

I cannot find how to submit this directly...
As per our user agreement, please accept my notification and request to terminate my account, username, etc.
In addition, please delete the follow up posts about my original post.
I merely thought I had found a somewhat friendly place, and others with common interests.
I apologize and deeply regret causing a stir, I was just venting a bit.
Please confirm deletion of my account via email.
I need no more humiliation than I have already endured without you all.
Best to everyone.
Dbernie - please don"t leave. I am not happy with YT deleting your post either and have sent a complaint.

You are a strong individual or you would not have served your country with honor as you did. I know it can be frustrating, but don"t turn your back!

Don"t let the troll walk on you.
Ignore the trolls and also realize that the YT folks are way in over their heads about how to deal with the situation with trolls. Very one-sided, the way they go about it. They seem to prefer to hear from the whiners and then they act.
dbernie. Thanks for serving. The way I see it if some people will not stand behind our troops and support them maybe they should try standing in front of them on the battlefield. Thanks again for doing something most folks wouldnt even consider.
Don't let anybody get under your skin here. About 1% of posters try hard to make life miserable for the other 99%.
Someday the trolls will be crying that our military has been cut too far.
You have every right to be here.

This is a GREAT Forum for a certain limited range of topics. However, the owners choose to keep the threads "On-Topic".

For a GREAT alternative that's military veteran and conservative-friendly, PLEASE come join us at The New OT Forum!
dbernie - I copied it because I knew it would get pulled. I didn"t get all of it, but I got most of it. I"m posting it because I don"t know if you got to see all the great, supportive responses.

Ignore the troll.

06-30-2009 04:49:23

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I have to say, though I"ve not met any one of you all, this has to be the best forum on the net. That said: I"ve been complainin" off and on here a bit.

When I returned home from active duty, there was no party, no welcome back, no thanks. It would have been nice, but I went in that little room and swore in for selfless service at MEPS, it was not expected. I felt I was doing the right thing, NO, I KNOW I was doing the right thing, doing my little thing for the bigger picture to help protect our country, our way of life, and the women and children back home. I gave up alot, more than I care to share here, to do what I felt I needed to do.

At any rate, if anyone recalls any of my posts, I just hit 70%, and may go up from there.

That sucks that I"m hurtin like this, but its almost like a badge of honor, official recognition for the dues I"ve paid, and for what I"ve been goin" through. Medals, battalion coins, decorations are nice...but after that"s all gone away, and your"e at home alone with noone you can identify with...anyway I can barely type on this computer, much less work. Life is good, not requesting help or sympathy, just wanting to share. I"m still holding my own. Though I still remain withdrawn since leaving active duty, my wife I met shortly after returning just doesn"t understand where I"m coming from sometimes, especially when I speak of what I have just spoken of. Like we used to say, they just don"t know (not gender or race specific, just referring to anyone that just don"t know)

Thank you all, God bless you all, proud to serve, don"t worry, just sharing, venting, we"re doing just fine...and thanking you all for giving me a place to complain. Take care...from my rural place in America next to my tractor, barn, and corn crib... :D Lord knows I"m a lucky man...
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Nancy Howell
06-30-2009 06:56:03

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Dbernie - God gave us the ability to communicate for a reason. We all need to share sometimes. Sometimes the ones closest to us are the last ones to understand. Sometimes we don"t want to worry the ones closest to us, so we share with others.
We all deal with pain periodically, but that pain generally goes away eventually. Constant pain is different. It wears on you physically, mentally and emotionally.
Yes, there should have been a welcoming committee waiting to greet you and every member of our military when they returned, but that doesn"t happen.
No, you didn"t ask for recognition or praise, but that doesn"t mean you don"t deserve it.
YOU have my deepest respect and gratitude.
YOU are the reason we are free, not the politicians.
YOU are the reason we can call or write the politicians and tell them what we think without fear of being rousted from our beds in the middle of the night and dragged off never to see the light of day again if we even live through the night.
No one who has not been in combat can understand what that does to a man. A man my father-in-law served with in the Air Force during WWII was shot down over Italy, captured and spent 18 mos as a POW. When he came home he was not functional. Each day he would get up, dress and go to the living room. He would sit in a chair and stare at the floor all day. Yes, all day. He did that for two years. He did eventually pull out of that and return to a "normal life", but he would never speak of what he went through. If he saw the vehicle of a war buddy parked in his driveway, he would not come home.
Combat changes a man. It does the unspeakable to the living and the dead.
My family has a long history of serving in the military, too. My father and my father-in-law both served over 20 years in the Air Force. My father"s brother served over 30 yrs. in the Army. My father"s sister married an Army officer. My mother"s brother did a hitch in the Navy and my beloved husband, James, was a commissioned officer in the Air Force as a jet pilot.
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06-30-2009 06:35:11

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

I have a bumper sticker that says, "For Those Who Fought For It, Freedom Has A Flavor The Protected Will Never Know".
That about says it all.
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Gene Dotson
06-30-2009 06:34:05

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

I also add my thanks for the time and sacrifices by you and millions of others
I and 5 of by brothers also served our military time. Three army and three Air Force. Two of them in actual combat and one who barely made it home. He is on 90 percent and has risen above all the pain and memories and recently retired from the automotive testing world. He has a well equipped shop and works on tractors and cars daily and attends many tractor shows. He has no remorses toward anyone. Just wishes he was able to eat a good meal of solid foods... Gene
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06-30-2009 06:29:05

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

If yu want to BS a little shoot me an email (link n modern view).

