Do i need a bigger tractor or a new bookkeeper?

""The more that we can do to stimulate the economy in the short term, the challenge we've got as everybody knows is that we inherited a big deficit, and it is at a certain point potentially counterproductive if we're spending more money than we're having to borrow."
July 7 2009 by our community organizer in command.

A friend sent me this quote and it makes no sense to me. I guess i need it explained. Anybody?
I need a new tractor but i am a little bit short and looks to be getting shorter in the money dept, soooo i should get a bigger tractor or a smaller tractor, or just a more expensive tractor. I'm am totally confused.

Rained out

Farmer :?
(quoted from post at 21:30:39 07/29/09) ""The more that we can do to stimulate the economy in the short term, the challenge we've got as everybody knows is that we inherited a big deficit, and it is at a certain point potentially counterproductive if we're spending more money than we're having to borrow."
July 7 2009 by our community organizer in command.

A friend sent me this quote and it makes no sense to me. I guess i need it explained. Anybody?
I need a new tractor but i am a little bit short and looks to be getting shorter in the money dept, soooo i should get a bigger tractor or a smaller tractor, or just a more expensive tractor. I'm am totally confused.

Rained out

Farmer :?
I reckon he thinks spending money will stimulate a postive ca$h flow, but he should wait as the economy will stay flat for a few more years. :)
If he inherited a "big" deficit, what does he call the deficit he has run up in just 6 months?
The deficit he "inherited" was the one he voted for in Congress.

Approval rating as of today 47% and falling.
Hey 101 I'd just go ahead and get a new tractor there ain't nothin worse than going to the poorhouse in an old junker which means you did the best you could to economize and still wound up broke. LOL Enjoy the evening! CT
We got in this mess with this anybody can borrow anything mentality. Today"s paper detailed the billions of grants the feds are influxing to law enforcement. Who thinks this deficit spending will cure the problems of basically deficit spending ? Who thinks anybody other than John Q. Taxpayer will pay off all these billions Obahma is influxing ? This is crazy. We"re all a few billion deeper in debt. Police Chief said he was sure happy , now they won"t have to pull their belts in.Ever seen a skinny cop.

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