No good thieves


Well-known Member

Discovered thives had stolen old farm machinery from back of yard at home place Sunday. Reported to sheriffs dept., they came out and took report, agreed with me that they may have sold stuff for scrap at junkyard a couples of miles away. Monday I went to junk yard and after asking about scrap prices in general, told him I was interested in old implement seats. One of stolen implements was an old horse drawn reversible one disk plow with a cast iron seat, an Avery plow. He said to check yard, so I did and found 2 of the stolen pieces. Went and called cops, officer came, got sellers names from junk yard owner, said they were well known to cops. Man said in front of officer that I could get my stuff back, put seat and wheel off now broken plow in truck. Went back this AM with tractor and FEL and got the rest. Junk yard guy made it plain he wasn't going to load anything for me. Went back to take pics in yard and found that I had overlooked that they had stolen 2 other things, a wheelbarrow and a old 250 gallon gas tank. Have call in to detectives to report that. The junk yard people said they had the broken plow in the back of a Ford Explorer and pulled the other plow, a 3 bottom pull type plow behind the car.
At least maybe they can give these guys a long vacation. I plan to push it.

IMHO the junk yard is just as much at fault as the thieves. They know the stuff does not belong to the the sellers. Junk yards should be liable for all damages done to the equipment. They should also be made to establish ownership of machinery when buying. I hope they are out the money and should have helped you recover your assets. Thats akin to people selling man hole covers to the junk dealers. They know exactly what they are doing. Henry
I agree, the junk yards just don't care where it comes from. My buddy had radiators stolen from his storage shed and knew exactly who did it. They caught him with the radiators at his house and sent him to jail.
I had all the copper stolen off an old loader truck a few weeks ago. Battery, cables, plug wires, cap AND the fricken rotor button. Then they cleaned the gas tank out. They also stole a bunch of copper, presumably the neutral of a cell tower about 2 miles away.
Funny how nothing has been stolen the past year while someone was in jail for theft and it's recently started again in the past 6 weeks since he's been out....
I didn't even bother reporting it this time. The result will be this.... ossifer will come out and take a report. Ossifer will feign sympathy. Promise to do more patrols. At which point ossifer will catch me for no seatbelt, no helmut on the four wheeler. Speeding. You get the picture. Ossifer will never catch the theif. Even if he did, he'll be out in 6 months anyway. I don't really need ossifer around.

There's one way, and one way only to deter these devils. They need to believe in their cold little hearts that when something of yours goes missing, and you know they did it... they need to believe you'll dispose of them.
The guy I suspect... leaves certain people alone that I know because he KNOWS they will kill him if he ever comes around again.
It's sad to say, but that's about what it's come to.

Glad you got your stuff back.

I agree with the others - salvage yard probably knew these people and that the stuff wasn"t theirs. They just took a chance that the real owner wouldn"t find it while it was intact and in their yard. That"s why they were snotty and wouldn"t help load.
I recently had some get into one of our freezers in the garage, and they stole all the bacon from a hog we had butchered. It must have been over a few days since the back down on the garage was opened a few times, I thought the kids left it opened. If they were hungry ask would ask I would have put them to work in the vegetable patch cleaning them out and they could have ate good for a few days with what they could get from the patch plus some meat to go along with it.
Keep us posted on what happens to the crooks that ripped you off. It is too bad that frontier justice isnt around anymore. Have a large dog chew 3 pounds off his a$$, if he is in your yard.
County has a law that can go after junkyard owners. Thefts are real bad here, up near the interstates. Trailers are almost impossible to keep, the even have a way to cut the locks and chains. Labor Day night, they got a friend's big 33 foot offshore-type boat, from the industrial park. It was later found down in Union county, dumped off in a field. 2 250 HP Yamaha engines and the aluminum trailer are still missing.
As the others have said receiving stolen articles is a crime.I'd press it with the state's attorney I'd suspect the junkyard owners would get a lot more cooperative
The real problem is crooked lawyers! You walk in on somebody robbing your house, shoot and wound him, and see who gets in more trouble!

We need to bring back "Wanted, Dead or Alive"


Davis, you have a description of that aluminum trailer? Of course, it's probably gone to the coast by now.

Recently a neighbor had his expensive JD cab-loader tractor stolen. It was a replacement for another one that was stolen. Well, he got this one back. The third hand story I got was that someone else had a tractor stolen and started looking on ebay for it and found it. After some investigation neighbor's tractor turned up in the same area, they think after passing through more than one set of hands. The story's not over yet, the cops in 2 states are on it. I'm in SC and the tractor was recovered in Concord, NC. That's near Charlotte, NC if anybody cares.

Speaking of ebay, I posted auction results from the Charlotte auction. I looked at a 684 IH tractor but decided not to try for it because the nearest dealer is now 100+ miles away and I already have a tractor that I have to make a 100 mile trip to the dealer in the opposite direction. Looking through ebay that night I saw that same tractor listed. This morning the bids were at $4175 or so. The tractor is in good average condition, Some rust through on the right fender hand hold, fair tires, I did not hear it run.

On my theft case, the solicitor(that's what SC calls the District attorney) is running for congress next year so he might be interested in vigirous prosecution of even a small case.


