O/T -- School on Memorial Day???

jd b puller

Well-known Member
Would you believe our kids are supposed to go to school on Monday? It's not a make up day, it's just on the calendar as a normal day. I guess honoring the fallen that helped give us the freedom we have means more to most people than the Wake County Board of Education. Guess who's kids WON'T be going to school on Monday?
On the one hand, I understand outrage at the apparent snub of our fallen vets. On the other hand, since less than 0.5% of these kids will take part in honoring our vets on [or near] the holiday, perhaps it's best not to waste a day outside the classroom.

That's the reality of the situation...since they're not going to even think about those who gave their last full measure of devotion for our freedom, why allow the kids to waste the time on selfish pursuits...when being in school at least keeps them from carjacking and dealing drugs for a few hours?
I dont think so! Its up to parents to teach their kids a thing or two about memorial day,and in general giving respect where it is due.We wouldnt want to teach them anything about any of that would we?If You treat a moron like a moron,They'll always be a moron!Ive never heard of school on memorial day either.Whats next?Christmas School?
jd b,

As Michael Savage says, "Borders, language, and culture" is what makes a nation a nation. We're rapidly losing all three.

The City of Atlanta / Fulton County Georgia went into the crapper about 40 years ago. When my family and I moved there (work transfer) 30 years ago, my wife and I enrolled our kids in a private school. They went to school on Memorial Day but had the day off on Confederate Memorial Day which is some time in April, I think.

Their rationale was that Memorial Day is a Yankee holiday, and "We don't do that down here."

"They" didn't, but "we" did. Keep them home.

Tom in TN
I suppose then they will be truants.not attending school without a just excuse.aided and abetted by their Father.Do they know the significance of the day or is this just Dad talking.
(quoted from post at 21:34:44 05/22/09) On the one hand, I understand outrage at the apparent snub of our fallen vets. On the other hand, since less than 0.5% of these kids will take part in honoring our vets on [or near] the holiday, perhaps it's best not to waste a day outside the classroom.

That's the reality of the situation...since they're not going to even think about those who gave their last full measure of devotion for our freedom, why allow the kids to waste the time on selfish pursuits...when being in school at least keeps them from carjacking and dealing drugs for a few hours?

Been watching TV again huh?
today Friday May 23 was the last day of school here in Tenn. Should be that way in all states. Out of school by Memorial Day.
What is "really terrible" is the fact that all the holiday means any more is a three day weekend for most people. The traditional day of May 30 has been lost to eternity.

Just like "Veterans Day". The only ones that get that day off work are non-veterans who work in banks and gubburmint jobs.

I served in the early 1970's and will not attend any organized tribute to veterans because of the way servicemen were treated during that time.

Do these arrogant asses really believe that a 5 minute tribute once a year can wipe out all of the pain that accompanied that time.

Now I will jump down off my soap box and go take my frustrations out on a piece of iron.

i remember going to school on memorial day. it was the 8th grade. i remember it because i had a small transistor radio and i was listening to the memorial day INDY 500 race and the teacher caught me listening and took my radio. never did get it back. i think that was the last grade that i had to go to school on memorial day. it was a holiday after that.
Are you sure it is not a misprint error on the calender? Some dufus that made up the calender may have screwed up.
Mark, nice thoughts, and that's the right link to the calendar. Track 2 is off (white), Tracks 1, 3, 4 have school. Traditional is off as holiday.

