The fate of me and my tractors.....


Well-known Member
Okay guys.... Theres been alot going on this summer for me....

After my eye injury... I decided to go down to my grandpa's to help him pack up his stuff and get his house ready to sell so he could move up with my uncle.....

Helping a seventyeight year old man with stuff he cant do..... Getting out of brookville and visiting senic virginia for two weeks... What could go wrong???

Well... I got another prime example of how bad things happen when you try to help someone.

Big Mistake.

My mom... While visiting vietnam (no kidding) decided to show her true colors and be typical wendy.

I dont really want to go into things.... All i'll say is i was liberated by a Virginia State Child Services worker who said she had never dealt with anyone like wendy before.... She just described things as inexcusable and came and got me on July 12.

After that i spent two weeks in Lakeside, Ohio with my dad on vacation.... Lots of sailing... Lots of hanging out.... And lots of thinking.

Theres alot that goes on in my life off camera and off what i write about.....

Five years ago, my parents went through a really bitter divorce and my mom got full custody of me, and ive been living with her ever since. I never really gave much thought to it, and as i fifth grader i diddnt put up much of a fight...

That woman is a dark and sadistic person. Theres a whole nother side to her. Shes ill... An out of control workaholic and a severe narrsist.

I thought about my life down there and all that went on in it... And decided that, as much as i loved the farm, it just wasnt worth it anymore.

I decided i wasnt coming back.

My dad got full custody of me August 26.

August 27 was my first day at Stow-Monroe Falls high school!!!!

I Love this place!!!! I went from a school of 400 to 2,000+ and its awesome!!!

I just decided i had to put myself above the tractors and my hobbies... An obvious decision... that took five years to make.

So... Here I am now.... In the middle of suburbia....

No more tractors and shop and farm for me... And honestially... Im not sure how much i miss it all.

It was alot of fun, and my favorite hobby... But was also the most time, money, labor, stress and hard work i ever put in for the least in return.

That doesnt mean i regret it though!! Id do it all again any day....

My mom, not even in six months could get me into drivers ed. She put it off, stalled, and lied to my face about it.

But thankfully im no longer there and am in my third week of it... So i get my lisence in like a month.

After that, i can go back down there for long weekends, breaks, etc and work on tractors, make videos, and just have fun.

I just cant live there. Ive had enough.

This video explains it more....
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Hang in there, Lanse, we're thinking of you and pulling for you.

On a lighter note, after driving tractors driving a car should be no problem. I drove a tractor before a car and I've been licensed since age 14(yes fourteen).

Ive got like twice the required hours....

Just no one bothered getting me into drivers ed and thats the only thing i need....

Thursdays thrilling class explained the difference between a manual and automatic transmission....

Thanks Man!!!! :)
lanse, put the tractors on the back burner and work on getting your life in order. you can always go back to the tractors when time and money becomes available. (those retirement years!!!) i have been following your adventures here for the past couple years and am darn impressed how much you have matured. remember, you have friends here, if you need help or advice, do not hesitate to ask!!!! glenn
I wouldn't worry about the tractors,sounds like you are in a great situation now just concentrate on making the most of it.If you have the hankering to get an old tractor after a few years there will be plenty to choose from as us old fellows retire an die off.
I wish I could view the video but I have dial up and it is really slow. You are a great young man and I wish you well. I hope you get back down there (How far?) soon to look over your stuff. With wintwr coming on you may want to see that there is no water in your radiators or engines. Keep us posted
You have a lot on your plate for someone your age. Hang in there Lanse and you did a good thing by looking out for your best interest. Remember, us old folks are always here to lend an ear.

When you say Stow-Monroe Falls, are you talking about the Stow near Akron? If so, you are within 30-45 minutes of me. My middle daughter has some friends at Stow.
Manual Trans. -- Drop the clutch burn outs.-----------------Automatic trans.---- Hold it with the brake & give it gas burnouts!! My driver's edd. teacher had a sense of humor. Good Man that Harry Gardner -- 1967
Thanks man!!!

Im not going anywhere.... You guys are some of my best friends and i have no intentions of leaving here.... :)

And yup... Thats the stow
hang in there lanse. all of us have to leave our tractors sit, when other more important things come along. it is good that you are aware that you can change some things in life. I salute you.
I'll have to check the sports schedule. I don't know if we play you or not. I'm pretty sure we played Stow in preseason soccer. We'll have to try to meet up one of these days.
yea. I got kick out of driver ed. one day for telling teach. how I would pass a car. teach was haveing a bad day. then I was haveing a bad day.
You have got one thing that us old guys haven't got, and that's youth. One thing about not having something or having some kind of trouble is that things will get better and you will have the experience for it. They can't take that away from you. Every time that I had a problem, I ended up better for it. If you think about it, not having something is really more exciting than having it. Once you have something it really takes the excitement out of it. The point is, learn as much as you can from your experiences. You'll make out alright.
Lance, my friend in High school was named Lance we did everything to gether even had our operations at the same time after school was out. Ruined a whole summer.

