
Well-known Member
This is a portable variation of the bench I was talking about. Sure you could salvage a couple nice pieces. If you get real creative (bored) and use wooden pegs, they should outlast your grandkids' kids (hafta be a little more generous with the size of the back supports and the mounting?).

Just a thought,

Dave, very impressive. You move them around by yourself?

The sapwood isn't rot resistant, will deteriorate outdoors. If Lou's oak was a white, and he removes the sapwood, great idea. I've got hickory slab benches here, similar concept.
HMMM, looks like a fun project. I could maybe rescue a few sawmill slabs from our local threshing show and----------.

What kind of preservative/finish is used? I used Zar exterior urethane on a couple of wood projects that are exposed to the weather and the urethane didn't quite do the job in a few places. One was oak and the other was old wood that I think might be fir, that I tore out of a building.Maybe I should have thinned the first coat to get it to soak in and get a good grip on the wood.Jim
Thanks Dave!!! Beautiful rest benches. The Oak is (part Of) still standing, but black down almost to the bottom of the trunk. Leaning out over the drive, I am hoping it will stand till spring, but doubt it.Sure do like the consept of the benches.!!!!! If things slow down a mite, Just maby (if all goes well) I"ll give it a shot. Son is still cuting daughters fire wood, but today it"s raining, so were down for another day. Lots of limbs to haul down to the bottom.
Guess there"s NO REST FOR THE WICKED. Will keep the set benches in upper most thoughts. Thanks
Dave.Son says he is gonna try it. Printed out the pictures you so kindly sent. Here is pictures of whats remaining of the white oak. Notice the leaning out over the drive. Sure hope it holds till spring,then the router will take in for benches,Thanks again for the inspiration .another question!! The hedge rows that grows over there. What Kind? can they be grown here. Like the privacy they afford. Can they be started from seed? Whats the name of em?
Seen some on the movie THE SHINNING.Son wants to know what the hardest trees there,and do you guys have high winds? Thanks again


(quoted from post at 04:56:38 10/25/09) Dave, very impressive. You move them around by yourself?

The sapwood isn't rot resistant, will deteriorate outdoors. If Lou's oak was a white, and he removes the sapwood, great idea. I've got hickory slab benches here, similar concept.

Not mine. 2 pretty good size boys unloaded them and put them in place.
Looks like they used urethane on these but will prolly be peeling what's left off next year and using some kind of oil.
Guy at the sawmill in town has his good guys make stuff like this from scraps during down time to keep from laying them off.

Great that the owner's thinking and using his scrap, especially to keep his guys working. I used hickory slab for the seat, small boards for the back and feet. Otherwise, firewood.

You and fixerupper are correct about urethane. And worse, it's hard to get it all off when it does deteriorate. Makes refinishing worse. Nothing I use. Spar varnish at least is much easier to re-work. With oils, nothing to strip.

I recently milled a walnut and cut some boards 5' x 26" x 3.75". One guy who bought some figured to use a slab for a table top. I pointed out that it took two of us to get it into his truck. Wasn't going to be a lot lighter even when it dried. Gonna be one heavy table. He was excited, enough to give me $100 for the plank.

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