spraying roundup ready beans

We hold off as long as we can,want to kill all the weeds we can get.Roundup is a contact spray,doesn't pay to spray to early,or you might be spraying twice.
I drill my beans in 12 inch rows, spray at 30 days past planting or when they are as tall as a pop can. That's my rule.
I try to wait until the weeds are just a little taller than the beans. You need the spray on the weeds so they need to be a little taller. Exact time depends on the weed varieties and the weather. Weeds are easier to kill when they are small so it's a balancing act. Sometimes you may have to spot spray some areas again later on. Try to remember what raising beans was like before we had round-up readys.
Good luck,
why plant a food plot? Them stupid deer have plenty of crops to eat. the deer around here eat all summer in my crops then in winter go find a food plot.Maybe if food plots were not around some of the deer would die off. Instead we have a bunch of disease ridden deer running around because there are to many of those varmints.
Why leave so much yield on the table? Crops are most susceptable to yield loss from weed competition when they're small, any losses you incur early are never made up for in this case. If you want to avoid spraying 2x in-crop, use a residual pre-E. Check out about any university site, and you'll see research to support this. If you'd rather not spend the $$ on a residual, spend it on 2 trips of RR, your choice, or live with the yield loss.
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