Glenn Karch Passed away Tuesday


Well-known Member
My neighbor and good friend passed away 11-3-09.
Glenn was the historian who wrote the book "Hercules Manufacturing Company of Evansville" Glenn was very active at the Portland, Indiana and the Cool Springs PA. Power Musuem, and the Southern Indiana Antique Machinery Club.
Memorial contributions may be made to The Glenn Karch Cancer Research Endowment, Purdue University Center of Cancer Research, Hansen Life Sceince Research Bldg., Room141, 201 S. University Street, West Lafayette, In 47907-2064
Glenn is survived by his wife Mariam and two sons, Kurt and Kevin.
If any more information needed, call me 812-963-6108 or my E Mail is open. Charles English
He was a great guy. Knew an awful lot about the Hercules/Economy engines. I had the pleasure to meet him once.
Sorry to hear the news-
Great fellow. He was our Pioneer seed corn rep way back. I can remember Dad trading him a hit and miss motor for a couple bags of seed corn.
Always tough to hear of the passing of great people with great stores of knowledge. The tenacity to write books shareing that content is a great legacy. Jim
I will pass the comments to his family, Glen was active on the SMOKSTAK Web Site, I am not, wish this info could be put on that site by some one.
Visitation is this evening and the funeral is tomorrow.

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