What I do not like some scrap buyers pay in cash so as not to identify. When I was scrapping once for a major company they asked me do you want two checks, one for them and one for you.
Guys, I think you wouldn't be so hard on the junkyard people if you would think about this for a minute. Exactly HOW is the junkyard to know ownership of an item that is presented to them? There are no "titles" to most farm equipment or scrap piles at farms. They must rely on the cops to sort this type of thing out.

I once bought a Remington 1100 shotgun from a guy in a bar so he could have more cash to stay and drink. About six weeks later, same guy, same line, "Need cash to drink". Bought a nice Ruger handgun for a reasonable price. About six months later I was contacted by the county sherrif as to the whereabouts of the Ruger, it had been stolen, sold to a GUN SHOP, sold to buyer#1, buyer #1 sold it to buyer #2 (guy in the bar) and then I bought it. Luckily, I had all the transactions documented with serial #'s and signatures, so I was in the clear. I even had the deputy check the shotgun against his stolen gun list, but it wasn't on it.

Just how was I to know the Ruger was stolen????

By the way, the deputy took the Ruger and left me a reciept, so I'm out $350 and don't have the gun. Nice, huh?

And I can't hit the broad side of a barn with that shotgun, I still carry my old Stevens double barrel.
Tri-axle Trailer, main beams are aluminum, had a name, Henkle Marine(SP) written on the beams.. I imagine it is cut up for scrap by now.
From the way you talk the "home place" doesn't have a lot of normal traffic. You could do like an old man I know did. He had folks stealing gas and diesel out of his old tanks. He bought new tanks and put them on the back side of the farm where they couldn't be seen from the road. He filled the tanks by the road with water and made sure there was enough gas or diesel in the hose to make it smell good. Found 4 dead rides with in a mile of the house in the first two months.

Or you could just leave an old gas tank setting by the drive way with a few gallons of gas and a quart of oil in it. Just watch for who's car is smoke'n the next week.

Something is going to have to be done in this country. These people who steal every thing that ain't nailed down or on fire ain't scared of the popo. Some of them in every community needs to be cut in half with a shot gun for the worthless b@$**s understand that people are not going to put up with their crap.

In your case... no, you're not likely to know. Scrap yards? Not so much.
You see someone coming in day after day with this stuff, doesn't it twig in your mind.... where is all this coming from? I mean... when one person is coming in with MILES upon MILES of copper linewire? I'm sure the power corp just decided to donate it to his cause?
In most cases the yards know what's going on. Mabey they haven't got proof, but they know what's going on and they turn a blind eye.

Around here the scrap yards now have a system that takes a photo of the sellers id,item being scrapped and the seller.
Mandating those images were posted on the internet for all to see would help everyone except thieves.
We have country property that not only had the metal stripped from the house but also had about 3 flatbed loads of salvaged lumber stolen.Spent a few weeks taking apart an old warehouse and trucking it to our property to frame a barn.Came back a few weeks later with a crew to build the barn frame and every piece of wood was gone even the scrap to keep the pile out of the mud.
I now have multiple hunting cameras up and have/will continue to deal with people directly.
Caught one idiot that dumped building material and broke into the house by his truck plate.Funny the county sheriff was much more interested in that scumbags problem than mine.
I know that truck will never be on my property again(hahaha).After a late night visit by some friends I guess the owner won't be trespassing again either but loser thieves have more free time and less to lose.
Shame a man can not build a homestead without security cameras.
Local Scrap yard in my county seat has people to sigh a paper saying that the scrap items were their property before they can get their check. The theives can't prove that it was theirs and the scrap yard can't prove that it's their property when they buy it from them . Last year when scrap metal , especially cars,was a lot higher a lady's van broke down on the side of the road and she left it to get help and you guessed it , some guys came along and stole it ,dragged it to the scrap yard where they have those big crane lifts with the claw pinchers on them. They were caught though, but I don't know what happened to them.

You're a sittin' duck if you have remote property with no nearby neighbors.

We have folks down the deadend road from us who have a weekend trailer. They've been robbed several times. Wife and I decided we'd start taking pictures of EVERY unknown vehicle that passes the house. First set of pics paid off. Had enough evidence to put a stop to the thieving. Bad side is - once you get them all educated, a new batch moves into the area.

Cops love a good sharp photo. And the no-accounts HATE to have their picture taken. Just today a couple scoundrels came tooling by, looking for something loose to pick up. They spotted wife with camera and sped off. When they came back by I took another high speed picture of them. The date and time on the photo is handy.

Persistance pays off. Good luck.

I don't even like to go there. It is so bad in the western WV now that you can't leave anything on property that you don't live on and sleep next to. they have stolen every thing that was on my farm about 45 miles away. and you can't even get law to make a report. Pay taxes every yoar but get nothing in return.
Andy, if they were inclined to do any work, I suspect they wouldn't have been stealing out of your freezer, but I know what you are getting at. I am more than willing to help someone who is trying to do for themselves, but I'm not much on outright handouts. If I didn't have to worry about money, I would probably look at it differently.
Junkyards deal with the same scrappers all the time they know who is who and what their game is for sure.Buying anything from strangers in a bar is taking a chance,I wouldn't unless I checkd it out real good like the seller had some proof of purchase.With larger items they can have a lein against them and you'd out the $$$ you paid as the rightful owner can get his stuff.

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