I have say for a yougin you have very good English and writing skills. Most kids now can't write their own name. let along a very nice letter on your summer activities.
By the way don't let these guys pawn the daughters off on you go choose one that you like.
PS you are very photogenic, that means the camera loves you, you should look into a career behind the camera.
Hang in there, Lanse--we'll miss seeing your progress on your tractors, but getting your life in order is much more important. Sounds like you're heading in the right direction, and remember we're always here if you need to get something off your chest.
Lanse, keep us posted on how you are getting along. We won't forget you. Good luck with this new chapter in your life. Jim
TRUST ME i will!!!

Im gonna miss coming out and spending the day up there with you....

I dunno when i'm going to go back to brookville... But i'll swing by

Anyone else up here in the Cleveland/Akron Ohio area???

Stow isnt doing very good sportswise, so im told...
Lanse, there'll be plenty of tractors, trucks, and opportunities after you get your life sorted out and some of the uncertainties behind you. Best to you!
Hard desicion you made .Hopefully it will all work out in the end.The toys will still be there when you are ready for them again.
Any good looking girls in your new school?

Lance, been miss'n you around here but you gotta do what you gotta do. I am glad you are better off. Take care of your self and keep us updated please. We all did not do all we could to keep you alive this long to just have you drop off the face of the earth. :)


No matter what age, it takes a big man to look his trouble square in the eye and make a decision. My best wishes for you. I'll bet your dad is thrilled having you under his roof again.

Larry in Michigan
Hey lanse -

You still gonna visit the forum? Don't let tractors die off in your blood and DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH GANGBANGER DRUGS AND ALCOHOL.


Most important thing you can do!

Stay away from the wrong people in the suburbia - stick with people that would never do anything to you.

DON'T slide off into oblivion.
Lanse, Welcome to Ohio, you maybe in suburbia but there are plenty of farmers to the southeast and southwest of you. Wayne county and the western part of Medina county are very nice if you need to get back to a farm surrounding. I'm about twenty miles or so to the southeast lots of small farms down this way, but most are rent out to neighboring farms for crop land.
Lanse, the things you've learned over the past few years will stick with you for a lifetime. I'm sure you'll do well in your new home and school.
Hey Lanse,

I live in Medina, and work in Aurora. It is not too bad up in this area. If you want to see the inside of a plastic injection molding factory in Aurora let me know. I am a part time engineer there. It might help you decide if and what to go to college for.

Lanse , sounds like the tractors filled a void in your life and at the same time kept you out of trouble and more than likely taught you some valuable lessons. They did their job and you are better off for it. New chapter in your life and maybe not room or need for tractors right now. When everything else gets back in order and you start your adult lifes journey , no doubt there will be a spot reserved for another tractor. I think you will see in the next year the difference in values between "farm/rural" kids and city/suburb kids. I'm sure your experiences will guide you as to which is in your best interest to "hang out" with especially when "the new wears off". Good luck , Lanse.
Lanse I wish you nothing but the best...keep in touch on here..let us know what the milfs look like
Lance wish you the best in your new adventures. Keep us informed of what you are doing. I am like most of the people here, kind of stuck in one place. You have your whole life ahead of you. Stan
Sorry for your personel problems. I'm not sure I understand it all, and thats not that important. Just remember what kicks ya makes ya tougher.

Mom is still mom, she may work her way out of her present situation, often it takes alot of time. Remember you can pick your nose, but ya can't pick yer kin folk.

We all have issues in life, often we don't admit it to ourselves or anyone else.

Heck, I just found out yesterday that my ex- mother in law was just 16 when she had her first child. Today I turned sixty, she turned eight one today. Never to old to learn somthing new about history!

Keep up the positive state of mind, keep your mind on the school books instead of the finer things that walk the halls. OH crapola--mother nature will skull slap you young dudes anyway, so why should I carry on with the stupid talk?

Remember the differance between true love and AIDS. Aids last forever!

We have watched you grow up a whole lot, you were forced to grow up a little faster than most kids do. We never had a understanding of your family life. We all assume that everyone lives in a new white house with ma and pa hugging each morning as they send the kids off to know the other assumptions.....
Lanse - We're sorry for the difficulties you've had, but you've got lots of smarts and character and you've already made the decision necessary.

