Help with dealing with stepson truck


Well-known Member
I don't want to go into much detail but does anybody have any cleaver insight on how to make a truck breakdown without really destroying anything that would say cost over $200-300 in repairs? It would be best to make it go 5-10 miles down the road before it dies. It is a 1999 Dodge 3/4 4WD diesel.

Thanks for any insight.
Who owns this truck? If you dont own it, then doing what you are planning is a criminal act, with consequences. Tom
Sorry for your situation.Sounds like a case of tough love.

I had a Dodge van in shop a while back were someone poured a gallon of milk in the fuel tank.Drove about 5 miles before stalling.New filters,blew out lines,removed tank to clean out and down the road again.Right in the $300 range to repair.
The key word here is Stepson.You sir,are in a no win situation.Unless his mother is like none other you have no one in your corner.Better get the dog to scoot over cause,you will be moving in soon.
Some times one action can produce a totaly different response than what was expected. Such as trying to teach someone a lesson ie; stepson.
I have alot of experience with this as I have a son that has been totally disrespectful to my wife and I and other authoritative figures.
Things have gotten alot better and he still lives with us at age 27. things are good but not fantastic. It also helps to have backup from the wife.
E-mail me
why allow a disrespectful son of 27 years of age to live with you?
some lessons in life are learned the hard way and your boy needs a education.

Time to cut the cord.
I agree, if I treated my parents like crap and lived in their house at 27 I would have been thrown out the door.

I moved out at 23 cause I had a job and money to put a down payment on a house.
You are in tough. A step son views you as someone who thinks he is the father, so he resents authority and he resents you who represent authority. His mother has to come to bat with you. If you can talk to him explain that you are not trying to replace his father, but its your house and your rules, if he respects you you will respect him, momma has to back you up. If it isn't working ask him to leave, he may have a change of heart. Is his father around, perhaps he could back up momma on this. Do not enable his behaviour with gas money, free board,insurance or any other finacial consideration..if he wants to help around the place and follow some simple rules then things may improve..if not hes gotta go or he will ruin the relationship between you and your wife.
I would love to bash your skull in with a pipe!

I hate you and all your socialist comments.

I moved out of my parents house because I wanted to *uck my girlfriend in my own house.
Why hurt the truck. Put your foot down and explain the rules of the house. If he is over eighteen tell him to hit the road. If under tell him this is the way it is. Don't like it to bad.If your wife wont back you,then you need to leave and don't look back.Because she is going to be sorry in the future.
Also if he thinks your being to hard on him.Tell him the real world doesn't give a crap about him. Things are harder in the real world.
The alternator could always get zapped....That model does not have a light so depends on how good he watches the gauge. VP pump shuts off with low voltage.
Like some of the others have said, momma has to be on the same page as you. Over 18? Put down 1st and last months rent on a cheap efficiency and box up all of his belongings. Invite him over for Sunday dinner. Under 18? Take the keys. I suppose you could unplug the crank sensor so it won't start. No matter what, momma has to be in agreement, or you will need to look for another place to live.

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