Survived the vacation


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
I survived… Flew in to JFK in NY and picked up a car. Took a relaxing trip across PA stopping at Gettysburg and a bunch of places along the way (sorry for the unannounced visit Kirk). Went on across WV and to the hometown. Got a room and the guy said that there was someone with the same last name (just our clan in the area), knocked on the door expecting to see a cousin and found my oldest brother I hadn’t seen in 25 years . Spent a week with the family and running around where I grew up then back to MD across southern WV and up I81 (beautiful drive) linked up with an old friend in MD and spent the last few days .He has a condo in Ocean City, MD and we went there for a couple days while the Hot Rod Show was going on. Had a ball but am glad to be home.

Glad you had a good time, also glad your back. Gets kinda quiet around here late at night when you are not around.

(quoted from post at 04:10:33 05/21/09) Did you find anything good to bring back home?

If i would have, I wouldn't have had a home to come to......... :roll:

My uncle had a little ford Jubilee that he mows about a half acre with and a cub in pieces in his shed that I tried to convince him to give up..... Another one has a JD 7500 (??) that was real nice and has me thinking of the younger generation. Dealers seem to be throwing vehicles at you also.

I checked out a few tools that I'll probably have my buddy send me as soon as I get a little guidance from you folks.
(quoted from post at 04:48:36 05/21/09) Doesn't sound like you had time to look for arrow heads. Glad you are back.

Pretty wet the whole trip. Probably plenty uncovered though.

AHA! Wondered why we hadn't heard from you.

Glad you had a good time and were able to visit with family and friends.
Hey Dave,

Glad you made it home. No problem on the visit. If we had known you were coming it would have involved cleaning and cooking and yard work and... Seriously, enjoyed the chat. There are fellow members as close as 5-6 miles from me who I have not actually met so to have a face to go with a name from Germany is kind of cool.

We had all that rain before your arrival here and now everything is growing like crazy. Neighbors finally started corn this week so fields are dry now.

Sounds like you had a good time.

Thats great Dave!! especially glad you got to see your brother A rarity indeed and by chance too.

You should have played the powerball with your luck. or could you stand $ over there?~~~LOL

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