Question for the Day


Well-known Member
What do you do when work [feeding family] interferes with working on old tractors? For me this has only become a problem in the last few weeks as our work has been slow since the first of the year and when ever I felt like working on a tractor I did. Now we have steady work and it is really causing our tractors to suffer. Just wondering what yall did when confronted with the same situation.
Many times, I have two jobs so it doesn't help. The way I see it is if I get fired or passed up on a raise (which seem almost impossible to get now a days) that hurts my family. If I don't get my tractors serviced the day I want to then that MAY hurt my tractors. My family is more important that my tractors. Can always repair a tractor but you can't repair memories made with your family. Support them first and give them what they deserve in life.
For me I have to be in just the right mood to feel like working on the old tractors. That don't happen to often but when the mood is right nothing will pull me away from the tractors. I just kind of zone everything else out and am in my own little world. Wife and kids get pretty hungry and skinney looking before I snap back into reality.
For the past 15 years I have worked 3 jobs. 2 of which are paying and one is totally volunteer. I have restored 2 tractors complete during this time as well. I will tell you from experience that family should be your focus. The tractors will wait and they do not consume money by sitting. Your family need essentials, focus is there. I had one tractor that took 3 years before I was ready to finish it and comfortable spending money to do so.
Family always came first, but it's a little easier now that I'm retired. Still hard to find enough time for the tractors, and enough money.
The tractors have been suffering, time-wise, since I got grandkids, and their parents want grandma and I to participate in activities with them. That comes first, in our book- if we stop going, they'll stop asking, and we're just not going to let that happen.

As the old saying goes, nobody ever got to the Pearly Gates and told St. Peter "I wish I'd worked more and spent less time with the family."
The tractors will always be there after the kids have moved on.My golf clubs have sat in the basement for the last 7 years using the same theory.Work comes before play.

Family first. I am in the process of trying to start a family and I have to work my butt off just to stay afloat. At work we've had pay cuts since Jan. and we just got some of it back, but now I'm eligible for 401k so what I just got back is gonna go right back into my 401k.

Last fall I went almost 2 months w/out a paycheck and I hated it. I got fired from one job because I picked on the boss's kids pet a little too much, but not too many people care for him. My fault I know. But at the same time, it was a blessing because I was able to find a job before the bottom fell out completely and I've managed to keep a job through it. The last shop I worked at had to lay off over 1/2 of their work force and I surely would have been gone in the 1st round as I was one of the newest guys there.

I am the newest guy at my current shop as well, but I came in and hit the ground running, made great efficiencies and earned their respect. I made it through their permanent layoffs, although I did have to take a few temporary ones for a week or 2 at a time.

The tractors will wait, even though staring at our dead 1755 behind the barn is driving me nuts.

Donovan from Wisconsin
"What do you do when work [feeding family] interferes with working on old tractors?" You said it! Old tractors will still be old and always will be old. Family first and then the old tractors, you have to think because family will also get old. TIA

Thanks Guys the question was TIC. I generally work on my tractors Between 3 and 7 in the morning then I go to work. When I get home I am all family. Years ago I was Racing cars and spending all my time working on the car. One day my 4 year old daughter came out to the garage and said "Daddy would you play with me" that night when the crew got there I told them that at the end of the season I was out. I was not going to miss my little girl growing up. She is now 23 and all through those years I only missed a couple of her games And she played volleyball, basketball, softball, and rugby in college. Family has always come first with me. But I do love an old tractor. Yall have a nice day.

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