started part time job

Roy in Ga

I just started a part time job at a tractor repair shop. I went in looking for the seal for the bush hog I am working on and while talking to the older gentleman he asked if I needed a job. Imagine that me working at a tractor shop!!! I think i have impressed him with what I actually know.BUT,he has definitely impressed me with his knowledge of these old tractors. He worked for John Deere for 20-30 years. My only regret is that it is part time as I think I have a lead on a full time job with benefits and may have to leave. The regret is that if I do I will miss out on alot of experience and learning.
First thing I would do is talk to the guy and let him know what is going on. It is always better to let them know so you don't burn any bridges.

I will tell my boss everything that is going on with employment. I think she finally got the idea that I am here for the money and not afraid to look for another job. The way I figure, I give them all I got while I am at work and if they are not going to pay me decent then adios.

Just my philosophy.
I worked a few part time jobs just to get the experience.Paid off later on when I had my own business.Anytime you can learn a skill and get paid for it is time well spent.
Shoot, maybe you could work both. Part time is part time. Maybe work a few hours after finishing for the day at the full time job.
Hello Roy in Ga,
While you work and learn there you should tell him your plants and needs. Even if you get another job, you can work ther on your day off.
Learn as much as you can from him, sounds like a good match to me.
so that everyone knows the part time employer understands I am looking for permanent full time work. I just would like to learn more from this old tractor Guru.

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