debrie.Had lots of good people come out from town to help .Brought food and supplies .Even let high school kids out to help clear the fields.Iborrowed a large water tank to haul water for house.The power and gas crews were busy in town and didn,t get out until later.We were very fortunate people,for some died in that storm.
It all depends where you are from, if you are from where people help each other, like building a dike with sand bags along a river, cleaning up after a tornado, fires or other disasters everyone pitchs in to get the job done. No one complains. If your from New Orleans you complain that Fema isn't doing enough for you. I will stay in the mid west.
Just crabby Bill
Concrete, lead,steel or any heavy dense material absorbs gamma.
Beta is only a concern if in contact or within a few feet at most. Or if ingested then yes it's trouble.
Alpha is stopped via a thin layer of clothing or a few inches of air. Alpha if ingested into the body will cause serious damage.
Neutrons are another issue. Yards deep covering of heavy wet material Or 5ft+ deep of water, oil or fat/grease will absorb neutrons with excellent efficiently.
A neutron is not an atom. A neutron is one of the very small and very dense component of most atom's cores.
Neutrons are released during nuclear fission and fusion. They activate normally non nuclear elements into sometimes highly active isotopes. Eg cobalt 59 into cobalt 60. Even the oxygen and nitrogen in the air will become radioactive, with a short half life however.
Gamma is a wave of energy.
Beta is justelectrons screaming along at high speed.
Alpha are two proton and two protons bonded together and highly excited.
Beta does not equal gamma.
Yes,I agree,very tired of all this crying,we have the river flooding up here,and these people have been real troopers working trying to save their property.What really hit home,was all the young people that helped.Geez almost brings tears of pride.I'm so proud of our young people of North Dakota and Minnesota
I've heard of duck and cover, never saw it. I guess nobody thought the Russians would waste their nukes on the small farms on SE Indiana ridges and valleys.
John in la--
You hit that on the nailhead--
nobody talked about it (after your post)--
got to be politically correct, these days :roll:
Any will cause cellular damage and death.
I agree that in all likely hood in an explosion situation. Almost all would die of neutron or gamma dose first. Close range blast wave and thermal is lethal too.
Not much of a chance after getting 300+rem and particularly over 500rem.
I'm still more worried heavy metals in the foodchain, dioxins,organic chemicals and bio hazards than about radiation.
Humans were all getting a rem or two every year anyways before the 1st bomb went off.
Don't worry. Within the year the US will be out of Iraq and cozy buddies of Iran importing their oil.
Obboma and the president of Iran are old buddies from college.
I would be far more worried about Pakastan. They actually have working warheads, Iran doesn't. Pakastan is also full of wide eyed nnalert phychos hiding from the western armed forces.
(quoted from post at 05:26:42 04/09/09) I would be far more worried about Pakastan. They actually have working warheads, Iran doesn't. Pakastan is also full of wide eyed nnalert phychos hiding from the western armed forces.

HEy buickanddeere,
Just reading the posts this morning seems like some people up kind of early. lol. Kind of interested in your back ground, you seem to be a very level headed person with lots of information just waiting to be tapped. Me can't tell ya much about Betas and gammas, but i can tell ya its nice have spring around again. Just wondering are you college edumacated or home schooled? Thanks guy.

Take care
Thanks for the kind words but there are several members here that post only occasionally. When they do however the depth of their info and practical experience is impressive and much beyond my own.

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