OT: Nice day today!


Well-known Member
We had a good day here in NY today, 50 degrees. I worked on splitting wood for next years heating season, got 3 loads of logs this year, and Im about half way threw. Worst part, Im feeling it right now! What did you all do today, if you had good weather? J
had a little snow on the ground this morning,was the last day of the regular deer season ,so me and my kids went out for a few hours of hunting, then we cut 2 big loads of wood, NW Wisconsin
I was just about to head out to split some wood myself, but thought I would see what is new here first. Seams like we are burring wood earlier this year. You guys are lucky to be able to cut your wood from your land. Here in Calif I have to scrounge for wood. I usually watch craigs list for wood. I got a good load last week of dried hard wood.I drove to the location and I couldn't believe my eyes.The wood was on our old farm land. My Grand Mother planted the trees in the 20's. Not much left of the hills, but there was a few acres the developer had no need to disturb. It was right above our buildings. Our water tank foundation is still there. That wood trip brought back a few childhood memories. Stan
Dont feel bad Chief, I only cut the dead wood from our property, the rest I buy on tri axle trucks, about 7.5 cords to a truck. I wanna leave my trees here for me to enjoy awhile befor I may have to cut them down. But like you, I also still scrounge wood along the road sides that people put out for the town after a storm,,, Its funny how to them its yard waste on there property, to me its heat. I also hate how around here, land developers clear land for building and they just chip up the wood like tooth picks. Fire wood.... J. :)
Spent the day playing with the grandkids outside. Temps in the mid 80's today but it will change tomorrow. Got to see our newest grandson for the first time, now that made it a really great day!
Hi, Here in Omaha today it was about 40 , 43 kinda cool but I thought a very nice day.Put the Christmas ligts up for the wife, and still had time to finish my new workbench all in all a very nice day.
Close friend's Mother passed away. Dropped my plans to travel out of town to funeral. They had a nice service and dinner at the American Legion afterwards. Hope when my time comes that they have as nice an affair.Saturday was sure a beautiful day in Central Missouri.
I have cut 6 loads in the last two weeks. Someone down the road had a White Oak "Was at least 150 years old" fall in Barnyard The Butt cut was 42" at base & about 15' Tall would have made a good saw log except had wire in it. Already have wood for this year. Will start Splitting this for next year. I have 55 acres that I normaly cut fire wood on. But haven't had to cut on it this year.
hi there i burned a brush pile thats been waiting on me.then got everything ready for deer hunting tommorro shotgun season starts monday the 30th in ohio yeehaw. RICK

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