Yes, I think someone garfed up, but they are too proud to admit it. We actually got the automated voice message last night reminding us that we have "school" on Monday. Although from what I have heard, there won't be much learning, just playtime. I guess they know many kids won't show up.
I myself have the utmost respect for veterans. I was the taps player at memorial days services for several color guards in our area for many years, as well as funerals for soldiers passed on. I'm also a school teacher, and I have to say it is sad and almost scary, the fact that most today, kids and parents, don't care. Last night, on my 30 mile drive home from work, the roads were Packed with trucks pulling boats and ATVs. There are people by the 1000's that come out from the metro area for this weekend, but when I attend the services at local cemeteries, there are but 12-15 local neighbors there. I know everybody in attendance.
That tells me that this weekend is nothing more than three days of fun on the water or tearing up the public and private lands with ATVs for a good majority of the public. Should people enjoy themselves this weekend? Certainly, but it sure would be nice to see a little effort put forth to honor the fallen.
Should there be school? No. Would it really make a difference to the kids? YES, but because they don't get the day off for their own fun, not because they had plans to remember fallen heroes.
I'm done now too.
What about the Indy 500. What about the Farm supply and equipment dealers who are going to stay open so we can keep going. What about the gas stations and stores that stay open so John Public can get to the lake and have a place to go buy his booze? I don"t hear you complaining about them. Curious what are you plans for Memorial Day? Mine are to cut hay and think of the old timers I knew that served in WWII. I will also think of a few Army buddies of mine that did not come back.
My plans for the day? I will take my 91 year old mother out to the cemetary to decorate the graves. And while we are there, we will pay for and eat an overpriced lunch to help support the perpetual care of the cemetary. No play time for me. There is a local tractor club that has a show this weekend that I won't be attending. Any more questions?
When I lived in Dallas they ask some kids at the local high school. What the day was for. I think one out of twenty knew what the day was about. I think four knew that there was a race that day. Very sad how all vets are treated.
Several years ago, a temporary pastor who has since moved on from our church concluded each service on Memorial Day weekend with the following announcement:

"As I depart through the rear of the Sanctuary, I would invite anyone who has worn the uniform or our country to follow me and form a recieving line in the Narthex. Anyone of the congregation who wishes may pass through the line and thank them for their service".

It was awesome! I think every member of the congregation participated. There were handshakes, thanks, hugs, and more than a few tears. I got a big hug and kiss from a female high school class mate who wouldn't give me the time of day when we were in school.

A little old gray haired lady cracked me up. She shook my hand and asked me what branch of service. I replied, "Marine Corps". She stepped back a couple of steps, eyed me up and down, said, "You look like a Marine", and walked off. I have no idea who she was.

It was a fantastic experience. I'll have to figure out a way to pass the word to our present pastor to do the same.
We did. And Ill be working Monday. I dont hear anybody whining about all the workers at the stores we'll be going to Monday, or the resteraunts we'll be eating at on Monday.
Nope...raised two kids, one of whom served a tour in Iraq with the Army Reserve. Even when I was a kid and we got out of school for Veternas day--we always were out of school for summer before Memorial Day rolled around--I was often the only student who showed up at the courthouse for the ceremony, in which the VFW and American Legion posts each had a colorguard presence, and where old judge Bliss Eskew would tell his tale about the old-timer who always celebrated "army-stick day" on November 11th.

So I know something about kids and their lack of participation in memorial services. So if they're not going to use the day for its intended purpose, they may as well be in school instead of terrorizing neighborhoods, dealing drugs, shooting one another, and beating up and robbing the elderly.

[Want to start a REAL war on terrorism? Start incarcerating these gang-bangers and thugs on OUR OWN city streets, and let the Iraqis police their own!...but that's a separate rant.]
I'll be saying a humble prayer & kind memoriers of my relatives that I will vist in the cementary, My Grandfather served in world war I, My stepdad served in world war II, My uncle who served in Korea, And my son who is currently serving in Afghanistan, I will give a salute & a prayer of Thanks to all Veterans Past & current. Dave F.

Have you noticed that the "former big three" (ABC, NBC, and CBS) barely mention things like memorial day, veteran's day, or things like June 6. I can remember years ago that nearly all of them had some special program on those days
Very remote possibility the school will have a couple class sessions devoted to meaning of Memorial day, maybe a assembly with a few veterans. Could always ask the school principal if anything like that planned- if not, ask why not? RN
One of the Cincinnati area school districts will be in class Monday. They lost so many days for the wind damage from Hurricane Ike and snow days that they have to stay open to get their required days in. I don't know how many days they have to make up. The teachers and parents are not happy.
Some do, some don't. external_link says everyone should observe this day. Listen to our savior barracks Osama.

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