I work 12 hour shifts with not a lot going on and am glad for the company.

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06-30-2009 06:27:16

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Dude. I can"t imagine you doing anything honorable in your life...........

this guy didn"t ask for anything, just let it go. pick on someone like me.

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Real Vet
06-30-2009 06:22:01

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Looks like you stirred up the trolls from the bottom of the cess pool; lol!!
I don"t think the tree farm or vet actually served a day, but are a couple of losers wanting to rain on others happiness and pride.
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06-30-2009 05:53:17

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Thank you for serving. We don"t do enough for our vets. I try to contibute to the veteran facility here every Christmas. It"s the least we can do, especially for the WWII vets. My dad turned 91 a couple weeks ago.He served in the Phillipines--no combat--just behind the action. In a few more years all the WWII vets will just be memories or pictures on someone"s mantle. Kind of sad.
Larry in Michigan
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06-30-2009 05:21:47

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Thank you for your service!
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James Howell
06-30-2009 05:15:33

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

I am firmly shaking your hand right now, looking you straight in the eyes, and saying "Thank you for your service."
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tree farm
06-30-2009 05:56:49

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to James Howell, 06-30-2009 05:15:33

I Served 8 Honorable years in the United States Army, YOU James Howell was too much of a Coward to give Service to this United States of America.
I look for or ask for no Special recognition..
and then call others what you are.......
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The Vet
06-30-2009 05:11:32

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

If ALL Service Vet"s felt the way you feel, we"d be in a hell of of fix, I"m an Army Vet, and I joined because I wanted to, and the government paid me for being there, that"s my reward, just like any job,
Your thinking some one should recognize you for doing a job, think again, if you need help, go to a VA Clinic and visit with a psychologist, they will give you the recognizing your looking for.
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James Howell
06-30-2009 05:36:38

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to The Vet, 06-30-2009 05:11:32

MN Joe you are using The Vet as just another temporary alias to demoralize and degrade another human being.
MN Joe your bad reputation on this forum, due to your behavior as illustrated above, evidently has no lower boundaries.
MN Joe you have now disrespected a disabled war veteran.
MN Joe you are a lowly coward and a damned liar.
James L. Howell
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06-30-2009 06:40:33

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to James Howell, 06-30-2009 05:36:38

James H, looks like you got "em on the run.Joe"s so worked up,he"s making double replies.Looks like early signs of self-destruction.
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tree farm
06-30-2009 05:59:39

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to James Howell, 06-30-2009 05:36:38

Looks like MN Joe put a Life time Dent in your Life, Good for HIM, and BAD for you James Howell, ha ha ha
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06-30-2009 05:30:26

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to The Vet, 06-30-2009 05:11:32

The Vet said: (quoted from post at 05:11:32 06/30/09)

Your thinking some one should recognize you for doing a job, think again, if you need help, go to a VA Clinic and visit with a psychologist, they will give you the recognizing your looking for.

Lighten up a little dude.... Everyone needs to vent a little. I"d rather see him settin on his place drawing my bucks as disability than some of the folks that I see daily using a service connected disability (even if it"s hurt knees from playing basket ball when they should have been working) as a crutch to gain/keep employment.

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tree farm
06-30-2009 06:11:50

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dave2, 06-30-2009 05:30:26

Thank Dave, your sure right, I wish I could lighten up, but these guys who JOIN some thing, then want special recognition, need to visit a VA Clinic and talk with a physiologist. and when the Vet vent"s with them, they give you what you don"t want to hear, Reality..
I have grand kids that are hurting from playing Sports, I did tell them back then, their wasting time and should be learning a Trade to earn a living, and not use our Tax dollars paying their bills.

People will not listen, but I get to tell them anyway, and they sure don"t like it, but that"s just tuff...
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tree farm
06-30-2009 06:09:47

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dave2, 06-30-2009 05:30:26

Thank Dave, your sure right, I wish I could lighten up, but these guys who JOIN some thing, then want special recognition, need to visit a VA Clinic and talk with a physiologist. and when the Vet vent"s with them, they give you what you don"t want to hear, Reality..
I have grand kids that are hurting from playing Sports, I did tell them back then, their wasting time and should be learning a Trade to earn a living, and not use our Tax dollars paying their bills.

