
Here being Cochrane Alberta Canada. Well 1st snow of the year blew in this afternoon causing all sorts of traffic havoc and such. Around here abnormal weather is normal. Present temp is -10c but is supose to climb to +20c by monday. By then we all should have remembered how to winter drive I hope. Have a good one.
Don't bet on Global warming ,. that is nuthin' but Hot air that will end up freezing .., but I am gonna try to cut another 30 acres of hay as soon as the Southern In monsoon is over ,, its time to shop for antifreeze on Sale , Get the crops binned , equipment cleaned and put away ,, And start in on that store of firewood And Hay....
Well Kanuck, the mrs and I are heading to Calgary tomorrow from the south Okanagan. Have been watching the highway cams and it looks like it has come as far west as Field. Just put on new studded winters on the car so I should be OK. Just have to worry about the others on the road that haven't paid attention to their tires!! Leon
Hey Leon lots of vehicles in the ditch along #1 on the way home so be careful. Funny thing is most of them were 4 wheel drive suv's. I guess they cant stop any better once they get to sliding than a 2 wheel drive can so go figure. And yakking on their cell phones while doing 360's probably dont help either. lol Have a good safe one.
Yes, about 2 inches here tonight so far. Lots of combining still to do. A friend of mine still has around 1000 acres of durum, flax and canary seed left to go.
i'll take a few days of was 96 today with about 99% humidity in south central Tejas
83 right now here in Austin at 9:45 in the evening, and caught the weather it"s 41 up in Amarillo... Its coming our way.
They're talking about snow showers here in Nebraska tomorrow night and Saturday.

I'm not ready for it.
Heu Hanuck. WHy do you want to scare me to death? Didn't do anything to you lol.I know snow is comming but havn't got our wood in yet. NO Shed for the tractor. buit my son did get a wood furnace installed yesterday for the garage. Are you sure you didn't plant COTTON IN YOUR YARD????
Keep safe ya hear?
What a difference a day can make.

Yesterday it was 81<sup>o</sup> here in Dallas.

I always wondered what that white stuff was y'all keep talking about.

Thanks for sharing your photo.
Hey James,
We have some snowbird friends who winter in Texas every year. They invited us down for a visit last year but we couldn't make it, but if they ask again this year... Sure could use your kind of weather say come January or Feb. Could definitely bring you a sample of snow if you like too. lol Have a good one.
Hey LOU,
No shed for tractor here neither. That wood heater of your son's will probably come in real handy I'm sure. Around here we heat primarily with natural gas as we seem to be living above a huge dinosaur fart bubble or something. Pretty well just stick a pipe in the ground and light er up and you got your heat. In regards to our beautiful cotton you mentioned, I think it must be of a cool perennial variety. lol Kind of like horse radish it comes every year whether you like it or not. Have a good one.

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