How's this trip your trigger?


So i just read that congress has wrote into the health bill that they are exempt from this? I guess that really means they ARE better than the people that voted them in!
I am in the mood to vote against any incumbant.

They have made such sweet deals for themselves in helth ins. and retirement it should be a national scandal.

Too many people dont have a clue unfortunately.

By the time the election rolls around, the sheeple will have forgotten, and the media will blame the GOP for whatever ill consequences result, as well as blaming them for opposing 'Change'.
Never forget that members of the media are knowing, willing, eager, and PAID to shill for the agenda of those who want to enslave us.
Congress has typically been exempt from a lot of laws that they write. That gives them protection from lawsuits and just about everything else.
Do you think they have social security to worry about? No. They have their own private pension.
Health care? Their own plan that covers them very well, I might add.
Years ago, Newt Gingrich had this plan that the government has to follow the laws and rules of the American public. That was more hype that content.
VOTE them out you say, There are more standing in the wings just waiting to take up where these left off. I've always said,"the politican and Lawyers (one and tha same) and the News media " have destroyed this great country of ours.Most of the news media are paid better than a lot of Politicans. And their going to protect that, They could give a HOOT about the little people......Jim in N M
the entire toilet in dc needs flushed, i am campaigning AGAINST every one who now holds office and will vote that way as I can.
Nothing will change until power is removed from Washington and given back to the States and the People, where our Founders intended it to be, and where the Constitution tells us it should be.

But the Left controls our schools and universities, print and TV news media, and Hollywood movies and TV entertainment media. Our children don't understand nor care what is going on. They've been taught that the government is here to take care of us and that won't change. It's already too late, we've lost. Now we will either go silently into the night, or revolt.
Trouble is that the States are just about as corrupt as Washington DC.Cities are probably the most corrupt of all forms of government.Parking meters,towing cars,one big scam after another,and now some of them use tax dollars to build sports stadiums.Thats where the mafia comes from is cities.With what we just lived through,Enron,Speculators driving up fuel prices,and all the rest of it,is about the worst I have seen it.All politicians are crooks its not that Liberals are worse than Conservatives,they just havent thought up the scams the neo conservatives have yet,or dont have enough guts to try the scams the neocons have pulled.If it wasnt crooked all the foreigners wouldnt be in it like they are.The United Nations is an example of what our government has become.Worthless and all they do is scam all the time and beg for more money.
Even if you could give the power back to the State,it wouldnt be any time at all and you would wish it was back under the feds because that is where the real idiots are,the states.They are like worthless teachers that cant seem to get fired,nobody wants their crook job so they get elected and nobody even runs against them a lot of times and they dont have sense enough to come in out of the rain,or are bought and paid for by a crook or corporation.Seatbelt laws,smoking laws all that junk came from corrupt people in a state somewhere trying to give the state more ways to write a ticket so more law enforcement is justified to be on a state payroll.Then just like the gun control stuff coming out of Chicago,New York,and just about any big city.The whole bunch of them are rotten to the core and getting worse.The only way to do it is start at city hall and clean all of them out from city hall to Washington DC.The way to do it is pick a 3rd party thats not a bunch of crooks,vote them in,write them in if necessary, and quit voting for nnalert and nnalert or any other party that gets out of hand from now on.Plus the lobbyists have to go and never be allowed back in there.Probably should pass a law that no lawyers can hold a political office.

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