People will not listen, but I get to tell them anyway, and they sure don"t like it, but that"s just tuff...
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06-30-2009 05:10:11

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

All I can say is thank you for your service. I know there"s no way I can understand the sacrifices that you and so many other servicemen have made over the past eight years, but I am truly grateful.
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06-30-2009 05:06:51

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Everybody thinks it, but few people will come out to say it.
Thanks for being in the military and protecting all of us.
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06-30-2009 05:02:01

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

We"re always willing to listen. I think most people are unaware of what to say/do to our returing service men and women. I guess I"ll keep it simple and say that you need to remember you are not forgotten and there are those of us out there who are greatful for your service to our country. God Bless.
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06-30-2009 04:53:58

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Re: OT: disability update, thanks for listening in reply to dbernie, 06-30-2009 04:49:23

Thanks for serving our country.
If I have offended you in any way, you have my sincerest apology.

I have the utmost respect for you as a military veteran.

Please accept my apology.

James L. Howell
dbermie, it's too bad the trolls spoke up. They are only trying to draw attention to themselves, at your expense.

Thank you for serving our country. I too don't know what it's like as I never served, so I'll never know the feelings, but once again, thank you. Jim
I'm not a big mouth poster just a lurker mostly. commented 2 or 3 times since Y-2000 mostly to help answer questions. Somebody is really saying some bad things about Howel in a post called Dynamic DUO page 5. it should be deleted. I dont know how you do that..
dbernie, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY!!! Please ignore the trolls and hang around here, The good people will try to help you and the others don't count. Chris
Don't leave this forum just because of this character that gets under our skin at times.

He Never,never ever posted a common sense post to help anyone. he is so stupid that he feels he lives a Christian life, but in fact the Devil controls his mind and fingers.

Your post got deleted because of me and I saw it coming so I apologized before they deleted it.

This worm has a way of getting someone to respond in a fashion that he gets to bash him.and he gets his kicks doing so.

I can't think that YT will ever terminate anyone ,or anything If they cannot block this Man ¿¿¿¿

Your staying will show that you did not let this idiot win.~~~You leave , He won !
Okay, my original post last night was when I could not sleep due to pain.
I am not the computer literate, I do not know what a troll is, but would like to reassure everone that Iknow that one there' only one chewing gum, it ruins it for the rest of us.
However, once again, I did not mean to cause a stir, I have no idea what the **** happened. I did catch some of the posts, I was hoping only to hear from those that can share positively. I saw one post about a guy that was 90%, and still workin on vehicles. I wish. At 70%, i can barely type on a computer, my wife has to drive me everywhere, and, I have to buy split wood now, can't even cut and split my own anymore. And watching my wife carryin' in the firewood, cause I can't, just humiliates the **** out of me. Can't stoke my own stove, I need to move South.
I did not want a conflict here, quite the contrary, however, as people are, some have chose to take a hill that was nothing to begin with.

I can assure you all, I am in quite a bit of pain, both physically and mentally. And yes, I DO go to the VA, and I do talk to the people as suggested. Sometimes, though, I just wanted to share with others here.

I still feel I want to request to have my account deleted, and never come back. For some stupid reason, well, 'cause I hurt and can't sleep, I googled this site as I had deleted it from my favorites, and lo' and behold, I could still sign in.

Whatever, just delete me...I'm done with conflict, I apologize to anyone that I have bothered. With my sincerest regrets, I surely did not mean to cause a stir.
Best to all, no hard feelings, its all good. I may even delete my ISP after this, life is too short for this ****
Hang in there, I rarely post anymore because of some of the people on here, But I do enjoy reading many of the posts. THERE are lots of good folks here as well.... Rickey
I would like someone from support to explain to me why people are allowed to attack individuals such as this one and still be allowed to post here?

I am on this site many times a day. I admit I do not join in on the discussions very often by posting. I do not want to get attacked by one of the few people here that seem to be after anyone and everyone.

I challenge someone from support to please explain to all of us why a few people are allowed to personally attack anyone that they want to.

Thank you
Don't give up on this site just yet. There are alot of great folks on here and most have seen many trolls come and go. (A troll is a person who goes to a forum or chat room that has nothing to contribute and gets their jollies get'n folks riled up. Think bullies in grade school.) Trolls move on, after a while folks quit reply'n to their post, they get bored and leave.

I recall you posting on here a while back and I think you said you were going through a tough time, I hope things turn up for you and hope the best. If you leave this site know that there are some good folks on here who hope you the best.

If you've cracked a smile from reading some of the posts, or thought "that's a good idea!" , then that should override the idiotic rantings of ones that have no life but to make others miserable.

Your sacrifice has been appreciated, and we would not want you to leave because of remarks meant to irritate.
Don't take it personally. Your post was deleted because of the troll stirring the pot and folks responding to him. As soon as I saw his post I knew it would be deleted. It's too bad he isn't the one deleted. Thankyou for your service and hang around still. DON'T let the troll run you off.
I joined this site a few months ago. Some very good people on here. Don't let the bad ones get to you. Like a sign says on a small town near where I live. Three hundred good folks in town. Two not so good. So stick around and talk when you need to. From a nam vet Welcome Home. Billy Shafer EN3 USS SARATOGA CVA 60 Tonkin Gulf 1972.

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