Australians are coming to visit


I am getting company today from Australia. A group of Chamberlin tractor enthusiast are stopping by our place for a short visit. Instead of me explaining it all, here is their website.
I worked with some Ausies for a few years, and they were asking me why we drink so much soda pop. When they first arrived here they wanted to know the directions to the nearest pub. Jim
Exactly! I've never yet met an Aussie (out of several dozen I've met) who drank Foster's. Most I've met drink Guinness, and they all say the same thing--Foster's has done a great job of marketing to position itself as an Australian beer, but it's only marketing and bears no resemblance to reality.
Stock up on Vegemite and start calling french fries "chips" instead. Use the word "tucker" instead of dinner/supper/mealtime/food. Boot and bonnet of the car is the trunk and hood. Your truck is a lorri and you can use it to freak them out by driving down the right side of the road. They will be jealous of your firearm collection. Their government mostly disarmed them and registered what's left. Oddly enough the crime rate has soared since.
Firearms registration came after a very nasty massacre in Tasmania over 10 years ago. We have not had a massacre since and the crime rate has stayed the same as before registration.

Registration is a pain, but farmers etc who need firearms for vermin control etc have no problem getting a licence.

The law is a bit different here, we do not have a constitutional right to firearms.
(quoted from post at 13:01:10 07/24/09) Not bad, you have Vegemite correct, better brush up on the rest.Ask the English about that Lorri[y]

Don't forget to ask them about the cricket!!! [Hint - they're 1-0 down after two matches in a 5 match series "The Ashes"] :twisted:
Were did the stats come from with crime and home invasions increasing in both Great Britain & Australia?
We have vehicles registered here too and they get stolen or used in crime. No different than firearms.
The guests won't be able to go on a "bunny bash" while in the US.
Common swear & cuss words are different too. careful about the "donkey" words. They also us a 2nd "F" word and it refers to one's backside.
A "bird" maybe an attractive young women.
The loo or bog can refer to washroom facilities.
Usually just coastal Americans eat a few shrimp but they seem to be a main staple in Aus.

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