Use electric??? Read this....

I just paid my electric bill, and while I was going though the paper work I saw a noticed that the gooberment, in this state at least, is putting a 2% tax increase on it. Don't they know we are almost in a depression. 9.5 percent unemployment reported the other day on the news. Look out all you poor farmers. They's a comin to collect one way or the other. @#%&^** Dandy Dave!
Electric rates are going up 30% and more in most parts of the coutry over the next couple of years, according to our coop. Its worthwhile to look around and see where you can conserve. One often overlooked thing is the 'sleep' mode many electronics use. Even when the TV, computer, DVD, etc. is 'sleeping' it is still drawing a significant portion of its in-use draw. Put timers on your power strips for stuff you only use during waking hours, for example.

Last year we saved a lot by replacing our big horse watering tank with a small one set in a rubber livestock feeding tub. The rubber helped insulate it from the cold ground and the smaller quantity of water was cheaper to keep ice free than the big one. We also put the tank heater on a timer so it ran 4hrs on, 4 hrs off. Saved about 40% as I recall.
(quoted from post at 08:53:50 08/03/09) I just paid my electric bill, and while I was going though the paper work I saw a noticed that the gooberment, in this state at least, is putting a 2% tax increase on it. Don't they know we are almost in a depression. 9.5 percent unemployment reported the other day on the news. Look out all you poor farmers. They's a comin to collect one way or the other. @#%&^** Dandy Dave!

Wait'll Cap and Trade kicks in. The only ones to benefit will be Al Gore and Goldman Sachs. Gore has already set up a company to trade carbon credits. We need to get it repealed, FAST.

It's unbelievable that our politicians were suckered in to this hogwash. Why don't we completely eliminate pollution by having everyone walk (no cars), eliminate heating (just bundle up in the wintertime), outlaw electricity (go to bed when it's dark)? We can feed ourselves by foraging in the woods for nuts and berries and eat grains right off the field. Eliminate ALL industry that dumps waste into the lakes and rivers. Put everyone out of a job. Oops, I may have spoken too loud. If a Congressman reads this I may have just given him an idea. :(
with my monthly bill approching $200/month, i'm gonna have to cut something out. a/c is a must in se texas as it's over 100 everyday, so maybe unplug the water heater, freezer, tv and computer and keep all lights off except when absolutely necessary.
I saw on the local news last night that because demand was lower than expected that TVA was going to have raise rates to maintain revenues. I won't pretend to understand all this. But these are the same people that also raise rates when demand is higher than expected to offset costs.
Demand goes up, they raise rates. Demand goes down, they raise rates.
So what does it take to get them to lower rates?

Pooh Bear
WHAT you rich bstrd!!!!!!!!!! How ? What the heck you got going .?
That was almost my whole bill last year. I will sell you some of my carbon credits. Cash only please. LOL

So, you added a strip plug to the computer? what"s that supposed to mean? Surely you don"t think because you have 3 appliances (computer, printer, etc.) plugged into a strip receptacle....that that saves electricity??????.....hehehehehehehehe. That qualifies for a Rock Award.

I am 64 years old and I can remember, as a boy, we didn't have air conditioner in our home or car. We had two small fans in the home. We put the windows down in the only car we had.
During this time, we were like most everybody else, with average income.
I am just thinkful that I have these "luxeries" today.
If I want to lower my utility bill, I will have to just cut back on these luxeries and do the best I can.
I am just thinkful that I can pay my bill today, but I am very energy conservative in that I never leave a light on without cause, keep my door closed, use the new type bulbs, have an attic fan, and I have added insulation and used many tubes of caulk to seal my home.
I am not aware on any wasteful use of energy today, but if I see where an improvement can be made, I will do so.
ELECTRICITY THE POWER OF CHOICE----They want you to use electricity to heat and cool your home and then they ask you to cut back in peek demand time!!
TVA has to charge us a certain amount for our use of their product so they can continue to give themselves raises and waste the extra.
(quoted from post at 12:10:57 08/03/09) I saw on the local news last night that because demand was lower than expected that TVA was going to have raise rates to maintain revenues. I won't pretend to understand all this. But these are the same people that also raise rates when demand is higher than expected to offset costs.
Demand goes up, they raise rates. Demand goes down, they raise rates.
So what does it take to get them to lower rates?

Pooh Bear

Funny you should mention that. Here in SE Michigan our local communities are mandating outdoor water restrictions to reduce usage while the Detroit Water Board has been arguing for rate increases because usage is DOWN. Same logic as the TVA. What gets me is the politicians say all that stuff with a straight face. The bottom line is that want MORE REVENUE, any way they can get it.

And Mark, I think the guy meant: put timers on your power strip wall cords to automatically shut off stuff that is plugged into them.
As expensive as electricity is. It's still cheaper than purchasing diesel fuel and running a generator.
It takes an ideal wind and/or sun location with a pretty sharp "do it your selfer" to beat utility rates.
Maybe I should print this and show it to some of my old Amish neighbors- they get a chuckle out of these high electric and gasoline cost discussions. They do sometimes gripe at lighting costs- kerosene has gone up over the years. Have to see if old lamps in family farm house are going up on estate sale- see what they bring.
Just making comparison of current alternatives, a little fun. RN
We live like Moles, having lights on only in the
room that we"re in, in order to save energy.
But the wife "just doesn"t "get it"" and I have
to follow her around turning off lights.
Several years ago I was gone on a business trip,
and arrived home sooner than expected-no, I did
not find a boyfriend there, but found EVERY light
in the house on !!! After I finished ranting, she
broke down crying and said that her girlfriends
said "you were supposed to do that"!!!
It gave your home a "warm and welcoming look"!!
NO, she"s not blond--but thinks like one.
The politicians were not "Suckered" into this scam. One of my POS senators in MD. (Cardin Dem. of course) said just a couple of months ago. "The revenue from this bill will be substancial." All they see is dollar signs, more money for them to pi$$ away, as THEY see fit. Our whole standard of living is going to be dramaticly changed, and not for the better, either.
pull your main switch and live with out electricity for 5 days.Then come back and tell us how it went.Electricity keeps my barn water running in the winter month plus pumps it year round.It runs my planer moulder, table saw. shaper.drill press lights and refridgerator and freezer.My picnic tables have a nice eased edge on the top and benches because I have an electric router.It runs a small air conditioner that lets me breath easy when the humidity hits 90%.My welder helps me repair and build items for my farm.The village Blacksmith is long gone.My 4x6 power hacksaw makes cutting steel easy.An electric motor moves my boat.The battery gets charged in my shop at far less cost thn a solar panel could do it. Electricity lets me stay at home and making a living repairing Radios,TV, battery chargers ,Welders, starters, generators and alternators.It helps me saw and plane lumber and produce thousands of feet of moulding.I could build picnic tables with a hand saw and a brace and bit.It would take at lot longer and the tables would cost more.A friend says it takes 10 gallons of gas to run his generator for 1 day.My electric bill runs 75 to 100 bucks a month.40 years ago it cost 15 bucks a month..In short I cant generate electric power at less cost than I can buy it.

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