what color??


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
This is the little wagon I have to rewood and am thinking about making a 3 way dump bed on.
When I paint it, I'm thinking about red/white to match the tractor that I promise to paint someday.

Was thinking red frame and white wood.
The usual color for these things are either a red or black frame/hardware and green (almost forest) wood. Hauling manure being the primary purpose, the white may be a bad choice. What do you folks think?

Couple pics of the wagon, one of the tractor and my dog in her favorite place, and one of the twinkle in my eye.


White is generally a poor choice where manure is involved. I believe Sandra (Marth) Hill, Miss Washington 1964, would attest to that, stemming from an unfortunate incident as she toured the dairy barn at the Southwest Washington Fair that summer. Without going into detail, suffice to say that a Holstein, the "green grass scoots" and an untimely belch can have disastrous results. Ever poised, Ms. Marth comported herself well throughout, but her tour for that day was at an end.

Apparently there was no permanent psychological damage, as she went on to become 2nd runner-up Miss America, and was a CBS network news anchor for awhile in the 1970's.
i think the other way around, red wood and white
frame. Or mabey even some stain it.

I dont know, but that sure does look like a cool

I was thinking about a white frame too but I use it and it gets pretty soupy here during the winter months.
Reminds me of the old Gary Moore "I've got a secret" TV show. The panel was blindfolded and the "Mystery Guest" was brought in. The panel was to determine the identity of the "Mystery Guest" which happened to be the world champion Holstein cow hailing from the great state of Pennsylvania. Well, the guest, in right short order, decided to drop a big dollop of cow flop right on the stage. That brought the house down. Gary Moore was yelling for a commercial break (this was live television) the panel was "udderly" confused and we laughed for the rest of the night.

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