O/T Gout - ouch,ouch need help


Has any one got a home remedy for GOUT? I'v tried the black cherries. have been to the Dr. and am taking 200mg of Allopurinol and have taken colchicine.Has anyone bought the download that says you can cure GOUT with two grocery idems?if so did it work? Thanks
I don"t think any thing works. If it does, please let me and many others know. I can"t take any of the so called pain killers or arthritus medicines because of bad kidneys...
I deal with gout also. What works best for me is to eat 1 or 2 banana's a day. Not 100% but it does help. I also drink a glass of Montmocery cherry juice each day when it flairs up
If they want you to pay to download it ,,it is more than likey no good or a scam . When it hits me I get on the cherries, and cherry juice fast ! Sometimes if I don't catch it in time and hitds full bore, I take nnalert,,,but it is hard on kidneys , I don't like to take it very long ,,but it does help the swelling and pain .
Nope, some of them work for some people.

I had it this spring and summer. Indomethicin helped a lot. What I had to do was learn my triggers. For me, absolutely no high fructose corn syrup, period, forever. No soft drinks, most ice cream, pancake syrup has to be pure maple, no gatoraide. I also increased my water intake.

What my doc suggested, and it helped me, was during a flare up no red meat, no shell fish (OMG I got so tired of chicken and fish, lol), nothing with acid in it, drink nothing but water, coffee, red wine, and milk. At 7 days symptom free I could go back to my normal diet less the h.f. corn syrup. So far just some minor twinges and thats when I over do red meat or drink a beer.

The thought of having it messed with my head pretty good. I told her, Im 41, I CANT have gout. But I did.
take 8 oz of water with 1 Tablespoon of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR mixed in it. slightly warm it and drink it down...fast. do this 3 times a day until the gout is gone. sure fire remedy.
Local expert says the accupuncture will cure it. He is well known in this area and has a radio show twice a week and also has lots of people who call and tell of his succes. Mite be worth a try.
Oh I know, I sure hated it when they told me beer was one of the worst things for gout. I dont drink much or often. 1 or 2 an evening, 2-3 evenings a week. But, when its flaring up they gotta go.

Not sure which was worse giving them up or drinking a glass of red wine. White merlot is as close to red wine as I can get, to me the other stuff tastes like radiator fluid.
I consider----Allopurinol to be a wonder drug as it works so rapidly, at least it has for every episode that I have used it. 300 mg tablet dosage.

Also very reasonable in price. Other than possible side affects which doctors always tend to monitor I see no reason not to take it.
My dad had saliva stones taken out years ago and they cause some sort of acid that causes gout. He felt great for a couple of years and he still gets gout once in a while. I can always tell the day before he gets the gout, he acts differently.
Change your whole diet, Gout is caused by high acid in the blood.

Here is a home remedy that easy to follow and very cheap.
Warming the joints may be accomplished with a foot bath or a heating pad. Hydration requires increasing the volume of drinking water to promote more frequent urination. The advice to drink eight glasses of water per day is based on the general recommendations of the Institute of Medicine which advises that men should consume roughly 3.0 liters (about 13 cups) and women should consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total water from all beverages and foods. Alkalinization is accomplished by drinking a solution of half a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3) dissolved in a glass of water.[5] This should be done under a doctor's supervision if you have a sodium restricted diet, since each half teaspoon of baking soda has 616 mg of sodium.

pH Test Strips
pH Test Strips

Baking soda is commonly used as a leavening agent for baking, but it is also a component of tooth pastes and it is frequently used as an antacid. Food grade sodium bicarbonate meets the requirements specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a substance that is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). The dosage and directions for use as an antacid printed on the label of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda are:

* Add 1/2 teaspoon to 1/2 glass (4 fl. oz.) of water every 2 hours, or as directed by physician. Dissolve completely in water. Accurately measure 1/2 teaspoon.
* Do not take more than the following amounts in 24 hours:
o Seven 1/2 teaspoons
o Three 1/2 teaspoons if you are over 60 years
* Do not use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks.

The bicarbonate solution should be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) will react with the bicarbonate to create salt (sodium chloride) and carbonic acid which breaks down into water and carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide expands and increases internal stomach pressure that may cause injury if the stomach is overly full from food or drink. As a precaution, consult with a doctor or pharmacist if you are taking a prescription drug, since antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs. It is also advisable to use test strips to monitor the pH of the urine on a regular basis.
Try this site for follow up on Gout.
Elevate the legs to help the crystals move out of your feet. I have only had it twice so I didn't know there was anything you could do for it except get up , wince at the pain and go to work in the loosest shoes you can wrestle on your feet. At night I put a pillow on either side of my feet to hold the sheet from touching my toes. My gout has only happened in my big toes but I understand it can happen in just about any joint. The crystals settle to the lowest large joint and irritate it. I haven't had it in a few years ( knock on wood! ) ...Randy
I have had gout many times. I had good luck drinking a glass of Cranberry juice every day. Worked for 3 yrs till I ran out for 3 days and also ate some bean soup. I was down for 2 wks last winter and still had a lot of pain for 2 more wks.

I am now on Allpurinol. Ben gout free for 8 months.

Buddy of mine used to have gout. He was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider on the belly and nearly died. He's been gout free for 15 years since.
For a flare-up I tack cholzine and an anti infammetin, can't remember the name, but it is a green capsul, ussually helps after 4 doses. Allapuronal daily, watch the diet
I take Aleve it starts working within a hour gone in two days. Aleve has naproxen in it that makes it work for me. Dr. put me on allopurinol but I don't like to take medicine unless I have pain. So I wait for pain to start then take aleve.
I use bicarb of soda to kill the acid buildup on my car battery which is the same thing, I think, it does to your stomach..
I'm not sure what gout is, but I have times that when I first get out of bed, I have to grab something or fall because I can't put weight on my feet right away. Used to last a couple weeks, until I tried apple cider vinegar just for kicks. If I stay on top of it (couple shots in a glass of water every morning), I don't have the problem. If I get lazy, I do the "treatment" 3 times a day the first day and taper off as the pain does.

I coworker said he had gout (confirmed buy the docs cause he was trying to beef up a disability claim), told him about the vinegar and he swears by it now.


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