How best to work the ground.

I have a corn field that was combined. It was notilled into an old alfalfa stand. I want to go back to alfalfa next spring. My question is how is the best way to prepare the ground for the next spring seeding. I have disced the stalks once already. I am wondering if it would be best to chisel it now or wait until spring. I do not have a moldboard plow. My tillage tools consist of disc and chisel. I'm hoping to incorporate as much of the trash as I can. Would I be better off to wait till spring and disc it several times or chisel this fall? I also have the option of notilling the alfalfa next spring, but am concerned about the corn stalk residue. Any advise is appreciated.
Here in MN where it is cold & wet & heavy clay soil, any molboard or chisel plowing is far, far, far better done in fall.

Disking, field cultivating, and other milder tillage operations work well in spring.

Here, I would do the chisel plowing now 100 years out of 100 if at all possible. Primary tillage works best in fall 'here'.

Notill is unheard of 'here' because of the deep wet sticky soils, so I can't help you on that option.

Might be totally wrong for your climate & soils tho, I donno? :)

Chisel this fall. That will hold down runoff by providing slots in the ground to accomodate moisture from rain and snowmelt. The deep tillage will also be good prep for the alfalfa roots to start their trip down into the soil. Disc lightly in the spring just before planting taking care to get disc leveled properly fore and aft to get a nice smooth finish. Discing just prior to planting will provide a nice mellow seedbed and it's a good way to kill early weeds. The only thing that would prevent me from chiseling in the fall would be ground that was too wet.
IF you can get out there one afternoon when the sun has been shining for a few days and the corn stalks are total dry, hit them again with the disk.The stalks should shatter, almost explode when the disk hits them if conditions are right, then chisel plow.
if the ground is wet and you can't get the stalks powder dry go ahead and chisel as soon as you can
Chisel now. Soil sample in Spring then disc it. Then run a spike tooth harrow over it, followed by cultipacker.
In the spring I apply P&K as necessary on my alfalfa, and then run the cultipacker over it to push down rocks that the frost has heaved up.


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