Frost Advisory

they"re calling for a frost advisory tonight. been cloudy all day supposed to clear up over night. lows in the mid thirtys. i have 90% of my plants in the ground. people around here usually plant memorial day weekend but i try to sneak mine in a week or two early. hope it doesnt bite me this year. any words of encouragement?? any frost facts to help me out??
Sure hope we've seen our last one for the year. Gonna plant tomorrow. Keep 'em covered, rinse weverything else off with a hose before the frost hits.
We had ice on the windshield this AM and alittle frost on the grass but it did nt hurt the garden any .
I hope it misses you it's supposed to bite only the low pockets. But it's supposed to get hot, so I went out and mowed this evening. got one field down, headed for another when I got a flat on the mower. So I'll be starting off with just one field down probably. But that's probably for the better.
I mowed about 20 A. today . I want to be sure everything works ok before I mow any more .
It was 105 yesterday, but only 96 today in the central valley here in California.
Not sure where I"d rather be, here or there.
Ya better cover them. Last night here in s.w. Pa it cleared off and it got down to 32. I covered about 60 plants and some got burnt under the covers.
We just put about 700 plants in the ground tonight. The forecast here is for mid 30's. We're crossing our fingers that the ground warmth and nearby woods will keep the frost away.
My Grandpa told me if I didn't use my head I just as well have two A** :)I think of that every day and it has been 75 years. Ditty
I always heard;

Those who don't use their head have to use their feet!

Those who don't listen have to feel!!!

Our mom use to correct us and would say; I'll whip all of you then I'll get the guilty one!!

I've never heard a man complain about a punishment if he knew he deserved it at the time.

Many of us it makes us laugh of what we done and the punishment we got. The punishment must of worked too otherwise why would we still remember it. That was our parents' point they were trying to get across to us.
I had 33 degrees F this morning in NE MD and we had a heavy frost. My garden plants seem to be ok. The house roofs were snow white from frost.
Suppose to get into the 70's today. Hal
My granddad on my mom's side was a sharecropper in SW VA. His help would ask when they would stop for lunch. His answer was " don't worry about the mules going blind, keep loading the wagon". He didn't spend all his time in the field as he had 13 kids. My mom was the second oldest. They had a family reunion you wouldn't believe. Hal
Lucky enough to get things covered last night as it went down to 31deg. The frost was thick enough on the sheets covering the tomatoes and salad crops to drip off after thawing out

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