O.T. Self control

Ohh, YES!! Bought a case of Iron City beer, wife made an up-side down cake, with the pineapple on top and the sugar coating, baked in an iron skillet! YUMM!!
Been invited to a picnic at our son's place tomorrow. He said to bring my own beer, if i wanted any, so i bought the Iron, because none of his beer swillin' buddies like it! They drink that wimpy stuff, Keystone light! Its enough to make ya gag! Might as well drink ice water!
Worked on several machines today, and got one finished and delivered.
Now, i closed the garage door, put things away out of sight, mowed the front lawns, opened an Iron, and am now browsing here, answering questions!
Have a nice Holiday, and remember our friends who have gone on--especially the old Veterans, who made it possible for you all to vote for your man, whoever he was, or is!
By an old Veteran--Rusty Jones
I know what you mean with the beer drinkers. I drink PBR and when I the better half goes to Texas to visit her family she brings back some Lone Star. The advantage to both of them is that nobody mooches any.
My motto is that if they want to drink something smoother they need a wine cooler.
Well I am broke out of gas and out of BEER. So not much else can go wrong. Pretty much covers the self control part.
Kruse, PBR Is that Papst's Blue ribbon Beer? I haven't had any or seen that brand in years. I wonder if they still make Stroh"s beer anymore? Haven't had any of that in years. Dave F.
I have too. In the middle of working 7 nights in a row at the water factory. Bout right, finaly dries out and I am here. Work 12 hours, go home and try to get a few hours of seat time, try to get in bed by about 11 am. No long weekend here just a long week.

Hope every one else has good'n. Some of yall drink one for me.

Had the kids and grandkids over for BBQ yesterday- Buffalo burgers went over well (wife bought a young buffalo for meat- it had chased the owner's wife around to the point that he needed to get rid of it). Grandma gave Paso Fino horse rides to the grandkids, I gave tractor rides to grandsons (ages 3 and 4). Grandsons had a great time playing on the dirt pile, while their mothers bit their lips (they're little boys- they're supposed to play on dirtpiles- daughters in law understand that, but haven't really bought into it wholeheartedly). Great time had by all. Daughter brought a nice selection of foofy beers and ales, which was a nice departure from my normal Busch Lite. Good time had by all. Grandma and Grandpa exhausted, but happy.
Not a troll, but haven't been on here/lurking in quite awhile. Hope everyone has a nice memorial day. Please take time to remember our military and veterans.
working weekend. Rebuilding a hayrack, refurbishing the wagon. General chores, plant the garden...... No traveling. Going to take a few minutes off to remember the vets and service people. May God bless them.
Yup. I am about as well behaved as a guy can get, and I ALWAYS tell the truth. So far I have cut down a bunch of saplings and hauled them to the city's tree mulching place, fixed some washing-machine hookups, built a handrail for some stairs, buried a sewage pump cover, spread a bunch of dirt, mowed the yard. No beer here either. Terrible, isn't it?

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