We wish you the best and hope you keep visiting the forum. We all want to know how you're doing.
Good to hear from you. You might not realize it now, but you really learned a lot from your experience with old tractors and the guys on this forum. You already know far more than most of your contemporaries in High School, so don't think of any of it as a wasted experience. Keep us posted as you go, we're interested in your success.
Get yourself a scooter. A fixer upper like a Pan or Shovel, either still reliable on road trips. Both kickers though. There's an old Bob Seger song, "Roll Me Away" where he sings about hitting the Continental Divide on his scooter after things had gone good, and things had gone bad, "...I could go east, I could go west, it was all up to me to decide...". Point is that you are at a crossroads in your life, you can go east, you can go west, its all up to you to decide, "Roll you away...".

Good luck young man. As a matter of fact, I think that I'll walk over and play Roll Me Away for you right now while its on my mind.

Thanks for letting us in on this personal stuff. I think you are doing things correctly. Make as much peace as possible, and try to keep your priorities in order. My son just got his first car. And it has no engine. That is the essence of determined responsibility. Thanks for letting us be important to you. Sailing is a great method of getting your mind organized. It is a powerful nature to human interface. See you on here often. Jim
Good to hear from you again.

Glad to know that all is well with you.

Keep in mind that you"ve always got folks you can talk to and share with on this forum.

We are just an email or phone call away; don"t hesitate to call on us.

You have got to get into photojournalism; you"re a natural.

I for one will certainly miss your adventures.

Best wishes to you and keep in touch.
Well Lanse, welcome to Summit County. Thats where I was raised. Two of my grandkids graduated from Stow, Monroe Falls.several years ago. If you go to the Copley game look for number 77 (Hiss) and talk to him. He is one of my grandkids also. Big red headed guy. And I mean big. Glad you are happy. Stay out of the drugs. Go chase some girls I'll bet in a while you will be able to find a place for your tractors. LOL Henry
Setting here with a blank screen thinking of wise directions for you to seek out. Best that came to mind is take care of your health and for sure school. I never gave school much mind figuring I would follow the family farming operation-never picked one row of corn for my living. Was sent to school and got a job and 36 years later retired and took up tractors. At some point in life you will ciricle back to tractors. This is the time to find a car and see how its works.

Possible you could hook up with some one in your area on this net that may want to share time with you in his tractor shed.

All here have give you solid advise on the don't which I have seen many who went to the black side and never came back to no more than an entry level job. Other words work to the very end for no real salary.

Sailing is very peachful and skill needed on large water like Lake Michigan.
Hi Lanse.
Stay on this forum, and keep us up to date with
whats happening in your life. I've always enjoyed
reading your posts, and your "learn by doing"
My own grandsons are worthless, useless couch
potato, video game playing, overweight, deadbeats,
who follow in the footsteps of my deadbeat son-
in-law. (My daughter fell for him because he was
handsome, now she's supporting him) I wish you
were my grandson--lots of tractors and engine
projects here that I need help on.
As you can see you have plenty of friends here. So take some time. Get your life in order. Then do what you think is best for you. You sound like a fine young man that has faced some hard times.So put that all behind you and get on with your life. If you need to talk you know where to come to. Trust me you will never get tractors out of your system. Good luck in the future and keep in touch.
44 responses to you and still counting !

We all have watched your journey and want to continue to see you prosper.

You may have thrown out my Email ,but what I see here is brotherly LOVE of fellow man.

Please keep us posted.
I'm about an hour away from you, in Youngstown, Oh.

DO keep in touch when you can, because just about ALL of us have deeply enjoyed your videos involving your Allis exploits!

Keep that positive attitude, and we'll be hoping the best for you (woodworking is something that will be good to learn, just like mechanics!)
Lanse - Your posts have always been a "must" read for me - sounds like you have a few bumps in your life lately but you'll be better for it as time goes by - hope you enjoy Port Huron, my sister has a place just over the bridge in Sarnia, you will like being near "big water" and there are a whole lot of farms in the area.
Get that HS degree and then look for a good Tech Institute. BTW there's a great one here in Mitchell SD. Just released enrollment figure for 2009. 1004 students.

Sounds riveting!!!

I was loading and hauling gravel at age 8. Then at 16 it took 6 months to get my permit. Another two to take the test because I always drove pickups and couldn't get a feel for the car. And then I couldn't go 4 miles to the corner store myself, never mind I had been driving through town playing pilot car for 40 foot joints of pipe on a 25 foot trailer for two years at that point.

I think my mom caused the delays, too. I KNOW THE FRUSTRATION, MAN!!!

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