Neighbors hayfield on fire as I type

I said on my previous post that I was worried about hayfield catching on fire, since it is so dry. Well 4 acres are burning right now and headed toward my place. Hope they get it stopped.
Thats amazing. Over here in Ontario it is so wet that we can not get our hay cut - it pours almost every day.
I have a small field cut that has been rained on five times in eight days. The hay is black and I will likely push it into heaps with the loader and burn it. My main hay field came off without rain on a four day window,I'm rthankful for that.
If at all possible I would find a forage harvester to chop it back on the ground. I would think it would be less menial work and would put organic material back into the soil. If a forage harvester is not available by rent or hire, maybe the hay could be safely baled (when finally dry) for bedding or mulch if that market exists in your area.
And you have no emergency leave provisions?
Of course you have a tractor and disc to make a firebreak.
Well, for all you haymakin' guys out there, 1 or 2 2 1/2 gallon water extinguishers with a little dish detergent is cheap insurance. Of course it won't guarantee all fires will be extinguished, but it'll at least give you a chance. Most of you guys are pretty handy so you could probably rig up something from some air tanks or something. Just a suggestion.
DNR here in Wisconsin handles all wildfires and will fine you if you get in their way. They got it all put out and neighbor only lost about ten acres or slightly more.
Last time my brother started his ground on fire, I told him to bite the bullet, make the 911 call, the local keystone fire jeep with its crew of 3 stooges show up, start putting the fire out at the back (leeward of the wind) side of the fire, which was mostly out, anyway, and heading toward an asphalt driveway it probably wouldn't cross anyway. Meanwhile, at the hot side of the fire, I am going great guns with my feed shovel, and bad knee (pre-op torn ACL), whump step, whump, step, etc. The chief brush fire feller, I'll refer to him as Moe, finally got around to the hot side of the fire, asked me if I started it (me and Moe go way back, he kinda has a habit of tryin to put out my fires.) I told him this one ain't mine!
It makes the water have less surface tension pentrating better making for wetter water to penetrate putting a fire out better. Soap does the same thing as a penetrator in bug and weed sprays acts as a penetrator. True foam is needed to smother a fire but it's not just regular soap. Rinse the foam off and you lose it and can come back again.
love the comments sh1theads like you make about VFD's, until your house is on fire or your kid trapped in his car from driving like an idiot
I spent 35 years on our vol.FD I was burned several times and spent 4 days unable to walk when when cutting thru ice put a bad kink in my back.Take your remarks and shove em.Firemen die every years putting out fires started by fools.Grass and brush fires are fought from the ends.Getting in front of a fire aint smart.
I never said I was in front of the fire. All I said is that this group of stooges couldn't find their a** with both hands! There are incompetent people everywhere, even in 36 coupes.
I don't think you could start my hay on fire if you doused it in gas.

Boy is it wet in the North East. I think it rained 28 days last month (that's not a joke either), the temperature hasn't climbed above 80 yet.

I so sick of rain, I'll trade you some of our puddles for your fires.

I saved my friends life after a tractor trailer went off the road ,demolished his house and killed his wife while she sat on her living room couch..I found him in the rubble and stopped his bleeding from a head wound.I did my part when I was needed.I did my job and saved a friend.Those who never try never know success.I am not incompetant,I risked my life to save others.You will never understand.
I do understand, however, when you tell me to shove it, you are not winning any friends, or (positively)influencing people, either. My post was specific to the local clowns here, never meant to include you. Take a chill pill.

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