O/T Wife is changing our bedroom

37 chief

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If there is a recession you wouldn't know it around our house. My wife decided she wanted everything new in our bedroom. We found a good good four poster bed in a second shop for around 250.00 that wasen't too bad. Now we needed a couple new dressers and a new matress. For what I paid for that stuff I could have bought a real good tractor. We had the carpet cleaned, I got off easy on that one, 60.00. What started everything, was the wife saw a show on dust mites that live in matresses. In all my 67 years sleeping I have never been attacked by these mites, so if they were in my matress they appear to be harmless. Next year I am going to need a few good mowing jobs to pay for all this. Life goes on. Stan
My wife is allergic to the little critters so we have a cover over the mattress that is supposidly dust mite proof. So, you could have saved alot of money by just buying a $20 cover that would have just trapped the critters in their old place instead of buying them a new home...LOL
She is getting everything new in the bed room except her husband, if I understand this correct. Keep up the complaining, and you might find out how expensive a wife or ex-wife can be.

Like I have said before, you never realy get to know a woman till you look her right in the eyes. IN A DIVORCE COURT.

Just a kiddin.
My wife remodeled our 6 year old house in San Diego while I was working overseas. What a surprise when I got home! She even had MY 2 car garage converted to a 5th bedroom + a utiliy rm.

Now we have 5 bedrooms for her, me and our 12 year old son.

I decided the only way we could get along was to sleep in separate bedrooms.

Her bedroom is still in San diego, my bedroom is in Wa.

We get along great now, especially since I got caller ID.
I just saw a little bit of dirty jobs yesterday. They were taking apart old matresses. New 90 lbs., used 120 lbs! Mostly dead skin but I think that's what the mites feed off of. Dave
(quoted from post at 19:08:07 11/17/09) What started everything, was the wife saw a show on dust mites that live in matresses.

TURN OFF THE TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or al least cancel cable TV before she realizes that they live in the entire house...... Who do you think finances shows like that? Not the auto industry... Stuff is real, but harmless (I hope) if you clean normal. My wife is the same way..

Boy are you Lucky my wife wanted a new mattress because the old one was 20 years old. But in great shape the kids I gave it to were sure happy.
The new one cost $2500.00 now that will make one think a lot about how long a mattress should last. think my gt. gt. grandkids will get this one and pass it on their grandkids.
I came home today to my wife having rearranged the bedroom furniture.

At least she didn't swap for a smaller bed, and I think I still have a warm place to sleep tonight. I think...

Wonder what I'll bump into if I get out of bed tonight?
Wait till she gets bored with the monotony of the paneling and paints that too.

Mine Did, and had me put up a border like a chair guard and papered the top half. in other rooms.
so it looks like wanescoating.
my wife is an interior designer, we have only owned this house for four years and have remodeled the first floor twice already. Her excuse is that it needs to look good for clients that stopby her home office. So I tell her that my tractors all need sprucing up to better appeal to my customers at the shop. But have yet to get the tractors in the design budget. worth the try.
I only live approximately 100 miles South, in line from you, I just have an Old fashion girl
that likes to change things. We didn't build, we are just making it our own.

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