OT: home remedy for head cold?

Gun guru

Well-known Member
My wife has bad head cold, but.....she is a diabetic and she cant take any over the counter medicine due to a reaction with insulin, etc, etc.

Do any of you guys know of a home remedy (like tabasco sauce, or whatever) that will burn out the nasal passages?

I thought I would try here.

don't know if it would be dangerous to a diabetic, but if I get plugged up, I eat horseradish (straight horseradish, not the sauce that is cut w/ mayonaise). Nother thing that works pretty good is steam w/ mint oil or eucoliptus (sp?).

Saline. Inhale some good old salt water. There is also a good product that smells good and is easier to take called Ayr. It is a gel.
I like a nasal spray called XLEAR. It is saline based with a natural product called xylitol in it. Safe to use as often as you like. When I"m really stuffed up, I"ll put 3 or 4 squirts in each nostril then lay flat on my back for 5-15 minutes. It really gets the stuff thinned and moving. Around here it is found in nutrition stores.
Breathe in steam. When I was a kid my mom would make me lean over a pan of steaming water with a towel over my head to make a tent. Have another pan ready in case she gags on the stuff when the steam sets it free. Jim
I once read that if treated, a cold lasts 7 days, if not treated, it lasts about a week. IMHO, a cold has to run it's course, and the decongestants actually slow down the immune response. About all I do is to use some Vicks vapor rub, and a bit of Rock and Rye to sooth sore throat. Just my opinion.
Once upon a time when I was in the Marine Corps, I'd gotten off a 24 hour stint on duty. I had a cold, had the flu, was running a temp, had had no sleep for 25 hours, and was a total disaster.

I arrived at my quarters just as an Irish Staff Sergeant next door was leaving. He said, "I have just the thing for you". He re-entered his room and came out with a fifth of Irish whiskey and a water glass. He filled the glass half full, and told me to chug the whiskey and go to bed with a couple of extra blankets.

Being in no condition to argue, I did as he said. I woke up in late afternoon symptom free and feeling great.

Don't know how it works on a diabetic.
I have high blood pressure. A doc told me once that I can use Afrin nasal spray. But, you can't use it for more than 3-4 days. Better than nothing when you can't breathe. Not sure if it's OK for a diabetic?

Nowadays, since they took the pseudefed out of everything, it's been replaced with antihistamines in a lot of brands. They are NOT the same thing. Antihistamines tend to thicken the mucus, which can make things worse.
Chicken soup and lots of orange juice. Although being diabetic, I'm not sure how much OJ she can have. It's also pretty hard to find unsweetened orange juice these days.
My wife has got this thing that helps you pour warm water up your nose. Sounds gross, but flood your sinus cavity with warm, salted water, and it clears ya up pretty fast. Kinda of a tea pot thingy that has a long snout on it.
Zinc. 50 mg tablets. Lozenges to calm the throat and kill off new bugs.

Chicken soup made with bits of back and some of the normally attached organs and giblets. Canned chicken soup doesn't seem to be as effective for me.

Gerald J.
Vick's Vapor Rub works well. Apply some under your nose or on chest.At night also. For coughs rub some on the bottoms of feet at bedtime especially close to the toes, put on socks and hop in bed. This works really well.
I remember granny on the beverly hillbillies.She offered some of her chicken soup and said take my special medicine and your cold will be gone in two weeks.
Salt water gargle. The use the Neilmed saline flush for the nose. The saline water clears the passages and shrinks congestion.

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